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Game 91


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Based on my latest SIM-POL's...Dag, pay attention!


Iceland and Ireland have no TA's...so stop connecting Iceland with those pinkos in the USA.

Poland TA'd to Italy, Bulgaria, and Rumania

Baltic States TA'd to N Russia.

Libya TA'd to Trans-Jordan and Saudi Arabia

Persia TA'd to S Russia and Iraq.

Saudi Arabia TA'd to T-J, Egypt, and Libya.


World Events

Austria DW Italy

Rumania DW Yugoslavia

Syria DW T-J

Yugoslavia DW Italy

Hungary DW Austria and Yugoslavia

France DW Austria

Lowlands DW France


And the fun has just begun! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

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Based on my latest SIM-POL's...Dag, pay attention!


Iceland and Ireland have no TA's...so stop connecting Iceland with those pinkos in the USA.

Poland TA'd to Italy, Bulgaria, and Rumania

Baltic States TA'd to N Russia.

Libya TA'd to Trans-Jordan and Saudi Arabia

Persia TA'd to S Russia and Iraq.

Saudi Arabia TA'd to T-J, Egypt, and Libya.


World Events

Austria DW Italy

Rumania DW Yugoslavia

Syria DW T-J

Yugoslavia DW Italy

Hungary DW Austria and Yugoslavia

France DW Austria

Lowlands DW France


And the fun has just begun! :woohoo::jawdrop::woohoo:


I'll up you the Hungarian turn:


Hungary has conquered xPollau from Austria

Hungary has declared war on Switserland



Things are getting crowded outside my front yard... :woohoo:

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Is Albania classified as Yugoslavia?

If so Yes :woohoo:


Alright, alright, i'll bring troops over and start having war there as well. I was content with watching the show to my north and securing some Croatian beach houses but you seem really intent on having a front there.... so be it! :woohoo:

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Looks like Egypt, Portugal and Persia have the comfort seats... :woohoo:


Consider this though, Egypt's phone is going to be ringing off the hook with urgent messages for help from Saudi Arabia, Trans-Jordan and probably Libya as well since they are all about to be feeling A LOT of serious pressure from all their not so friendly neighbors.


Persia is indeed in a very protected spot, but the questions is, what the hell is he going to do in the future. The most obvious option is for Southern Russia to make available a path or more accurately a series of locations that he can use to 'leapfrog' from Persia to the Central Russian border. Going south/west towards Saudi Arabia will only further congest an already very limited path into north Africa that Syria, Irag and UAE will already be joking for. It can be managed/worked out, but it's going to be a labor intensive endeavor for everyone involved.


Portugal is indeed safe for the foreseeable future, but he'll have to find some way to contribute. That will most likely happen as a naval force ready to amphibiously assault one or more places, for example in western France. He could also try to make his impact as an air power, but his POP definitely places limitations on his in this regard. Finally, Spain could give him a path through his own nation to the French border, but that would most likely require some imaginative management of the rail use in his nation as well.

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Looks like Egypt, Portugal and Persia have the comfort seats... :rolleyes:


*wiggles his ass on his comfortable seat* :cheers:


Don't get too comfortable. Your TA's won't take too kindly to a complacent TA. You'll actually have to work twice as hard to get into the mix on an equal footing with your TA's. Your incoming emails from them will have a very common theme. The jist will be, where are you, when are you getting here and what are you bringing?!? Good luck with that. Your performance in Game 88 left A LOT to be desired.

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Looks like Egypt, Portugal and Persia have the comfort seats... :rolleyes:


*wiggles his ass on his comfortable seat* :cheers:


Don't get too comfortable. Your TA's won't take too kindly to a complacent TA. You'll actually have to work twice as hard to get into the mix on an equal footing with your TA's. Your incoming emails from them will have a very common theme. The jist will be, where are you, when are you getting here and what are you bringing?!? Good luck with that. Your performance in Game 88 left A LOT to be desired.


:ranting::cheers: I thought I did very well in 88--that is, until I got overrun by you, CR, NR, and not to forget...BS!

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Looks like Egypt, Portugal and Persia have the comfort seats... :cheers:


*wiggles his ass on his comfortable seat* :cheers:


Don't get too comfortable. Your TA's won't take too kindly to a complacent TA. You'll actually have to work twice as hard to get into the mix on an equal footing with your TA's. Your incoming emails from them will have a very common theme. The jist will be, where are you, when are you getting here and what are you bringing?!? Good luck with that. Your performance in Game 88 left A LOT to be desired.


:cheers::ranting: I thought I did very well in 88--that is, until I got overrun by you, CR, NR, and not to forget...BS!


Oh, the mistakes you made. You could have lasted A LOT longer. We do appreciate you scrapping all your remaining forces though. That made the clean-up go all the more smoothly. :rolleyes:

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