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game 93


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I thought the guy posting under the name sheikh makum was the UAE player. he asked if the original Saudi and Persia players dropped..

Of course the UAE player knows the current Saudi and Persia players. They are working closely together with at least Syria.



No, This Sheikh emigrated to the Lowlands in #93 and doesn't know the Middle-Eastern countries in this game.

Just curious why your TA Spain has an Alliance with Persia, SA and UAE when those countries fight his TA's TJ and Syria.


I noticed you just DW-ed UAE; trying to reach the other end of the map?


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I have been away from the boards for awhile, but I can say in all honesty I have no idea who is playing Persia, SA and UAE. I only know that I was offered a couple of alliances, and took them. I figured perhaps they followed the earlier discussion on this board, and were offering a hand.


BTW, my morale problem is a thing of the past, as are money issues. I am now at war with all the bad guys, and have plenty of morale. From this point forward you will have to beat me on the field of battle, not in some smoky back room, hope you guys are ready.

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I thought the guy posting under the name sheikh makum was the UAE player. he asked if the original Saudi and Persia players dropped..

Of course the UAE player knows the current Saudi and Persia players. They are working closely together with at least Syria.



No, This Sheikh emigrated to the Lowlands in #93 and doesn't know the Middle-Eastern countries in this game.

Just curious why your TA Spain has an Alliance with Persia, SA and UAE when those countries fight his TA's TJ and Syria.


I noticed you just DW-ed UAE; trying to reach the other end of the map?



i was just wondering the other day if the lowlands player was still in the game...what have you been up to?


DW on UAE finally.. been trying to break an alliance with him seems like forever...now my planes don't have to worry about impassable locations anymore! I am not headed to UAE I am fighting for turkey right now against Greece and Rumania. maybe I will see you in france!

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BTW, my morale problem is a thing of the past, as are money issues. I am now at war with all the bad guys, and have plenty of morale. From this point forward you will have to beat me on the field of battle, not in some smoky back room, hope you guys are ready.

Mwuhahaha... that is all i need to know... :ninja::cannon:

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First off let me clear the air here, I play Saudi Arabia in the UAE – Persian - Saudi Arabian alliance. I don’t want to bore you with the details of our early game but we went to war early with the Turkish – Syrian – Trans Jordan alliance and were actually doing fairly well. We lost our ally Iraq around turn 15, but UAE pushed into Turkey just north of the Syrian border while Persia was pushing into Turkey heading North West near Batman. Saudi was going back and forth in homeland against Trans Jordan and many armament points where lost to both sides. We were positioning close to 54 divisions along Syria’s border and 36 along Trans Jordan’s when over the course of several turns our game long allies Greece and Rumania started to break alliances and attack us. To add to the mess, they joined up with south Russia and he attacked into Persia. We did launch attacks into Trans Jordan, but we were forced to reposition ourselves in Turkey and try and bring up more troops. At first we were content to try and spread out attacks and counter attacks among both enemy alliances, but that went downhill fast. Syria slowed down his attacks in Persia, so we decided to use air power to slow down Russia in the north of Persia so Persia would last longer in the game. Saudi Arabia was able to stall Trans Jordan, but we knew it was just a matter of time before Trans Jordan over came his army. About 6 months ago we decided to reach out to Greece and his allies to see if they would be interested in giving us some areas in Turkey, and let us claim the rest of Iraq. We would cease hostilities with them and go 100% against Trans Jordan’s alliance. They told us no. We asked again 2 months ago and we told no once more. The third time we asked for fewer areas and were still told no. We decided as an alliance that we’ll play out a few more turns but the end is close for Saudi Arabia and Persia. As we have done most of the game, we have one last surprise for Rumania and one last surprise for Syria. After that you can kill each other without us getting in the way. I hope this helps make more sense.



Peace Out!

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First off let me clear the air here, I play Saudi Arabia in the UAE – Persian - Saudi Arabian alliance. I don’t want to bore you with the details of our early game but we went to war early with the Turkish – Syrian – Trans Jordan alliance and were actually doing fairly well. We lost our ally Iraq around turn 15, but UAE pushed into Turkey just north of the Syrian border while Persia was pushing into Turkey heading North West near Batman. Saudi was going back and forth in homeland against Trans Jordan and many armament points where lost to both sides. We were positioning close to 54 divisions along Syria’s border and 36 along Trans Jordan’s when over the course of several turns our game long allies Greece and Rumania started to break alliances and attack us. To add to the mess, they joined up with south Russia and he attacked into Persia. We did launch attacks into Trans Jordan, but we were forced to reposition ourselves in Turkey and try and bring up more troops. At first we were content to try and spread out attacks and counter attacks among both enemy alliances, but that went downhill fast. Syria slowed down his attacks in Persia, so we decided to use air power to slow down Russia in the north of Persia so Persia would last longer in the game. Saudi Arabia was able to stall Trans Jordan, but we knew it was just a matter of time before Trans Jordan over came his army. About 6 months ago we decided to reach out to Greece and his allies to see if they would be interested in giving us some areas in Turkey, and let us claim the rest of Iraq. We would cease hostilities with them and go 100% against Trans Jordan’s alliance. They told us no. We asked again 2 months ago and we told no once more. The third time we asked for fewer areas and were still told no. We decided as an alliance that we’ll play out a few more turns but the end is close for Saudi Arabia and Persia. As we have done most of the game, we have one last surprise for Rumania and one last surprise for Syria. After that you can kill each other without us getting in the way. I hope this helps make more sense.



