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Yes, the Swiss were so flabbergasted by being declared war upon by Northern Russia despite plausible explanations that it was just a typo (complete the following: NR is at war with Baltic States and Finland who are TA's of Canada, Iceland and Sweden, so NR declares war on Canada, Iceland and Sw...?) that they came to their Big Brother Of The North and asked to be assimilated, which we gladly did.


From now on, all references to Switzerland, the Swiss or Sweden and the Swedes are to be replaced by Germany and German(s). The latter to make sure no further confusion of countries with the same starting letters will occur anymore.


Everyone knows that Swedes are just Germans trying to act like regular people.



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Central Europe sure is a jumble, glad I am not there.


Aah, but what an exciting jumble it is! :woohoo:


Five countries fighting five countries, evenly matched!


Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Romania battling a rag-tag alliance of Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland and Germany. It seemed at first like Hungary was going to be crushed by a 3:1 overrun and Bulgaria by a 2:1 attack, but the intervention of Italy, Germany and Switzerland prevented that from fully happening, with the battles all over the place roughly splitting into three separate show-downs:


* Germany and Switzerland attacked Austria and Czechoslovakia, preventing them from overrunning Hungary together with Romania. A vivid tag-team fight now developed with the center of gravity in Czechoslovakia, where around 60 divisions of all four nations are battling it out. The Austria/Czech divisions outnumber their opponents, but have been split in several non-communicating pockets by the qualitatively superior units of Greater Germany who also enjoy near total air superiority. A secondary front lies around Bellinzona/Innsbruck, where mountain divisions and a few Swiss airborne units maneuver to get the best defensive ground and offensive possibilities. So far, Germany/Switzerland seem to have the upper hand primarily because the Czech economy is cut in four and some minor cities taken, but the big battles are yet to come.


* Greece and Yugoslavia attacked Bulgaria, who actually got in the first shot by conquering Salonica but who since then lost his capital to Yugoslavia and several key provinces to the Greek counter-offensive. Italy intervened with troops in Albania and a strong push into northern Yugoslavia blunting the Yugo/Greek offensive, but after initial successes is struggling against the counterattacks of the fast-growing Yugoslav army. The battle is also waged on the seas, where Yugoslavian marines managed to slip through to attack Italy while Bulgarian and Italian battle fleets face off against the Greek navy inflicting significant losses in ships and port city production. So far, the balance seems to be tilting slowly towards the Yugo/Greek tag-team which has a clear production advantage by virtue of capturing xSofia, but anything can happen still.


* This leaves Hungary and Romania, who went head to head in a classic 1-on-1 battle in which there has been no outside interference whatsoever. Hungary struck first and managed to catch an armored corps by surprise in a Romanian border city, but Romania struck back by penetrating deep into the Hungarian homeland disrupting some of the Hungarian production. It's all up in the air who will win that struggle, and most likely it will be decided from the outside.



Battle on! :cannon:

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