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game 93


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Spies in the mountains of turkey report large concentrations of Greek aircraft flying west by northwest!?

Isn't that the wrong way?


Interesting first a Saudi army popping up in Jordan and now a UAE army in Saudi... I thought those guys had dropped...

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More people still playing? Good! :D


The aircraft are just following the prevailing air current, just like those Icelandic aircraft around the Med flying west by northwest! :alien2:

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That's fine. So far my Thunderbolts seem well-guarded by my Mustangs, i doubt even 50 groups of Spits will penetrate that cover. :)

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Yeah, he'll have to sneak within range 8 to be able to escort, the poor sod. Always a risk against british tech which has had that range for escorted bombings for a while.


Ah well, he'll just have to be stealthily and strike first, or suck it up. :D

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Stealth works for me; I just took out over 4k worth of Spanish and only lost 2 single aircraft...


I can always let those hordes of Mustangs Mickey has (and I really do mean HORDES, Spain had only a sample so far) soften and tenderize Moroccan ducks before I bring my turkey baster out. But I should be able to encroach range 8 here and there.


Too bad we cant extend the game another 10 techs or so, I'd love to see the sights from Gibraltar.

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Meh, my airforce is large, but probably nowhere near one like Algeria's... i have 126 Mustang groups, which isn't so horde-like when Algeria showed airgroup number 376 already five turns ago. This -IS- Iceland we're talking about... :)

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