Peace Out!


Sun Tzu


after reading this post our alliance is vindicated.. .. not only does thunder lords version of communications not match what you have posted but it is as I stated previously you guys showed up on a land grab under the pretense of helping someone then wanted it all for yourself.. it is time to put this behind us so me and Syria can finish pushing you and Greece out of turkey.



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First off let me clear the air here, I play Saudi Arabia in the UAE – Persian - Saudi Arabian alliance. I don’t want to bore you with the details of our early game but we went to war early with the Turkish – Syrian – Trans Jordan alliance and were actually doing fairly well. We lost our ally Iraq around turn 15, but UAE pushed into Turkey just north of the Syrian border while Persia was pushing into Turkey heading North West near Batman. Saudi was going back and forth in homeland against Trans Jordan and many armament points where lost to both sides. We were positioning close to 54 divisions along Syria’s border and 36 along Trans Jordan’s when over the course of several turns our game long allies Greece and Rumania started to break alliances and attack us. To add to the mess, they joined up with south Russia and he attacked into Persia. We did launch attacks into Trans Jordan, but we were forced to reposition ourselves in Turkey and try and bring up more troops. At first we were content to try and spread out attacks and counter attacks among both enemy alliances, but that went downhill fast. Syria slowed down his attacks in Persia, so we decided to use air power to slow down Russia in the north of Persia so Persia would last longer in the game. Saudi Arabia was able to stall Trans Jordan, but we knew it was just a matter of time before Trans Jordan over came his army. About 6 months ago we decided to reach out to Greece and his allies to see if they would be interested in giving us some areas in Turkey, and let us claim the rest of Iraq. We would cease hostilities with them and go 100% against Trans Jordan’s alliance. They told us no. We asked again 2 months ago and we told no once more. The third time we asked for fewer areas and were still told no. We decided as an alliance that we’ll play out a few more turns but the end is close for Saudi Arabia and Persia. As we have done most of the game, we have one last surprise for Rumania and one last surprise for Syria. After that you can kill each other without us getting in the way. I hope this helps make more sense.



Peace Out!


Some facts.


If you are not DesFeeny and I think you are not, you did not play SA until around T30 and neither did the current Persian player play Persia before approx. that time.


We were having contacts with them through Greece and they were positive on cooperation with us (only UAE raising issues) against our common enemies (Syria/Turkey/TJ/Egypt). They were down and out (especially Persia) and we were their only hope for a future.


After they dropped from the game communication with the ME group discontinued. (we were not even aware the positions were picked up again) Then all border provinces between Syria/Iraq and Turkey apart from Antakya changed to UAE and Persian ownership cutting us off from making any further progress but through them.


T29 UAE has broken its political agreement with your nation

DesFeeny had no clue why UAE did this / Kurassier had already dropped


T30 Persia has attempted to break its political agreement with your nation

Desfeeny had dropped

It was clear that this group was hostile towards us


T35 Southern Russia has proposed a total alliance with your nation (6 turns after UAE broke his ALL)

We understood we needed support

Your nation has conquered Mardin from UAE (11 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Silopi from UAE ( 6 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Colemerik from Persia ( 3 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Urfa from UAE ( 3 points of national morale were gained)

Only 3 x 150 LDB there, nothing in Colemerik

T36 Your nation has conquered Semdinli from Persia (1 point of national morale was gained)

With Colemerik the only Persian held territory in Turkey (1 Mech41 in the city)

Your nation has conquered Dohuk from Persia ( 5 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Abyad from Syria (11 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Qamishliye from Syria (11 points of national morale were gained)


Then they all jumped at me as if they had been waiting for it ?

T37 Persia has conquered Dohuk ( 5 points of national morale were lost) (ATC From Erbil)

UAE has conquered Qamishliye (11 points of national morale were lost)

From Aski (Syria GEed 2x and bombed me 3x before that)

How did UAE even know I was there ?

