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Some Newbie questions


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Guest Spongebob

I dont pop over here very offen, dont like the smell those aliens leave but I have a questions, a questions that maybe only the god of this sci-fi realm may be able to answer.


I have just been reading a mag here in the UK about Star Trek TNG and it remined me of the Borg, now ST: TNG started in 1987ish when did Supernova start? reason I ask is in rule you have a bunch tin heads who fly around in Cube ships. So what came first Supernova Cyborgs or Star Treks Borg.


If Supernova came first then why the hell did you not take Gene Roddenbery to court.


Please someone tell me the story so I can go to sleep tonight.

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ok i have a question concerning Fighters and Drones.


if i have a fleet with one ship in it that contains fighters. the fighters launch at the begining of the battle. if the ship is destroyed do the fighters keep fighting or is the battle over with?

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Guest Spongebob

My question is specifically about the Borg and Supernova. When did Supernova get written, I mean who wrote the rules and race descriptions and when was this, was it before the borg first appeared in ST:TNG? If so then what influenced this with the Cube Ships and if Supernova came after ST then was it influenced by ST or some other source.


What came first the Chicken or the Egg??????

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So what other cyborg races with cube ships exist in sc-fi history?


The Posbis from the sixties (till running today) Perry Rhodan series are robots with biological brains using Cube-like ships. The ships are numbered BOX-1234.




Posbies were an early cycle running around 1963 or something likw that.

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Sponge, I found your answer.


After googling around a bit, I came across a web site that claims the origin of the idea of the Borg (resistance is futile, assimilation, collectivism, all will be as one, one mind, etc. and even the cube ship) is..........the Bible.


Lots of descriptions in the Bible of the inhabitants of heavan being "as one". I won't give all the references, but you get the idea. But the most intriguing part is the idea of the cube. This is a quote from Rev. 21:16 (King James version) and it is a description of The New Jerusalem:


"And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal"


Length, breadth, and hight are equal = CUBE! I do find it rather odd that when measuring a "city", that you would include the hight.



So, if we can agree on who wrote the book of Revalation, and track down their heirs, they might have a case against the Roddenbery estate and Pete.



BTW, this was a very stange/intriguing web site. If anyone is interested, just google Jesus of Borg.

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Guest Spongebob

Yes in the original SN they were called Death Machines and had Cube ships. I would still like to hear form RTG where the idea came from, just curious as to what the influence is. - I can smell a conspiracy of silence here :)


Thanks to the others who have done some digging.

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So what other cyborg races with cube ships exist in sc-fi history?


The Posbis from the sixties (till running today) Perry Rhodan series are robots with biological brains using Cube-like ships. The ships are numbered BOX-1234.




Posbies were an early cycle running around 1963 or something likw that.



Not heard of this before, looks very cool! will have to keep an eye out for a English version for my Kindle :)


Jesus of the Borg is a new one on me, very stange/intriguing! :D

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Yes in the original SN they were called Death Machines and had Cube ships. I would still like to hear form RTG where the idea came from, just curious as to what the influence is. - I can smell a conspiracy of silence here :)


Thanks to the others who have done some digging.


They were inspired by Fritz Saberhagens Berserker series. It was a set of short stories and novels about a machine race that humans met while exploring space.

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