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game 93


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This game ends in a few months. The next game is 40-45% full. I would love to see the remaining players sign up for 98. We can get a game reset with a lot of the same people with new countries and possibilities.

I've already sent in my request. I'm not revealing my entire wish list, but I will say one of them is Sweden. I know that playing that country is a challenge. One reason I asked for it, lame it may be, is to honor my own Swedish ancestry.

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This game ends in a few months. The next game is 40-45% full. I would love to see the remaining players sign up for 98. We can get a game reset with a lot of the same people with new countries and possibilities.

Although you folks have qualified as my favourite enemies I am going to take a serious brake after this one.


Before that however we will add Trans-Jordan to our spoils !

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This game ends in a few months. The next game is 40-45% full. I would love to see the remaining players sign up for 98. We can get a game reset with a lot of the same people with new countries and possibilities.

Although you folks have qualified as my favourite enemies I am going to take a serious brake after this one.


Before that however we will add Trans-Jordan to our spoils !


Brake ? Break ? I don't know but I guess you know what I mean !

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Break is the proper word... But brake is fitting in a figurative way~


I concur on favorite enemies, and have pondered that a role reversal may be more fun. I'm just hesitant to start another game before this one is concluded. Two at a time seems to be my limit. I'll have to check which way the wind is blowing, after the holidays.


Sven, that is not lame at all! In fact I've considered playing Italy or Germany for that same reason. So far I've chosen Great Britain (-I'm a mutt!)

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This game ends in a few months. The next game is 40-45% full. I would love to see the remaining players sign up for 98. We can get a game reset with a lot of the same people with new countries and possibilities.

Although you folks have qualified as my favourite enemies I am going to take a serious brake after this one.


Before that however we will add Trans-Jordan to our spoils !


Guess you're just spoiling for a fight then.

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Amazing. An elite North Carolina destroyed a 100% health Tirpitz with a single 16" shell hit... that must have been one hell of a secondary explosion!!! :cannon:

Sometimes luck is better than skill. I remember many games ago losing a battle, which cost me the war, because a mech division could not go from green to line in 5 combats between 1 and 1.5 to 1. Stuff happens.

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  • 5 weeks later...

In hindsight I probably should have withdrawn from the middle east a lot sooner than I did. Even with all the forces we killed in Turkey/Syria we could not stop the enemy. Even now looking at the map of Rumanian and Greece's conquered territory I cannot believe how many div they had. Once Syria started to fall I should have pulled out immediately. Had I known Jordan wasn't even going to try to defend himself I never would of wasted ten turns building up my forces to help protect him. As a result of my actions Spain died-although in fairness I feel I am not entirely at fault for that. I think philosophical differences with spain in game play/strategy hurt our alliance throughout the game, including my tunnel vision of trying to save Syria at all costs. I feel I could've given Spain a much better fighting chance than I did. This is one of those games you wish you could go back 20 turns and do things differently. I guess as in real war some of the decisions you make are not going to be the right ones but at the end of the day you have to live with them.


So 6 turns left...the enemy is at the Moroccon doorstep...we are ready just waiting for someone to ring the bell! Oh yeah one more thing...the Atlantic is once again not a safe place :drunk:


It will be interesting to see which of the two remaining unscathed alliances come out on top...

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Atlantic not safe indeed! That was a good hit you scored, those QM's were filled to the brim with troops and CP's. :)


The race for victory is probably not in doubt, as the killpoints of the balcan alliance and your alliance no doubt far exceed our killpoints. This means that one alliance is low in the optional conditions due to lack of homeland and forces, one alliance is low on the mandatory victory conditions due to low killpoints and average morale and one alliance is high in both. :)


Yor're not in that much danger of a serious invasion as i had fully geared up and planned for a battle in Iberia, North Africa is simply too far to wage a structural war over for an Iceland that started in Scandinavia and central european nations with german mix.


Still, we'll see what the last six turns bring in terms of exciting battles. Now if only Algeria would stop failing to intercept my elite air divisions while intercepting my less experienced ones, we can finish the war of attrition we started on her fighter cover forces. :D

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In hindsight I probably should have withdrawn from the middle east a lot sooner than I did. Even with all the forces we killed in Turkey/Syria we could not stop the enemy. Even now looking at the map of Rumanian and Greece's conquered territory I cannot believe how many div they had. Once Syria started to fall I should have pulled out immediately. Had I known Jordan wasn't even going to try to defend himself I never would of wasted ten turns building up my forces to help protect him. As a result of my actions Spain died-although in fairness I feel I am not entirely at fault for that. I think philosophical differences with spain in game play/strategy hurt our alliance throughout the game, including my tunnel vision of trying to save Syria at all costs. I feel I could've given Spain a much better fighting chance than I did. This is one of those games you wish you could go back 20 turns and do things differently. I guess as in real war some of the decisions you make are not going to be the right ones but at the end of the day you have to live with them.


So 6 turns left...the enemy is at the Moroccon doorstep...we are ready just waiting for someone to ring the bell! Oh yeah one more thing...the Atlantic is once again not a safe place :drunk:


It will be interesting to see which of the two remaining unscathed alliances come out on top...

Oh? Seems like I've been doing nothing BUT trying to defend myself.

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