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Guest Spongebob

Well said Mouse.


PO is the only line of defense I have early in this game, I am so bad I should be no threat to anyone yet everyone fears the Sponge. If you attack a nation because of PO then so be it, all those will become targets and increases my chances of survival.


Why do you think I always pick Denmark? because it has one border to worry about early on.


As always people say I am nothing more than an annoyance yet they take me so seriously, everyone should lighten up and play the game. I dont care anymore if I have allies, I enjoy the game for what it is and love the glorious deaths and the trying of crack pot plans.

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crack pot plans.


Like choosing the german mix with Denmark to invade Sweden... :joker::laugh::beer:


Could have been russian :)

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I'd be damned if i remove my PO if i had it on in a game, put on for whatever reason, because someone feels it's their gods-given right to to kill because the target may be, or is, Sponge. If you want to attack a country then do so, it's a frikkin wargame, but don't be a tool and use "ooh, you may be Spongy, i just haaaad to attack!" as your excuse-line.

Everybody has the right to do it. My view is not just sponge related, that is just a side product. When someone has privacy option on, I presume they are hiding something (such as who they are allied to) and I have no way to communicate with them. The presumption is that they are my enemy. They certainly have the ability to overcome that presumption if they so choose. This happened in Vic89. I (UAE) was all geared up to invade Saudi (privacy option) and then he contacted me.

Very simple in my book. :beer:

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But you can communicate with privacy option switched on right?



No not really...


1) you could send a message to Russ to forward it to the player of country X... you could get a mail back in that case, and that someone could use a fake email address. (so yes you could communicate with a lot of hoops)

2) you could contact someone through forum, but you aren't sure if they really are the player of that nation (like Sponge claiming to be Ireland but he really isn't)

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But you can communicate with privacy option switched on right?

Yes, you can do RNAs and get others info, but they can't get yours. If you email someone, at least me, and tell me you are X country, I will take some convincing that it is really you and not someone pretending to be that country to get info.

Example: I'm playing Switzerland and all my neighbors have selected the privacy option. Player A emails me (got it from a turn one RNA) and says, "I'm the French player, lets ally" How do I know it is really the French player? Could be the German or Italian player trying to trick me and gain some information.

There is also the Forum, but someone who is new to the Forum, could be created to try to fool others. Certain names are trustworthy to me, so if DesFeeney, or Predator, or Gecko (there are many others) posts and says, "I'm France", I would believe them. Of course, I've not known these players to use the privacy option either.

I've known groups of players to join with all or all but one choose the privacy option. They know who they are, and don't care if anybody else does. That's perfectly fine, but....


I'm not saying your bad if you use privacy option, you'll just need to be more convincing for someone to trust you. And yes, spongecus has ruined that issue for new players, because many 'veterans' are going to be more wary of new forum names if your identity can't be confirmed. :beer:

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Guest Spongebob

Well turn 2 is upon us, wont be long now until a map comes along showing the World Vs Sponge. All rumours and facts to Dagger for one of his brilliant maps.


I must say that in recognition of his unwavering cartography Dagger is to be awarded the Greater Spongistanian Medal of Cartography that comes with a lifetime membership to the Confederacy

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I must say that in recognition of his unwavering cartography Dagger is to be awarded the Greater Spongistanian Medal of Cartography that comes with a lifetime membership to the Confederacy


... Ahd there was much gnashing of teeth

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I must say that in recognition of his unwavering cartography Dagger is to be awarded the Greater Spongistanian Medal of Cartography that comes with a lifetime membership to the Confederacy


... Ahd there was much gnashing of teeth

I'm betting he doesn't show up for the ceremony. :woohoo:

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