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Guest Spongebob

Or Germans marching towards Copenhagen, whos bright idea was it to Double Cross Germany and invade? Oh yes Mine. And while im on the subject of self immolation. Arrrrrrrghhhhhh!!!!!!


How does the saying go.... Nothing ventured nothing gained, no more like Hell hath no fury like a Woman Scorned. Not that Im saying the leader of Germany is a Woman... no I would not say that, no point in making anything worse than it already is.


And where the hell is LOWLANDS, I know hes a bit battered and bruised but please get on the dog and bone brother.


Okay who else Can I have a pop at. Yes, here goes. - If anyone in the East has a few odd divisions of old men and boys they can send to the front then send them to Germany. His whole army and airforce is now pointing towards Greater Spongistan. Free land, the only opposition you will find are women with pitch forks and sheep, if your into that kind of thing.


Oh my head, so many voices, so little sense.


Ok Sponge signing off and sending orders to the front to continue pushing forward, We must destroy as much of Germany as we can before defeat.


One final thing. Iceland I know who you are and what your upto, keep orf moi lannnd and out of the Faeroes. I need them for my eventual government in exile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No new RWE => No new map

xMurmansk changed hands... :explode:


Only Murmansk? Well, you still hang on to your Finnish gains then... kudos to that against three opponents!

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n russia continues to lose ground...not sure why the Finns aren't reclaiming their land


Err... isn't he your operational (as opposed to intel-share-only)TA? I'd say being someone's operational TA means discussing strategy with them. Not everyone broadcasts it but surely most will answer when asked.


Around turn 25 i'm going to ask all you northeners to give me your turn 1-15 army unit locations, so i can make a rolling map of the Finnish Winter War to complement my Balkan Ablaze map-o-rama. Wanted also the M.-E., but i hear TJ already gaven up so that's not exciting. :(

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New Map:




- Northern Russia, Baltic states and Canada all seem to be in trouble.

- I would not be surprised if there are some hidden alliances out there. Can't imagine the USA, Iceland AND Ireland being un-TA'd.

- Some new wars in the RWE that I can't place.

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