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Well, although i will fully admit to having more than 3 knights and 20 archers, i do expect my special forces, marine, and paratrooper combat groups to be rather small compared to the mechanised armies no doubt driving around the European country-side. :D

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I think Bulldog is able enough to defend himself without Icelandic interference



and yes i'm sure your TA Bulldog will survive without my help. :)


Ah Bulldog, Rottweiler, It seems I'm surrounded by dogs!

(and mice..)



Beware The Mouse That Roars... :ninja:



Mickey, thank you for this incredibly amusing distraction! I love the mouse that roared!!! I'll have to watch it again~


As for the innuendo, I second the previous response:



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Was not surprised to see the Czechs not come back to bomb Rome, but apparently the Italians are more desperate....

You need to look at run dates more carefully. Your comment was premature. Possibly correct, but premature.

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well assumed you ran since spain caught your air attack last turn and this round there was nothing from the Czech's....we can't know you changed your run date until we see another attack from you....which I doubt is coming this turn...

I did not change my run date (but had not processed yet), that's why I said you needed to look more carefully. You posted June 30th... Look again the date of my previous tech. They can be run every 14 days, not 13. Was that hard to figure, only having 10 fingers? :python:

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well assumed you ran since spain caught your air attack last turn and this round there was nothing from the Czech's....we can't know you changed your run date until we see another attack from you....which I doubt is coming this turn...

I did not change my run date (but had not processed yet), that's why I said you needed to look more carefully. You posted June 30th... Look again the date of my previous tech. They can be run every 14 days, not 13. Was that hard to figure, only having 10 fingers? :python:


I didn't really look at the dates as I figured wasn't much that Czech could do to me this turn...too busy drawing replacements is what i'm guessing...as Italy aslo will be doing... :explode:

Two more Italian cities will be besieged this turn

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Waiting may not be the right word. Expecting is more like it.



Mmmm...that tactic is foreign to me ...but then if you read my signature line you would understand that...

...we put feelers out to U.S. and Canada about a partnership early in the game and nothing seemed to come of that....but what puzzles me is why go to southern france and attack in such a way as to drive straight southeast to Marseilles and cut spain off from expanding and therefore making an enemy of our whole alliance....If you planned to fight spain all along wouldn't you just attack him while he was fighting Portugal and morocco was helping Algeria turn back Tunisia and Libya???



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