Your nation has conquered xMardin from Turkey (10 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered xSilopi from Turkey ( 6 points of national morale were gained)

T38 Syria has conquered Abyad (11 points of national morale were lost)

Persia has conquered Colemerik ( 3 points of national morale were lost)

T39 UAE has conquered Silopi ( 6 points of national morale were lost)

Persia has conquered Yesilyurt ( 3 points of national morale were lost)

Syria has conquered Mardin (10 points of national morale were lost)

Syria has conquered Urfa ( 3 points of national morale were lost)

T40 Persia has conquered Batman (11 points of national morale were lost)

UAE has conquered Cermik (10 points of national morale were lost)

Syria has conquered xUrfa (1 point of national morale was lost)

Syria has conquered Viransehir ( 5 points of national morale were lost)

Your nation has conquered Yesilyurt from Persia ( 3 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Mardin from Syria (10 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Batman from Persia (11 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Urfa from Syria ( 3 points of national morale were gained)

Your nation has conquered Silopi from UAE ( 6 points of national morale were gained)

T41 Syria has conquered Urfa ( 3 points of national morale were lost)

Syria has conquered Malatya ( 9 points of national morale were lost)

Syria has conquered Mardin (10 points of national morale were lost)

Your nation has conquered Mardin from Syria (10 points of national morale were gained)

T42 Syria has conquered Batman (11 points of national morale were lost)

Your nation has conquered Batman from Syria (11 points of national morale were gained)

T43 Syria has conquered Mardin (10 points of national morale were lost)

UAE has conquered Silopi ( 6 points of national morale were lost)

Syria GEed Silopi LDB away, UAE postponed 1 week leaving me in the blind

UAE has conquered Batman (11 points of national morale were lost)

Your nation has conquered Malatya from Syria ( 9 points of national morale were gained)


I rest my case. Enough said on the subject.

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First off let me clear the air here, I play Saudi Arabia in the UAE – Persian - Saudi Arabian alliance. I don’t want to bore you with the details of our early game but we went to war early with the Turkish – Syrian – Trans Jordan alliance and were actually doing fairly well. We lost our ally Iraq around turn 15, but UAE pushed into Turkey just north of the Syrian border while Persia was pushing into Turkey heading North West near Batman. Saudi was going back and forth in homeland against Trans Jordan and many armament points where lost to both sides. We were positioning close to 54 divisions along Syria’s border and 36 along Trans Jordan’s when over the course of several turns our game long allies Greece and Rumania started to break alliances and attack us. To add to the mess, they joined up with south Russia and he attacked into Persia. We did launch attacks into Trans Jordan, but we were forced to reposition ourselves in Turkey and try and bring up more troops. At first we were content to try and spread out attacks and counter attacks among both enemy alliances, but that went downhill fast. Syria slowed down his attacks in Persia, so we decided to use air power to slow down Russia in the north of Persia so Persia would last longer in the game. Saudi Arabia was able to stall Trans Jordan, but we knew it was just a matter of time before Trans Jordan over came his army. About 6 months ago we decided to reach out to Greece and his allies to see if they would be interested in giving us some areas in Turkey, and let us claim the rest of Iraq. We would cease hostilities with them and go 100% against Trans Jordan’s alliance. They told us no. We asked again 2 months ago and we told no once more. The third time we asked for fewer areas and were still told no. We decided as an alliance that we’ll play out a few more turns but the end is close for Saudi Arabia and Persia. As we have done most of the game, we have one last surprise for Rumania and one last surprise for Syria. After that you can kill each other without us getting in the way. I hope this helps make more sense.



Peace Out!


Sun Tzu


after reading this post our alliance is vindicated.. .. not only does thunder lords version of communications not match what you have posted but it is as I stated previously you guys showed up on a land grab under the pretense of helping someone then wanted it all for yourself.. it is time to put this behind us so me and Syria can finish pushing you and Greece out of turkey.




No need to vindicate yourself. If we could have worked together with the previous players of Persia and Saudi why would the current ones and the UAE not be allowed to choose the side of your group.


The only thing that I do not appreciate is the clear misrepresentation of the truth like the above posting from the perceived current SA player.


And what I do not understand is this phoney war story between your group and the ME group as they clearly sent (almost ?) everything our way. But actually I could not care less. It's their choice.


We had to temper our ambition but the change of fortune also makes this game interesting. Otherwise we would have had an easy life and now we have to fight for it.

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The only reason Syria went on the offensive when he did was because 6 Algerian and morocco armies had just pushed through the Sinai to back him up.. The rest is coincidence. As I stated earlier UAE could have done his own ge at silopi and you wouldn't have seen it. By Saudis own admission we aren't working with them.

Seems to me you look at it only through your perception of game play and not objectively.

As for who is Saudi and Persia and who isn't I'm staying out of that one.

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Seems to me you look at it only through your perception of game play and not objectively.

As for who is Saudi and Persia and who isn't I'm staying out of that one.



And why does your TA MarklenX-Spain say he doesn't know SA / Persia? ( http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=60700 )

And why does the new (conveniently appearing) SA doesn’t clear this up?

As a TA of Sven-TJ you all should know. TJ stated mulitple times Des = (was) SA






And Persia was / is Kurassier:


Interesting conversation in hindsight:




Maybe this post of yours is relevant?

'Of course how could you when it comes to propaganda your not even in my league...' (..)

'My group does indeed have a secret fourth member in this game that originated before any country even went to war...maybe if you are as smart as you think you are you can figure it out...'



Maybe these wise Des-words are in order:



Seems Sun has some strong points.

I'm still confused.

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