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Guest Spongebob

Oi :angry2: you DW on ME!! its not my fault if your captains cant steer. Did you know that sponges are renown for there ability to predict the future, not unlike other aquatic life forms (Gary the octopus) and I predict a very big misunderstanding in the waters around Denmark. :joker:

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Guest Spongebob

Now thats more like it, not what I would have picked but much better than the blank face. I will let you live a little longer for doing as the Sponge told you.

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I have to shoot down the last Iraqi easter bunnies. They were spreading like plague into Syria. No easter for the Iraqi people. :o


Apparently you are so fearsome that your infamy has spread all the way to the western-most point of Europe where they tremble in fear at the sight of your navy in the Med!

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I have to shoot down the last Iraqi easter bunnies. They were spreading like plague into Syria. No easter for the Iraqi people. :o


Apparently you are so fearsome that your infamy has spread all the way to the western-most point of Europe where they tremble in fear at the sight of your navy in the Med!


I need some new targets, the Libyian pirates keep avoiding me.

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I have to shoot down the last Iraqi easter bunnies. They were spreading like plague into Syria. No easter for the Iraqi people. :o


Apparently you are so fearsome that your infamy has spread all the way to the western-most point of Europe where they tremble in fear at the sight of your navy in the Med!


I need some new targets, the Libyian pirates keep avoiding me.

That's because the Libyan pirates are busy trying to keep their ports from burning! :pirate::python::beer:

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I have to shoot down the last Iraqi easter bunnies. They were spreading like plague into Syria. No easter for the Iraqi people. :o


Apparently you are so fearsome that your infamy has spread all the way to the western-most point of Europe where they tremble in fear at the sight of your navy in the Med!


I need some new targets, the Libyian pirates keep avoiding me.

That's because the Libyan pirates are busy trying to keep their ports from burning! :pirate::python::beer:


Yes, the camelshit factories burn as hell after some shelling :cannon:

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The 40year old Virgin and if I am right then I would like the donation of a fleet of AKs please <_<:blush:


bzzzz... wrong; no AK's for you!


(i wouldn't want to give you AK's anyway... rumour has it you're not really taking good care of them... :python::laugh: )

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Guest Spongebob

Okay so what film is it then smarty pants :P and why do you think I need some extra AKs, those pesky Swedes keep sinking them. I dont care anyway I have more than enough stored in my secret bases. One advantage of haveing so many ports is I can build AKs all over the place and with the captured docks in Kiel and Marne I will have even more. Now dont try and take them back, your already in trouble in the south and you dont want me to continue to march south do you. Let me keep the ports and I will allow you to live. :blush:

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Pfft, those ports matter little... Hamburg is a fortress and not likely to fall anytime soon, and my air force won't have trouble veering north as needed to ensure it. You're not the only one with Ju-88's, and i bet i have more of them than you do even if you saved up all your miserable few airpoints.

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