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Game 92


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Well hello Marklan, how is the used car business? People who really know me can vouch for the fact that I have no shortage of guts.

I even have them when I'm not hiding behind my allies.




Wouldn't know, never sold a car in my life, unless you count trading one in. I figured after you were found out in 84 and immediately dropped with a powerful position, you would be gone for good. I look forward to spilling some of your guts, if you care to come visit me.

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Not fair, now you guys made me look for the Vic84 thread and find that there isn't one!


So what allegedly happened in Vic84, or before that, that made being 'found out' a reason to drop? Did he TA to Spongy?!?

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Not fair, now you guys made me look for the Vic84 thread and find that there isn't one!


So what allegedly happened in Vic84, or before that, that made being 'found out' a reason to drop? Did he TA to Spongy?!?


Actually, the old threads are still there, but the forum is filtered by default not to show anything that hasn't been changed in the last 90 days.

The thread you want to read is this one: http://www.rollingth...?showtopic=1951


What is comes down to is that some players were offering to not defend their country in exchange for the same favor in another game. Despicable if you ask me, but there's not much we can do about it. I never looked at who the players involved were, because I don't want to know. I would never agree to such a deal, and if someone wants to win a game sooo bad that he would resort to things like this, I'd just drop the game and let them have fun on their own.

Fortunately, I don't think anything like this is happening in this game, and I would rather not start the duscussion on this all over again. If you must, please start another thread so I can ignore it.

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Hamish, you have doubtless noticed that in the game as it is now, people sometimes try to use personal attacks to drive other people from the game.

I find it disgusting but the game is no longer like it was in 1994 when I first joined it. Marklan X was not part of the bad blood that affected game 84, but he got information second and third hand, and he ran with it.




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From what I hear Lowlands is the first dropout. Who's next?


Not me!




And who are you?


I'm Canada, Mickey. I am starting a new business, so for the past nine months I've been swamped and haven't even looked at the boards.

I have however been playing the game continuously, because this is a great game. Twice through the years I have taken over positions in North America, but I had never started a game in Canada or USA. Everyone told me that Canada is very difficult to play so I decided to try it.

I also have a few good customers in Canada, so this made it more interesting to me.




I may try that in V93... :)

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Hamish, you have doubtless noticed that in the game as it is now, people sometimes try to use personal attacks to drive other people from the game.

I find it disgusting but the game is no longer like it was in 1994 when I first joined it. Marklan X was not part of the bad blood that affected game 84, but he got information second and third hand, and he ran with it.





Actually Race, you are not telling the truth. You were accused of cheating in that game, and I defended you. It is all in the thread, if somebody cares to check it. I did not believe such accusations should be made without proof.I have never publicly accused you of the things many believe you did. However, when you were unable to make a deal with me and my TA's, you and all your TA's just up and quit despite owning almost half the map. My conclusion from that was that if you had to fight for it, you didn't want it. Either way, it ruined the game for all the players still playing, as we spent the next 25 turns fighting the computer. I don't know to this day whether you cheated or not, and am not accusing you of doing so, but you and all your TA's dropping at the same time was one of the poorest examples of sportsmanship I have witnessed in Victory! At least two long term players, who are excellent players with past wins, have quit playing because of that game.

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Marklan, I will take you at your word and give you your explanation. After this post I will not discuss game 84 anymore because I have a lot of bad memories about that game and the things that were done and said. I was TA to Romania, Switzerland, Sweden and Northern Russia.

Northern Russia was a problem the whole game because he wasn't turning his moves in. He is a friend who liked the idea of the game better than the game itself, if you understand what I mean. He was always late and I was always calling him to prompt him to submit his turns.


Romania was utterly destroyed in a war against his neighbors. There was nothing left of him by the time we got to turn 30.


Sweden and I (Baltic States) had played many games together, he is an old ally. Sweden was very worried about his job in December 2009 - January 2010, he works in the auto industry.


