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Ground Attack


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Read back up the thread where you said you only saw someone take the pop and run once, when attacked by a former friend, that referred of course to You being attacked by MEG. I am pointing out that was untrue as you also removed to pop from the Parrot Hw, and the Parrots were definalty not a friend that suprise attacked.


The Parrots cleared the skies with Brilliant fleet design, and a billiant 2 prong attack, which negated much of your 9 times armor advantage. The Flock just sent in the army. Considering both the Parrots (lost 2 hw's to you) and the FLock(lost HW to MEG) both lost their starting HW's, while you have several Hw's, your loss was really very poor play. The Parrots cleared 29 billion tons of your defense forces at the HW with only 39 billion tons of fleet, and lost only 10 billion tons from the attacking fleet.


Also that fleet that ran into part of the Parrot attack fleet, was being chased by that fleet that blew it up, the fact you finnally moved to where it was instead of it just missing you was very kind of you. Also Skisk(SP) was a trap hopin you would move some more mobile fleet there from the Parrot Hw, that is why the attack was delayed two turns past your sigfhting of part of the fleet.


We knew most of the pop would be gone, as I knew you were not as honorable as you profess to be. The Parrots never did any thing to your empire, except blow up your probes at one of their other HW's and tell you they were peaceful and please leave that area. Now they took back the HW, and you have no idea where their new HW is located. You should just be glad you found the colony the Parrots build IN THE SYSTEM right under your nose, after you had cleared their colonies, by sneaking into the system, where they built 5000 insystem screens, or you would of lost the HW sooner.


I glad it was obvious to you that you were going to lose, it shows you realize how great the Parrots are with their small empire verses your 5 to 6 times in size empire.

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I am honorable, but not stupid.


An the Parrots attacked first after that ship that was blown up was not moved for several turns.


No peace offer was ever made and would necer have been accepted from a empire with a Pirate play in mind an in their name.


Yeah an the great parrots had no help ar all from the Flock, which surely hyve picked up a lot of the dropped PA stuff.

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I am honorable, but not stupid.

Hmmm, no comment


An the Parrots attacked first after that ship that was blown up was not moved for several turns.

A ship left for several turns near a HW attacked by a fleet named "Please just leave" I am sure leaving that fleet near the HW, in your strange mind, did not contribute to it getting blown up.


No peace offer was ever made and would necer have been accepted from a empire with a Pirate play in mind an in their name.

It certainly is a really scarry name(sarcasm) PAR Parrots of the Carribean # 1870 'Parrot Head With Eye Patch On White'


Yeah an the great parrots had no help ar all from the Flock, which surely hyve picked up a lot of the dropped PA stuff.

Correct, the Parrots are Great, and the parrots built the Fleet, the items for the Flock Fleet and half the armies the Flock has at present. MEG picked up the majority of the dropped PA HWs in this area. Parrot and Flock HWs are not dropped PA. The Flock, I, am great by still being here, read the Empires story thread.


At least it is good to see that the Flock warnings about MEG, attacking whether he has a treaty or not, attacking everyone he meets sooner or later, that were ignored by you and many others, have come back to bite you in the trailing area.

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