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New Special Game (No TA's)


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So far we have several changes in this special game.


1. Random setup (With exclusion list) gets priority with remaining positions filled normally.

2. No Total Alliances

3. 300 Starting morale


This is going to be a unique game. I am looking forward to seeing more variety in what countries build especially in regards to the Recon assets since no one will get intel from a TA. Does anyone think we need to be able to submit more orders in this game in order to fly those Recon missions or conduct the extra espionage? Could start with 3 turn sheets (90 order maximum) for the first 24 turns and then follow the normal changes or allow an extra 30 orders throughout the game over a standard game. Of course this would result in a cost increase so everyone would need to be in agreement. I'm playing either way but wanted to see what others thought. Have fun, RIck

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Whild I like the concept, and would love that if I got a big country, the small central European countries could never fill out 3 turn sheets in the early going. I think that just gives a bigger advantage to the bigger countries, which have a bit of an advantage already.


I am in with the random setup though, sounds fun, and am anxious to see what Russ sticks me with. Having just finished a game with no TA's,(fighting you Rick, I believe) I learned how frustrating it can be, but with no TA's for my enemies, it would really even things out.

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Wasn't me. I'm playing my first game (94) in 10 years. I played about 10 or so games between 5 and 60. I hadn't considered the country size implications and perhaps your right in regards to game balance between large and small countries although I have always thought it was the large countries that were at a disadvantage due to all the MCR orders they have to use. My preference is for smaller nations. Anyway I I was thinking about it as more of a function of number of forces. If you had 10 recon groups in individual forces could you afford to use 10 orders for their missions at the expense of something else. Guess its best to stick with the order limits as is until we get some lessons learned from this game. Have fun, RIck

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This game will also make strategic bombardment a lot more attractive compared to TAS, as at least you know where the factories are to target them...

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This game will also make strategic bombardment a lot more attractive compared to TAS, as at least you know where the factories are to target them...



It might just be reasonable! It might even be reasonable to do Night Strategic Bombing should the enemy devote some fighters to intercept duty. I don't know that anyone in the histopry of the game that has ever uttered the words....."hmmm, maybe I should try night bombing"!


Would we even see the first appearance of the games most useless weapon, the night fighter???????

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Guest Spongebob

I will not hide, your all finally going to have to face me on my terms.... alone, without allies, without ganging up on me.... we shall see who creates the greatest Empire. I fear nothing, you all fear the Sponge





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Well if we are all anonymous perhaps Russ would give us all a second forum account for our country name in this game. Would eliminate the need for the RNA order and maybe increase use of the board for diplomacy. Guess the maps would have to be based upon observed actions.

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