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Game 92


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All this CL-stuff wouldn't be so annoying if it weren't for my little autonomous province of Switzerland being caught in the DW-crossfire... <_<


I have it on good authority that a diplomat is on his way from Russia as we speak carrying cake, chocolate, booze, flowers and a humble appology for the distress caused now can someone find out who has xGoteborg as it seems Spongie made a mistake, instead of building Ju88s he has built a vast quantity of Air Transports and his Airborne troops need to drop in on that port.


We will drink good (Swedish) Vodka and toast your diplomat over a large bonfire in the woods.



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Guest Spongebob

Yes... well <_< Its an easy mistake to make. Ju88 and Ju52 are very similar and close on the keyboard. Personally I blame the guy building the planes, hes was called Kevin, now he is dead. I fed him to the Pigs. So what do I do now with these Ju52s, well I now have to wait for T10 until I get some minature Airborne troops to drop on the Swedes Swede. I am sure Monty can hold out till I come to the rescue. Just as a matter of interest who did you Cede xGoteborg to, I'll find out anyway so you may as well gloat and spill the beans.

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You are proving to be a right royal pain in the *(&*$$£^%&^&$£$^%$ Arrrrrrraagggggghhhhh!!!!! (Calm down, dont get angry, get even)


I wonder what would make you even more upset than my last bit of good news? What's this? The other half of the Danish fleet has been located?

WHERE??? Release the hounds!! All of them!! And grab the dip nets, there will be vast numbers of sponges on the open ocean needing rescue tonight!


The Swedish air force will darken your Danish skies with our just retribution!



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Yes... well <_< Its an easy mistake to make. Ju88 and Ju52 are very similar and close on the keyboard. Personally I blame the guy building the planes, hes was called Kevin, now he is dead. I fed him to the Pigs. So what do I do now with these Ju52s, well I now have to wait for T10 until I get some minature Airborne troops to drop on the Swedes Swede. I am sure Monty can hold out till I come to the rescue. Just as a matter of interest who did you Cede xGoteborg to, I'll find out anyway so you may as well gloat and spill the beans.


xGoteborg was chain ceded and I believe you have insufficient morale to DW more than one additional nation, so have fun trying to keep up with who owns it now! Norway can always try to take it again of course, assuming that he has enough morale to DW a few more nations. Ha Ha Ha!


Now, what other surprises can we brew up for your enjoyment? I can hardly wait to see how you deal with Bergen being given away! Yes, that's it, that's the next surprise!! Yes, yes, we have known your plan for some time, and I must admit it was clever. Very clever. Do they give medals for plans that almost worked in Denmark? I'm sure you will receive a big shiny one. ;)


Ho Ho Ho!!! Merry Christmas SpongeBob!



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Now, what other surprises can we brew up for your enjoyment? I can hardly wait to see how you deal with Bergen being given away!


LOL, i trust you know better than to give away the only location from which you can expel the Danish from Scandinavia, instead of allowing them to build up until they choose to DW on the keeper.

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Now, what other surprises can we brew up for your enjoyment? I can hardly wait to see how you deal with Bergen being given away!


LOL, i trust you know better than to give away the only location from which you can expel the Danish from Scandinavia, instead of allowing them to build up until they choose to DW on the keeper.


Turn order makes so many things possible, don't you agree?



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Guest Spongebob

I am quite willing to DW on any nation that stands in my way, Moral? whats that we have no Morals - This is me your talking to, Spongebob the Great - Errrm (I sense another addition to the longest signature in the world.) As for medals we issue them every 5 turns just for surviving.


Read your history books.... The sponge has created and concieved the greatest deceptions the world has ever know, you would be a fool to try and play me at my own game.... Looking forward to my results

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Wow.... I wish my enemies were here to exchange unpleasantries with.... They have not even responded to my mails at the start of the game.

On the other hand, I have some very nice allies, but we prefer to keep our discussions private for now. Go dark blue!

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Guest Spongebob

Wow.... I wish my enemies were here to exchange unpleasantries with.... They have not even responded to my mails at the start of the game.

On the other hand, I have some very nice allies, but we prefer to keep our discussions private for now. Go dark blue!


If you like I will be your enemy and then we can discuss how Denmark will rule your people after we have defeated the Swedes.

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Wow.... I wish my enemies were here to exchange unpleasantries with.... They have not even responded to my mails at the start of the game.

On the other hand, I have some very nice allies, but we prefer to keep our discussions private for now. Go dark blue!


If you like I will be your enemy and then we can discuss how Denmark will rule your people after we have defeated the Swedes.

I can DW on spongecus, course he would probably quit then, what fun is that? Hey we need sponges to clean the pyramids with, don't we? :laugh:

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As for medals we issue them every 5 turns just for surviving. Read your history books.... The sponge has created and concieved the greatest deceptions the world has ever know


I think I also read somewhere you had never survived turn 35?



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Get that Greenpeace boat back here, he have a Spongetastrophy to clean up! There are so many sponges floating on the open sea you could walk from Norway to Denmark without getting wet!


Keep building those transports Bob, my Ships Destroyed score is loving this!



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