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Game 92


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I have to admire Monty's persistence. Even though he didn't want to be my ally, and attacked me, choosing instead an undifferentiated sessile ally without a backbone, Monty has earned my respect. He just keeps coming.


So far, the extent of Spongiform's "rescue" was the killing of my Marshal Rongway Gyllenstjema in their surprise attack on the tattered remains of one division that Rongway was trying to direct to safety. He should have taken that right turn at Fagernes. The Darwinian process being what it is, we shall endeavor to find a replacement that CAN read a map.


Still waiting to see what Spongie has up his sleeve, his machinations apparently take awhile to bear fruit. I know it must be more than three divisions after all these turns of talking about it.



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Lets get one this straight, I did not choose the Sponge as an Ally I picked Northern Russia. Sponge has his uses and I admit this game I have taken my eye off the ball and now fight an uphill battle, it makes it fun does it not mike. I had to get other support and Sponge was willing and able, okay maybe not able but definatly willing to try and help out. He may have no backbone but he has balls the size of bulldozers. Who else would be daft enough to sail the seas with German tech.


Sponge is a devious cunning snake in the grass and he will have something up his sleave, he always does, I would expect the unexpected. I do, he is a force of nature and a law unto himself and once your defeated, which you will be then I fully expect the Sponge to hit self destruct and I will be forced to put him down.

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Sponge is a devious cunning snake in the grass and he will have something up his sleave, he always does, I would expect the unexpected. I do, he is a force of nature and a law unto himself and once your defeated, which you will be then I fully expect the Sponge to hit self destruct and I will be forced to put him down.


Are there more Sponges out there that I do not know about? Because for the Sponge I know, the description does not seem to fit.

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Sponge is a devious cunning snake in the grass and he will have something up his sleave, he always does, I would expect the unexpected. I do, he is a force of nature and a law unto himself and once your defeated, which you will be then I fully expect the Sponge to hit self destruct and I will be forced to put him down.


Are there more Sponges out there that I do not know about? Because for the Sponge I know, the description does not seem to fit.


I am having difficulty with this picture also. How would a snake with balls the size of bulldozers even move? Does he roll around in the grass?

The minds eye sees something rather amusing, rather than menacing.



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Guest Spongebob

Oi Monty your not doing me any favours here, come to think of it your not doing yourself any. Shut it or I will send my armour divisions further into Germany and leave you to fend for yourself. I may like doing the unexpected but expect this... shut up or die! :(

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Ha-ha, there's more to it than meets the eye, Slicer. There may be no hostilities yet, but the war is real. It's a time-bomb with a set timer, and Spongy knows the clock is ticking. :nuke::cannon:

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Guest Spongebob

I have never been very good at telling the time but the Sausage lover is right, I have a short time to save Norway then he is on his own. Then again if I succeed... ;)

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I have never been very good at telling the time but the Sausage lover is right, I have a short time to save Norway then he is on his own. Then again if I succeed... ;)

I think you should publicly announce your proposed withdrawal date from Norway so that we can anticipate your withdrawal, feigning cooperation and comradeship until then.


I could officially make you Frenemies of Greater Sweden Bob, you and all your little sponge allies. Think of it Sponge, you could have a title not repeated with derision. You could be someone, for a limited time anyway. Signal your acceptance by throwing another fleet of Transports into range. :) Lucky thing you are willing to throw your troops into the meat grinder now that Norway has sacrificed nearly all of his. Since he has almost none left, yours may become a bit higher on the target list however.




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Guest Spongebob

Word from the front is your planes got grounded, bad weather maybe? or did you forget to send in the orders.


We will be withdrawing from Sweden on September 30th. As you will not believe a word I say I can spout a million truths for your pleasure and distraction. The Danish Ministry of Ship Building has reported production exceeds demand so I can send more ships in your direction for your pilots to practice against, thats if they can get off the ground. I undertand Stockholm has a great firing range ;)


The Norwegen Minister of War came to see me the other day, he said that the Quality of the Norwegen forces would be far better than the old men and small boys currently filling the ranks of the Swedish Army. He assures me that prisoners will be taken and only the ones carrying real weapons will be shot.


Intelligence officers have interogated a captured General, he was most talkative and revealed the location of Airbases, Armies composition and location as well as Stolen stockpiles. This information will allow a swift end to hostile Swedes.


News from Finland is all good - oooops, no help from there then :)


All in all the War goes well for Denmark.


One final question, it was the weather was'nt it, go on you can tell me. You cannot have been so stupid as to not send in the right orders or not supply them with fuel. Confess and I may let your forces live. Its 88 time :P

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Lesson of the week: do not try to defend a plains-type country with infantry-type units. <_<


That's a lesson Algeria learned too. Don't attack mountain divisions in the mountains using infantry, and don't attack mechanized divisions in the desert using cavalry. It just doesn't work, even if you do have more divisions. :)

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Lesson of the week: do not try to defend a plains-type country with infantry-type units. <_<


... and don't attack mechanized divisions in the desert using cavalry. It just doesn't work, even if you do have more divisions. :)


What an effective way to deliver hot fresh steak to the Panzer troops in North Africa! :python:


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