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Game 92


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Egypt has declared war on Saudi Arabia

Tunisia has declared war on Morocco

Austria has declared war on Hungary

Northern Russia has conquered xJuuka from Finland

Yugoslavia has conquered xSofia from Bulgaria

France has conquered xLux from Lowlands

Norway has declared war on Baltic States

Rumania has declared war on Hungary

Switzerland has declared war on Austria

Switzerland has declared war on Rumania

Switzerland has declared war on Czechoslovakia

Persia has declared war on Iraq

Libya has declared war on Tunisia

Great Britain has declared war on Portugal

Syria has conquered xTelaviv from Trans-Jordan

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You're such a failure... i said AMPHIBIOUS assault, not ambiguous assault... -_-


There is no ambiguity in my ubiquitous assaults, Herr Kolmer,

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Guest Spongebob



You're such a failure... i said AMPHIBIOUS assault, not ambiguous assault... -_-


There is no ambiguity in my ubiquitous assaults, Herr Kolmer,


A sausage lover and a clock maker, you two should get a room.... just leave me out of it

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Fleets shouldn't try and sail across the tarmac anyways... should stick to the seas! :D


Mike, if i were you i'd start worrying about my back door... seems your buddy covering your rear already lost his number 2 AND number 3 city now... a third of his ARM-production gone, that must hurt!

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Fleets shouldn't try and sail across the tarmac anyways... should stick to the seas! :D


Mike, if i were you i'd start worrying about my back door... seems your buddy covering your rear already lost his number 2 AND number 3 city now... a third of his ARM-production gone, that must hurt!


I agreed to be his Ally so I will fight for his defense if need be!



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Monty, it seems your fleet has had an accident. You didn't quite get to my airfield, did you think I would be defenseless?

Sweden will be a mass grave for your invading forces and my Berserker brigades will retaliate with vengeance.




It is but a small set back. I hold 7 of your provinces to you holding 1 of mine and this will have hampered your ability to develop weapons of mass destruction. Our troops will continue to search your nation for these weapons and will not stop until we find them.


My fleet may have suffered at the hands of your defenses but they cannot hold out against further continued attacks, we will find your WMDs.


I did not know the location of your airfield but thanks for confirming this to me, once we have liberated your people your leaders will stand trial and the revelation of this information will be taken into account when sentence is passed.

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My Berserker Batallions will yet foil your fiendish plans Monty!


Now that your Navy has been dealt with we will sack your capitol and burn your throne to ashes.


Too bad you cannot reach my bombers before they blast your defenders to bits and I take your capitol with my second Mech. Division that is now FULL STRENGTH.


That's like losing your farm to a pair of jacks. How does that feel?



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