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Game 92


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a nice challenge for Greater Germany including her autonomous province of Switzerland! :D


Err... province? Switzerland has more territories in swiss occupied Germany than in Switzerland, so I would say: Greater switzerland and swiss occupied germany including the independent German provinces.


Silence, Underling! I keel you!!!

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What about the Spongistan occupied German provinces? I need them to fund the war in Scandinavia.


Yes, i will make sure that Spongistan will also benefit from being unified under the Greater German Econosphere. Funds are allocated very efficiently within the no-nonsense planned economy of the Reich... no APD done on IMDL-10 provinces here!

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The seaweed is always greener

In somebody else's lake

You dream about going up there

But that is a big mistake

Just look at the world around you

Right here on the ocean floor

Such wonderful things surround you

What more is you lookin' for?


( Anthem of the Spongestan Navy)



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Well you have lost yet more land to my classic split Sweden into 3 strategy. I commend you on your belief you will survive this but you must surely know you cannot. Your AICs are shot, your forces weak, your strategy flawed. Save your people, we will feed them, surrender now.


Thank-you for leaving your stockpile and ARM plants intact in xTrondheim. My war ministers are already making use of them and appreciate the extra production now that you have completely cut up our AIC networks.


If you notice the Swedish Navy at sea, please allow our ships to pass; they are on a rescue mission. Also, we anticipate a surplus of cleaning sponges, and my Navy will be selling them at bottom of the sea prices. ;)



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I trust i will not see Swedish navy in any conspicuous way off my coasts... i like to keep my beaches clean, and have the elite ship to enforce it!


(Ok, so one elite Roeder does not a battlefleet make, but i'm working on it! :joker: )

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I trust i will not see Swedish navy in any conspicuous way off my coasts... i like to keep my beaches clean, and have the elite ship to enforce it!


(Ok, so one elite Roeder does not a battlefleet make, but i'm working on it! :joker: )


Mickey, please, I didn't mean to make all those sponges wash up on your beaches. It wasn't intentional I assure you! I have contacted Greenpeace and they are sending a boat with a big dip net. We will have this mess cleaned up in no time. Fortunately the sponge is a clean creature, so you should have no worries of decay or disease. Thank goodness it wasn't the Cod Navy or the Grouper Navy!



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Guest Spongebob

(cry) (sob) (whale) - Whale, did you see that. Well thats it, im defeated again, no point continuing, your on your own Norway I'm not sticking around here to get another whuppin, its hard enough to survive in 91 - Adios.

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(cry) (sob) (whale) - Whale, did you see that. Well thats it, im defeated again, no point continuing, your on your own Norway I'm not sticking around here to get another whuppin, its hard enough to survive in 91 - Adios.

My War Ministers tell me that was a small fry more than 5 turns of production from a single shipyard. We were certain those ships were meant for no good, you should tell your troops not to hang "Next Stop Goteborg" banners on the sides of their transports for future campaigns.



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Guest Spongebob

Well next stop is Goteborg and you cannot stop Norway taking it and you cannot stop him giving it to me and you cannot stop me landing lots and lots and LOTS of Sponges and lets start the countdown to the famous JU88s who are going to rape your armies of the will to live.

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Well next stop is Goteborg and you cannot stop Norway taking it and you cannot stop him giving it to me and you cannot stop me landing lots and lots and LOTS of Sponges and lets start the countdown to the famous JU88s who are going to rape your armies of the will to live.


True, but I have stopped you from getting there. For now anyway.



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The seaweed is always greener

In somebody else's lake

You dream about going up there

But that is a big mistake

Just look at the world around you

Right here on the ocean floor

Such wonderful things surround you

What more is you lookin' for?


( Anthem of the Spongestan Navy)



Ok Sebastian.... (yes, I have little ones)

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The seaweed is always greener

In somebody else's lake

You dream about going up there

But that is a big mistake

Just look at the world around you

Right here on the ocean floor

Such wonderful things surround you

What more is you lookin' for?


( Anthem of the Spongestan Navy)



Ok Sebastian.... (yes, I have little ones)



Yes Sebastian is the funny one. But he has to watch out for the crazy cook. ;)

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