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The country I was talking about in the post you referenced was Syria who is indeed my ta. I haven't had contact with Saudi or Persia in this game past or present players. People say this person or that person played or is or isn't playing them. I don't know what is true because all my info is second hand. That is why I will stay out of that debate!

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The country I was talking about in the post you referenced was Syria who is indeed my ta. I haven't had contact with Saudi or Persia in this game past or present players. People say this person or that person played or is or isn't playing them. I don't know what is true because all my info is second hand. That is why I will stay out of that debate!


So we agree it's quite possible that SA and Persia changed players!


And Syria your ally in advance! Poor Egypt. Screwed from the beginning. You've got to admire that

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Kurassier had to quit all of his games of Victory! due to sudden personal circumstances. I really wouldn't mind if you kept him out of your (apparently need-to-continue) innuendo about the current situation... <_<

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i was just wondering the other day if the lowlands player was still in the game...what have you been up to?


Preparing for an Icelandic invasion.. :)


No, that would be Germany. I really feel the need to try and pit my air force against the humongou number of Ju-88's that Mark apparently has. I'm his TA in all the other Victory!-games i still play, time to switch it around!

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Seems to me you look at it only through your perception of game play and not objectively.

As for who is Saudi and Persia and who isn't I'm staying out of that one.



And why does your TA MarklenX-Spain say he doesn't know SA / Persia? ( http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=60700 )

And why does the new (conveniently appearing) SA doesn’t clear this up?

As a TA of Sven-TJ you all should know. TJ stated mulitple times Des = (was) SA






And Persia was / is Kurassier:


Interesting conversation in hindsight:




Maybe this post of yours is relevant?

'Of course how could you when it comes to propaganda your not even in my league...' (..)

'My group does indeed have a secret fourth member in this game that originated before any country even went to war...maybe if you are as smart as you think you are you can figure it out...'



Maybe these wise Des-words are in order:



Seems Sun has some strong points.

I'm still confused.




Seems to me you look at it only through your perception of game play and not objectively.

As for who is Saudi and Persia and who isn't I'm staying out of that one.



And why does your TA MarklenX-Spain say he doesn't know SA / Persia? ( http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=60700 )

And why does the new (conveniently appearing) SA doesn’t clear this up?

As a TA of Sven-TJ you all should know. TJ stated mulitple times Des = (was) SA






And Persia was / is Kurassier:


Interesting conversation in hindsight:




Maybe this post of yours is relevant?

'Of course how could you when it comes to propaganda your not even in my league...' (..)

'My group does indeed have a secret fourth member in this game that originated before any country even went to war...maybe if you are as smart as you think you are you can figure it out...'



Maybe these wise Des-words are in order:



Seems Sun has some strong points.

I'm still confused.


Uh, because I don't. I know Kurassier and Des, but was unaware they had played those countries until very recently. The middle east has no interest for me, I have other things on my plate.

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i was just wondering the other day if the lowlands player was still in the game...what have you been up to?


Preparing for an Icelandic invasion.. :)


No, that would be Germany. I really feel the need to try and pit my air force against the humongou number of Ju-88's that Mark apparently has. I'm his TA in all the other Victory!-games i still play, time to switch it around!






i was just wondering the other day if the lowlands player was still in the game...what have you been up to?


Preparing for an Icelandic invasion.. :)


No, that would be Germany. I really feel the need to try and pit my air force against the humongou number of Ju-88's that Mark apparently has. I'm his TA in all the other Victory!-games i still play, time to switch it around!


Lol, Mickey, my air force is puny in this game, comparatively speaking. It just looks large to the boys from across the pond. I welcome you to join the Balkanization of France. I just hope we meet someplace north, rather than south.

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Seems to me you look at it only through your perception of game play and not objectively.

As for who is Saudi and Persia and who isn't I'm staying out of that one.



And why does your TA MarklenX-Spain say he doesn't know SA / Persia? ( http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=60700 )

And why does the new (conveniently appearing) SA doesn’t clear this up?

As a TA of Sven-TJ you all should know. TJ stated mulitple times Des = (was) SA






And Persia was / is Kurassier:


Interesting conversation in hindsight:




Maybe this post of yours is relevant?

