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Get that Greenpeace boat back here, he have a Spongetastrophy to clean up! There are so many sponges floating on the open sea you could walk from Norway to Denmark without getting wet!


Keep building those transports Bob, my Ships Destroyed score is loving this!



The Canadian Navy has been dispatched to assist in the cleanup!



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As long as you guys shoot straight and clean up your mess... the German transport fleet will be sailing through there to open up a new east-bound trade-route (apparently the Kiel-canal isn't wide enough for freighters... i'll have to execute the architect), i'll be happy to sweep up some ship-wrecked sponges on the way but the ships better not get targeted or we'll have to take measures.

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As long as you don't destroy the ships i create, your AK's may live another day, Spongy...


(that is, if you can keep them safe from Sweden, of course... :laugh: )

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As long as you guys shoot straight and clean up your mess... the German transport fleet will be sailing through there to open up a new east-bound trade-route (apparently the Kiel-canal isn't wide enough for freighters... i'll have to execute the architect), i'll be happy to sweep up some ship-wrecked sponges on the way but the ships better not get targeted or we'll have to take measures.

Transport ships in the vicinity of Sweden, or of Norway which we are welcoming back into Greater Sweden in light of the misguided politics of it's former regime, will be viewed as belligerents. We are at war in my nation and our rules of engagement are adjusted appropriately. Avoid the Skagerrac Straights and Inner Baltic Sea at your peril until hostilities have been concluded.



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The freighters are not meant to take any hostile action in or against Scandinavia, which even their small number and their lack of armament should testify to. The general leaning of Greater Germany towards Scandinavia will be influenced with how Scandinavian forces behave in the face of this peaceful work-initiative of the Hamburg-Stettin-Konigsberg trade cooperative.

We're not going to let the people of Eastern Prussia remain unemployed because of what is happening over yonder in Scandinavia, and the German government takes it's responsibility towards it's people and their ability to work and trade very seriously. Some token warships will be sent along with the freighters to avoid any mistakes as to their nationality, that of a nation not involved in the Scandinavian conflict. Treat them as such, or that disposition may change.

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Sweden was not the initiator of hostilities on this conflict, but we are now at war. I have stated our rules of engagement with the perimeters of our defensive bubble; no exceptions will be made.


Do not approach Norway or Sweden at your own peril. Any appearance of aid and comfort given to the attackers of Sweden will be met with lethal force.




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Mine Alert!!! We have discovered minefields scurrilously laid in the Skagerrac Straits. All neutral shipping traffic should avoid the vicinity of Norway and Sweden until hostilities have been concluded lest they inadvertently suffer from the hostilities forced on Sweden.



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We have stated the objective of the naval movements and our stance. The captains have orders to stay neutral and stay clear of conflict. We will not be blackmailed by any nation claiming sole reign over the Baltic and the three ports we have in it, and will defend vigorously the right of our commerce fleet to sail between our ports to enable trade. How you react to it is up to you.


We appreciate your warning of minefields, and have advised our captains accordingly. An escort of minesweepers will be provided to avoid unnecessary casualties, which when occurring might spark popular discontent on our stand-off stance towards the conflict.

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Guest Spongebob

What the Steamed Sausage Chancellor is trying to say; let me translate this into Spongistani - Is... If any of my ships are damaged by you Swedish meatball eating idiots then Im going to come over there and kick yo ass bro!!!!

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What the Steamed Sausage Chancellor is trying to say; let me translate this into Spongistani - Is... If any of my ships are damaged by you Swedish meatball eating idiots then Im going to come over there and kick yo ass bro!!!!


I have no intention of speaking Spongistani... and the above is not limited to the 'Swedish Meatball Eaters' but also extends to the 'Danish Spongeheads'... :cannon:

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