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It could be "typical Russian propaganda" If so, than why is the only counterpoint a bombastic denial by Rumainia's strong armed ally in Warsaw?

If Warsaw was not concerned with the developments in Russia, then why the rumors of a cooling in the relationship with Central Russia. There are even unsubstantiated reports that Poland is mobilizing along the Central Russian frontier. Maybe he just wants to scavenge the renmants of Central Russia while his ally to the south is engaged elsewhere, while there is no fear of resistance.

I wonder how this information if true will be received in Oslo,Stockholm, and Helsinki? Or, for that matter in Tunis and Algiers

I fully understand the motivation behind the denial. The Eastern European alliance has had things pretty much their own way. They do not believe any can stand in the way of their destiny. So much so that any potential negative news must be strongly censured. They do not want the rest of the world to start to believe any differantly.

Unfortunately for them, the people of Southern Russia already believe differantly. With the support of our loyal allies we have lit the lamp of freedom against the Eastern European oppression.

We ask the world. Do you believe Eastern Europe is "destined ", or in fulfilling your own?

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Further reports have come in concerning the relief of the starving people of xMerefa. The humanitarian efforts by the Southern Russian Army insuring this abhorant policy of starving civilians stopped immediately, was greeted with cheers and gratitude by the newly freed population.

One can only pray this was just an isolated example of Eastern European barbarism. Yet there are concerns for the people of Potlava as they have been under the Rumainian yoke for a longer period of time.

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It could be "typical Russian propaganda" If so, than why is the only counterpoint a bombastic denial by Rumainia's strong armed ally in Warsaw?

If Warsaw was not concerned with the developments in Russia, then why the rumors of a cooling in the relationship with Central Russia. There are even unsubstantiated reports that Poland is mobilizing along the Central Russian frontier. Maybe he just wants to scavenge the renmants of Central Russia while his ally to the south is engaged elsewhere, while there is no fear of resistance.

I wonder how this information if true will be received in Oslo,Stockholm, and Helsinki? Or, for that matter in Tunis and Algiers

I fully understand the motivation behind the denial. The Eastern European alliance has had things pretty much their own way. They do not believe any can stand in the way of their destiny. So much so that any potential negative news must be strongly censured. They do not want the rest of the world to start to believe any differantly.

Unfortunately for them, the people of Southern Russia already believe differantly. With the support of our loyal allies we have lit the lamp of freedom against the Eastern European oppression.

We ask the world. Do you believe Eastern Europe is "destined ", or in fulfilling your own?


Lol, now I have heard everything. The Russians "lighting the lamp of freedom". Stop it, your killing me.

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Newsflash: The Emperor of the Greater Italian Empire apparently got into a great fit this morning after reading the morning paper, then kicked his propaganda minister out the door while slapping the newspaper and shouting somethign like "...idiot... good example... lazy... write schoolpapers"


Rumours have it he currently has a vacany in his cabinet.

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Ahh the southern russian minister of disinformation is in full swing I see. It appears you believe in the 'keep repeating the same lie long enough and people will believe it' philosophy. As the Khan of Greater Bulgaria we are trying to unite all the Bulgarian people under one banner. The barbaric arab and turkish hordes have tried to thwart our plans. While their efforts have been many, so far they have been futile. We shall continue to fight them to preserve the civilized world from being overun. If you have chosen to ally with the barbaran ruffians, then my ally in Rumania has no choice but to make sure the barbarians of southern russia are put back under the rock they crawled out from under.

Thus sayeth the Khan of all the Bugarias

Now go away before I taunt you a second time.

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Now that is a politicians answer. Use a bunch of imflamatory words so the people will remember them and not the substance.

As for placing us back under the "rock we crawled out from" You never know what you may find turning over rocks. Sometimes, an unpleasent surprise crawls out from that rock. Not one you easily "put back".

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Now that is a politicians answer. Use a bunch of imflamatory words so the people will remember them and not the substance.

As for placing us back under the "rock we crawled out from" You never know what you may find turning over rocks. Sometimes, an unpleasent surprise crawls out from that rock. Not one you easily "put back".


Well, it looks like this is the truth. We had Polish children all over the country out picking up rocks, to see what crawled out. Sometimes they were little disgusting bugs, which they didn't care for, but occasionally, a slimy Southern Russian would crawl out. Fortunately, they were no match for the Polish children, who could easily crush them with their boot heel.

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Now that is a politicians answer. Use a bunch of imflamatory words so the people will remember them and not the substance.

As for placing us back under the "rock we crawled out from" You never know what you may find turning over rocks. Sometimes, an unpleasent surprise crawls out from that rock. Not one you easily "put back".

Nothing inflammatory, nothing political, just simply stating the truth, you just consider it inflammatory because you either don't understand, or don't like the truth.


The substance of the message is this, as the Leader of all the Bulgarian people, I will do what is best for the Bulgarian people. Either you are an ally of mine, or you are the enemy.


As far as the rocks, I have no intention of stooping down and turning them over. I shall simply roll over them with tanks and crush whatever is underneath. :python: (please note, I will, however, avoid any Polish children playing with rocks!) :)



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That Poland would have their children out picking up rocks paints a very believable picture . What is disturbing are the allusions of violence towards Southern Russian citizens. Is the Polish

leader indicating there are Southern Russian soldiers in Poland? Or is he inciting a genocide within his borders against non-combatants of Southern Russian descent?

Of course no one would ever suggest that the Khan of Bulgaria stoop down and pick up a rock! For a man of his opulant lifestyle there would be too great a chance for embarrassment.

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Of course no one would ever suggest that the Khan of Bulgaria stoop down and pick up a rock! For a man of his opulant lifestyle there would be too great a chance for embarrassment.

And there it is. You run out of facts to support your position, so you lie and hope nobody notices. Now go away as I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

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Of course no one would ever suggest that the Khan of Bulgaria stoop down and pick up a rock! For a man of his opulant lifestyle there would be too great a chance for embarrassment.

And there it is. You run out of facts to support your position, so you lie and hope nobody notices. Now go away as I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.


Hahaha, that's a good one.....

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That Poland would have their children out picking up rocks paints a very believable picture . What is disturbing are the allusions of violence towards Southern Russian citizens. Is the Polish

leader indicating there are Southern Russian soldiers in Poland? Or is he inciting a genocide within his borders against non-combatants of Southern Russian descent?

Of course no one would ever suggest that the Khan of Bulgaria stoop down and pick up a rock! For a man of his opulant lifestyle there would be too great a chance for embarrassment.


hehe, what I was indicating was that Polish children are more than a match for Southern Russian soldiers.

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