I was also worried about my own financial position. I had taken a 10% pay cut and the company I worked at was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.


That was the picture when the Victory server crashed and we were all told the game would no longer be available. If I remember correctly, we went about a month under that impression.


When it later became clear that the game would continue my little group never recovered. Romania was already long dead, Sweden didn't want to continue playing because of his financial concerns, I had similar concerns and I also wasn't enjoying the game because of all the bad blood that had spilled over from game 83 into 84. Northern Russia had never been a reliable player, he just didn't have the time to play Victory. Switzerland quit because we did, I think 84 was his second game and he hasn't played since.


I was also in talks with both Greece and Czechoslovakia and I can't say why Greece dropped but I know that Czech had become inconsistent also because he was running three businesses and he didn't have time to play either. He hasn't played since either to the best of my knowledge.


Now that this is all cleared up, I would appreciate you showing your support again and judging me in this game based on my actions in regard to you or anyone else in this game. I also ask that you not bring the problems from game 84 into game 92 so that I and others here can enjoy this game.



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Meh, those Austrians are clearly cheating as well... they have more divisions in Czechoslovakia defending against Greater Germany than in their homeland defending against the Italians and the Swiss border patrols! :python:


Czechoslovakia thus has 37 defending divisions in her territory in turn 6... a nice challenge for Greater Germany including her autonomous province of Switzerland! :D:cannon:

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Guest Spongebob

I think you should all shut up and talk about me now. I am far more important. I have played in virtually every game since 73 and before that in the teens when i was but a tiny sponge. I have never won anything, I once played 38 positions in one game, I bribed Russ with large pots of gold, I caused the somalia crisis as a distraction, I wrote and came 34th in the Eurovision song contest in 2009 and even after all this I still have not won. I think the only way anyone can win at this game is to actually follow the rules, thats were I have gone wrong you see, I have not read the rules. :)

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a nice challenge for Greater Germany including her autonomous province of Switzerland! :D


Err... province? Switzerland has more territories in swiss occupied Germany than in Switzerland, so I would say: Greater switzerland and swiss occupied germany including the independent German provinces.

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Marklan, I will take you at your word and give you your explanation. After this post I will not discuss game 84 anymore because I have a lot of bad memories about that game and the things that were done and said. I was TA to Romania, Switzerland, Sweden and Northern Russia.

Northern Russia was a problem the whole game because he wasn't turning his moves in. He is a friend who liked the idea of the game better than the game itself, if you understand what I mean. He was always late and I was always calling him to prompt him to submit his turns.


Romania was utterly destroyed in a war against his neighbors. There was nothing left of him by the time we got to turn 30.


Sweden and I (Baltic States) had played many games together, he is an old ally. Sweden was very worried about his job in December 2009 - January 2010, he works in the auto industry.


I was also worried about my own financial position. I had taken a 10% pay cut and the company I worked at was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.


That was the picture when the Victory server crashed and we were all told the game would no longer be available. If I remember correctly, we went about a month under that impression.


When it later became clear that the game would continue my little group never recovered. Romania was already long dead, Sweden didn't want to continue playing because of his financial concerns, I had similar concerns and I also wasn't enjoying the game because of all the bad blood that had spilled over from game 83 into 84. Northern Russia had never been a reliable player, he just didn't have the time to play Victory. Switzerland quit because we did, I think 84 was his second game and he hasn't played since.


I was also in talks with both Greece and Czechoslovakia and I can't say why Greece dropped but I know that Czech had become inconsistent also because he was running three businesses and he didn't have time to play either. He hasn't played since either to the best of my knowledge.


Now that this is all cleared up, I would appreciate you showing your support again and judging me in this game based on my actions in regard to you or anyone else in this game. I also ask that you not bring the problems from game 84 into game 92 so that I and others here can enjoy this game.




Ok Race, I am allright with giving you a chance at redemption. BTW, Greece dropped because I killed him and his Bulgarian ally, though he put up a nice fight.

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