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Game 92


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I think you have a bit of a misconception about Morocco and her forces here. Morocco didn't have a breath in hell's chance to withstand Spain in turn 15!


When Spain popped up, around turn 15, Algeria was in full retreat and Morocco had virtually no offensive forces. She had the option of either fighting against Spain while Algeria defended against Tunisia (and Egypt) which she would surely lose, or working with Spain who offered her a lets-go-east-together option. Given the choice between fighting against Spain (obviously bigger) and working with Spain against her original target, i don't see that as playing kingmaker that she chose life. You could discuss it about Algeria, but Algeria didn't operate as singular country there anymore but as extention of her TA Morocco. It made no sense for Algeria to have her few mobile divisions crushed by the ally of her TA instead of throwing them against the enemy of her TA. If she operated in isolation of the rest of the world, you could see it as kingmakership, but given Algeria is bound by TA-link to do what's best for her TA's, it's only logical she used up her last forces against Tunisia, the enemy of her TA Morocco, and not against Spain, the ally of her TA Morocco.




* you're not being 'accused' of wanting to conquer Africa anymore than anyone else is 'accused' of wanting to conquer more territory. Nothing more logical than you kicking the ass of your attackers and trying to take over their countries. That doesn't change the fact that taking those countries does indeed pose a threat to the existance of those countries! :D


* Portugal went six provinces deep into Spain before Spain stopped her. Miraeng fought hard but simply was outclassed by the fact that Spain had a TA that gve intel while he had not, meaning any holes in his lines were quickly exploited and Portugal is very vulnerable due to lack of depth.


* Nations are female, even if their players may not be female. ;)


Morocco still has a long way to go before she can commence serious offensive/mobile operations, so it's basically 2:1 (plus some minor harassment from Algeria/Morocco/Ireland) in Algeria. Make it an epic African war like in Vic87! :beer:

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* Nations are female, even if their players may not be female. ;)


Except of course the Fatherland (Vaterland) -- Germany is male :blush:

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Algeria was already dying? That's history being rewritten..... Algeria and Libya declared war on me, and they gave Morocco an airbase and territory on my border. I only declared war on Morocco to prevent her from moving armies there. I don't think any other country fought Algeria in this game but me, but you say Algeria was already dying?

If they hadn't screwed up their assaults the way they did I would not be here to tell about it. But they did and here I am. Unfortunately Morocco and Algeria decided that screwing up this game by giving up their country to Spain was more fun than to just try to defend against anyone invading them. Algeria attacking me at xBrezina while Spain was taking xBayadh with a couple of divisions is just an example.


And now GB has finally shown how trustworthy this alliance is? I just hope Morocco realizes that Spain is just using her and if he succeeds in conquering Algeria, she is next. If she does, it would make things even more interesting in North Africa. Since I have never directly attacked a Moroccan army, she must have plenty of divisions ready to push Spain out of her country, yet she refuses to do so. Instead she is bombing me (or my allies since I put up that FC) and letting Spain rail lots of divisions into Africa. Amazing how such a silly small decision not to play like you should can affect the balance of the game.


GB has not done one untrustworthy thing in this game, bucko. On turn 4, my plans to attack Ireland were interrupted when I received a missive fromt he Irish leader explaining he was a newbie to the game. Being a guy who likes to help newbies, and promote the game, I told him I would not attack him before turn 20, and we would see what happens after that.


The problem now is, nations in victory! are like sharks. They have to keep swimming or die. We must keep adding production, or suffer the same fate. I have still done nothing to the Irish, and it is turn 25, so explain your comment about Britain proving how untrustworthy they are.

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Hopefully, someone can convince the Brit guy to NOT commit Hari-Kari against Ireland.

His and Ireland resources would be much better targetted against Canada-Iceland.


This led me to believe that a war had erupted between Britain and Ireland. I apologize if I was mistaken.


P.S. Mike B, it's Hara-Kiri as far as I know. Wikipedia tells me the official term is Seppuku.


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Heh, in no way am i trying to belittle the excellent achievement of Tunisia in fending of a 2-against-1 (3-against-1 if counting Lybia) attack and turning the tables on the Algrian/Moroccan team. You fought very well, turning it round and taking the battle to Algerian soil. When Spain intervened, you had already overrun eastern Algeria, isolated Algiers (it still is) and taken all but one of the major cities in western Algeria while your buddy Egypt began advancing through Algeria in the south, heading towards the oil fields. THAT was the situation Spain dove into, and THAT is a situation of Algeria already dying; had Spain remained in Europe, Algeria would have been gone in a few turns.


I do not see how you call getting some real resistance 'screwing up this game' though... that's a very personalized attack statement showing a lot of frustration. Spain had planned going to Africa from the beginning of the game, as she was practically cut off from the rest of mainland Europe by France being her TA and Italy being the terrain it is. The first idea, when we saw the political lay-out of Africa/Middle-East, was to fight with Egypt and her remaining TA's against a Moroccan/Algerian/Libian mass that would have just finished eating up Tunisia. However, around turn 12-15, when the preparations for activities in Spain were done, it had already become clear that the bigger group was low on experience and was being beaten up without a breath of a chance, with Tunisia (and Egypt) becoming the opponents-to-beat for Spain to expand in the mid-/long term. The simplest way would have been to invade Morocco and take that production before turning east, we had little doubt Spain could do that as she'd had the extra production of Portugal for 10 turns already.

