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game 93


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Oi!!! do as you are told and be quiet, if you dont then everyone will know you are me and attack you



Now thats more like it, keep 'em guessing, if they dont know your me then I am safe and you can live a long life. BTW sign up with those Allies. I need all the Allies you can get so that I can live a long and peaceful life.


Really..is this how it works in this game...some internet-troll ruining it...before it even started..


Ah well...don't know if there are serious people playing this game, but Ireland is ready to talk to it's neighbours...

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Just ignore sponge, turn privacy option off so people can see you are not Sponge, and do RNA's on your neighbors so you can talk to them.


Anyone done a RNA on Ireland yet that can confirm "We are Irish!" is not Sponge so we can get on with it?

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Bulgaria seeks advice!


Getting my initial orders in slightly late, which Russ is allowing because it's turn one -- pre-hostilities and pre-tech-advance.


We seek friends! We may have one already -- we shall see. But we are starting the game out in a vise-grip from turn one, so we are looking for a handshake from each one of our neighborhood hoodlums.


Apart from that -- any advice for a complete newbie? I assume getting the economy kickstarted and setting up at least a notional picket-line defensive perimeter are the priorities. Anything else?

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Guest Spongebob

On a serious point ixnay, I know shock horror, but your surrounded by what I would say is a bemuda triangle, why do you think Sven ran away to Transvestite Jordan. He knew he was toast before it started and you just ran into the fire.


You cannot survive, if all 3 of these "Friends" dont offer a TA then they are all enemies. Dont accept the friendship of one for it will be taken by another. Now if you like the Sponge will offer you a government in exile in neutral terratory for when your lands are pillaged.

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Bulgaria seeks advice!


Getting my initial orders in slightly late, which Russ is allowing because it's turn one -- pre-hostilities and pre-tech-advance.


We seek friends! We may have one already -- we shall see. But we are starting the game out in a vise-grip from turn one, so we are looking for a handshake from each one of our neighborhood hoodlums.


Apart from that -- any advice for a complete newbie? I assume getting the economy kickstarted and setting up at least a notional picket-line defensive perimeter are the priorities. Anything else?


Hmm, if your neighbors are a bloc, you will be overrun before turn 10. Happened in Vic92, where Yugo and Greece (who are friends with Rumania) slowly but surely crush Bulgaria by sheer numbers. Such a very small country in the middle of things is hard to play without at least one ally as neighbour.


That said, you can still go down in a great ball of fire (maybe even kick some ass if they are unlucky in breaking their Non Agression Pact with you. Build fast, offensive units (mechs) and attack craft (Hs-123's if you have german mix, Hampdens/IL-4's/B-18's if not), keep your AIC's split (so losing any single province won't stop production in the entire country), build max fixed defenses (LDB's) and some fortification levels in your big cities (with maybe some Frontiers to defend them) and most importantly: recruit your neighbours' neighbors to attack them so they will be forced to turn their attention elsewhere. :)


If you send me your e-mail addy, i'll send you some useful files like a Q&A and an economy overview sheet which you can fill in to see what resources are in short or good supply.


Enjoy the game, and if you get kicked out of Bulgaria quickly, just sign up for Vic94 for a county which is slightly bigger and is a bit of a periphery country (like Morocco, UAE, Greece, Baltic States). Just as importantly: try to stay in the game long enough to make some friends (or friendly enemies) and perhaps start a next game with a small team to have some military and advisory back-up. :)


Have fun!



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I'm the guy getting crushed as Bulgaria in V92. Mikey makes some good points. I'd add that putting some fighters on INT to protect your armies is also helpful. If you want some specific advice based on my experiance of getting crushed, contact me off list (although getting advice from a guy who's experience is getting crushed might not be that helpful :huh: ).



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In 87, I was invaded by both Bulgaria and Rumania, but I fought them off (with a little help from my TA's in Greece and Italy). Now I own half of both countries. I played Bulgaria once--don't remember which game, I think it was back in the 50's or early 60's. Playing small countries--Bulgaria, Tunisia, Portugal, for example--can be challenging, but also rewarding. And yes, whether you survive or not depends greatly on whom you ally with. Trans-Jordan has its own challenges: no intrinsic PET resources, and only one food province worth a damn. But I'm the Great Britain of the Middle East, because I'm swimming in COAL.

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Bulgaria seeks advice!

Apart from that -- any advice for a complete newbie? I assume getting the economy kickstarted and setting up at least a notional picket-line defensive perimeter are the priorities. Anything else?


just put all your resources into xSofia.. put all your troops inside.. your fighters there on INT and build fortifications... go go Legendary..

then let the enemy take over your country.. I mean if you have no friends around.. even your statics on your borders will not help ya...


get 18 div in your heavy fortified city and.. they will not be able to get you out... wait your time... and then when your enemy is occupied against their neighbours ..get out and liberate your lost lands :)

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Guest Spongebob

Thats a good idea the Dawg has said, I know from experience the frustration of trying to take a city so well defended but I would say you need a bit of luck to get those 18 divisions and build enough before the onslaught takes place.


BTW Dawg my alter ego Irish Bloke says we can sign the TA when your ready

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Persian embassy open for business (no sponges allowed). Please send me a message or email if interested in the mighty Persian Empire. :beer:


Interested. Hand over the key to the kingdom whenever you want to. Or do I need to come get them?

Yes, you have to come get them. Just make sure you can pay the price, of course I know you can't afford it. :woohoo::beer:

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I'm looking forward to hearing from my Egyptian, Iraqi, Saudi and Syrian neighbors to discuss options.


looks more like a nice TA group... consider yourself cannonfodder



I don't think so. What I do think is that I'm going to be owning the British oil fields in Kuwait this game; my small part off shrinking the "British Empire" :woohoo:


- Syria 93

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