'Of course how could you when it comes to propaganda your not even in my league...' (..)

'My group does indeed have a secret fourth member in this game that originated before any country even went to war...maybe if you are as smart as you think you are you can figure it out...'



Maybe these wise Des-words are in order:



Seems Sun has some strong points.

I'm still confused.



I think this simply highlights a major flaw in this game, and that is that when players drop, friends of other players sometimes pick up dropped positions, radically altering the game. While it may have some historical relevance to warfare, it has no relevance to WWII, as significant leaders were not replaced. When this game was "young"...players were not allowed to change countries mid-game. I understand Russ' need to keep players happy, but it definitely can swing game balance. Had those positions in the middle east been dropped and not picked up, things would be quite different right now.

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Be careful what you wish for...

Agree it can be game altering and be perceived as unfair at times. But over-all a games health can best be measured by how many nations still have players.

Primarily fighting against dropped nations is boring.

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All this rehashing of historical posts had me go back and read stuff out of curiosity. This was my first game after about 10 years and didn't think of using the forum till later in the game.


Hey Sven! (if you're still reading this thread) Same here, I learned German in the Army. Was stationed in Bayern (Amberg) with the 2nd ACR. OMG! Beer and Bratwurst 4ever!




Speaking Dutch?
Well done..... :woohoo:

You'd be surprised what you can accomplish with Google Translate. After all, how do you think I posted in Bulgarian originally? The only language, besides my native English, that I can use without GT--sometimes--is German. I learned--learnt?--it in the Army.


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Seems to me you look at it only through your perception of game play and not objectively.

As for who is Saudi and Persia and who isn't I'm staying out of that one.



And why does your TA MarklenX-Spain say he doesn't know SA / Persia? ( http://www.rollingthunderforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2216&p=60700 )

And why does the new (conveniently appearing) SA doesn’t clear this up?

As a TA of Sven-TJ you all should know. TJ stated mulitple times Des = (was) SA






And Persia was / is Kurassier:


Interesting conversation in hindsight:




Maybe this post of yours is relevant?

'Of course how could you when it comes to propaganda your not even in my league...' (..)

'My group does indeed have a secret fourth member in this game that originated before any country even went to war...maybe if you are as smart as you think you are you can figure it out...'



Maybe these wise Des-words are in order:



Seems Sun has some strong points.

I'm still confused.



I think this simply highlights a major flaw in this game, and that is that when players drop, friends of other players sometimes pick up dropped positions, radically altering the game. While it may have some historical relevance to warfare, it has no relevance to WWII, as significant leaders were not replaced. When this game was "young"...players were not allowed to change countries mid-game. I understand Russ' need to keep players happy, but it definitely can swing game balance. Had those positions in the middle east been dropped and not picked up, things would be quite different right now.


you ask me who the Persia/Saudi players are? the only contact I had with them was friendly banter on the forum early on.. you and Rumania were the ones with contact with them through personal e-mails. I did ran's on both last turn and both came back privacy.. and nobody in our group put players in those positions since that is clearly what is insinuated here.

Syria was the country I was referring to in the quote above..


things would have been much different in the region if Greece had gone into Syria while Syria was fighting Rumania in Turkey...I never understood why turn after turn the best army in the region just sat in turkey across the Syrian border.. no worry now your window has closed...pretty soon the greeks will be swimming home! :python:

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  • 2 weeks later...


All this rehashing of historical posts had me go back and read stuff out of curiosity. This was my first game after about 10 years and didn't think of using the forum till later in the game.


Hey Sven! (if you're still reading this thread) Same here, I learned German in the Army. Was stationed in Bayern (Amberg) with the 2nd ACR. OMG! Beer and Bratwurst 4ever!




Speaking Dutch?

Well done..... :woohoo:

You'd be surprised what you can accomplish with Google Translate. After all, how do you think I posted in Bulgarian originally? The only language, besides my native English, that I can use without GT--sometimes--is German. I learned--learnt?--it in the Army.



I actually first learned German in high school, and I wasn't that good. When I was stationed in Frankfurt in 1981 (3rd AD), I took classes thru U of Maryland. Got straight A's!

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