However, several deliberations, not all of which i'm going to expand on here, made Spain offer Morocco to work alongside her and have a good shot at finishing the game. I wil be happy to discuss/explain this more off-line, but suffice to say Spain offered Morocco a lifeline and she took it, which makes perfect sense for her.


Uptick: this makes the war in Africa a 2-on-2 contest, both sides controlling roughly 3,5-4 countries worth of production, which in my view is much more interesting than you eating up the entire continent with twelve more legendary fortresses with INF/AAA filling being your only opposition. This, coupled with the rising war in the Med, where Turkey, France and Greece will chime in, should make this a very interesting game. Just as much as i as Germany look forward to the war extravaganza of Hungary, Poland, Northern Russia and perhaps even Sweden bearing down on poor little Greater Germany, with Switzerland coming to my aid after he transferred the war against Yugoslavia to france after France beat Italy who currently... etc.!!! Man, with a grand Atlantic/North Sea war in the making as well where Canada, Iceland and Sweden will be taking on Great Britain and the German battle fleet, this is shaping up to be an epic game!!! :woohoo::cannon:


I see i have to set sail to the Italian beaches, love pizza too :)

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Hopefully, someone can convince the Brit guy to NOT commit Hari-Kari against Ireland.

His and Ireland resources would be much better targetted against Canada-Iceland.


This lead me to believe that a war had erupted between Britain and Ireland. I apologize if I was mistaken.


P.S. Mike B, it's Hara-Kiri as far as I know. Wikipedia tells me the official term is Seppuku.


Is Japan joining in too :huh: . This is really an interesting game

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Hopefully, someone can convince the Brit guy to NOT commit Hari-Kari against Ireland.

His and Ireland resources would be much better targetted against Canada-Iceland.


This led me to believe that a war had erupted between Britain and Ireland. I apologize if I was mistaken.


P.S. Mike B, it's Hara-Kiri as far as I know. Wikipedia tells me the official term is Seppuku.



Heh, same thing one is writing, other speech, same characters.


Given the GB-Ireland match-up, it would more aptly be called a 神風.

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Hopefully, someone can convince the Brit guy to NOT commit Hari-Kari against Ireland.

His and Ireland resources would be much better targetted against Canada-Iceland.


This led me to believe that a war had erupted between Britain and Ireland. I apologize if I was mistaken.


P.S. Mike B, it's Hara-Kiri as far as I know. Wikipedia tells me the official term is Seppuku.





Heh, same thing one is writing, other speech, same characters.


Given the GB-Ireland match-up, it would more aptly be called a 神風.

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Hopefully, someone can convince the Brit guy to NOT commit Hari-Kari against Ireland.

His and Ireland resources would be much better targetted against Canada-Iceland.


This led me to believe that a war had erupted between Britain and Ireland. I apologize if I was mistaken.


P.S. Mike B, it's Hara-Kiri as far as I know. Wikipedia tells me the official term is Seppuku.



Heh, same thing one is writing, other speech, same characters.


Given the GB-Ireland match-up, it would more aptly be called a 神風.





Heh, Mike apparently thinks of your imminent attack more in terms of 自爆 (Jibaku), but i disagree. Go and keep our shores safe, 神風 (Kami-kaze)!

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Grrr, the Russian Bear apparently feels he can take Konigsberg now i kicked him out of his pirate hole of xDanzig. We'll see what my Junkers have to say about that, time to make new plans for bomber command! :cannon:


Hmm, while i'm at it, maybe time to make new bombers as well! :joker::nuke:

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for the record:

Algeria initiated the attack against Tunis...expecting support from Libya and Morocco.

The first attack by Algerian troops failed.

Algeria then compounded her error by building all her remaining arm points into the front line.

BEFORE supply could be provided...BAD BAD BAD

Tunis had conquered the province where the troops were built. Hence, Algeria was set to die on turn 4.


Egypt took the initiative to fight Libya...while the Libya forces were on other side of Libya.

how quaint.


Now, Algeria is virtually toast...offering up intelligence to Morocco and Spain.(Nov 12 turn 25ish)

Morocco is positioning itself to fight Egypt in the south.


stalemate anyone?

The big story is the pluckiness of the Algerians and the continued defence of xAlgiers.

byway...has anyone noticed TransJordan xAmman falling?


...from one who has family knowledge of the events.

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Hamish.(message #750)

yes, actions of Morocco - Algeria in favour of Spain were somewhat gamey.

What you did not know was that your TAs trashed their friends @ TransJordan and Iraq. Saudia and UAE were set to assist ...an effort to cross direct to

Greece/Italy. Perhaps this was a poorly thought jihad and not appropriate to this game system.


The reaction(no reply to emails) to you was more as a spite to your TA group than a preference for Spain's lifeline in our first game.

There was also the perceived threat of early game intelligence leaks at the time.


friendly encounters with Britain and Germany were also much appreciated.


version of Chris(Morocco) told to Mike B(C Russia)


hope this somewhat relaxes your frustration.

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