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Game 95

Guest Spongebob

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All Alliteration aside, I'll take my chances.... And yes, I know: You wouldn't sell me my nation back for all of King Midas' silver.



then you are the Biggest Bad of the Big Bad Balkan. Congratulations so far.

To be honest, Hungary is the only partner of the BBB that is doing exeptionally well.

The rest is just doing well.

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New map:



- Green and the 'Southern Alliance'will probably bump into eachother near the Franco-German border.

- It must be a great day in France as xParis has been liberated.

- In a nice display of air power, greetings were exchanged between Persia and the Emirates.



The surgeon general has determined that trusting only on maps appearing on fora like these can be detrimental to your mental health.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

New map:




- Denmark has gone berzerk, but he's only attacking his former allies. As usual. Are we sure that Denmark is not played by Spongebob?

- The pin pricking and probing between Persia and the Emirates is continuing, but a rumble in the background indicates that this won't remain a nice one on one war very long.

- Anyone seen the Canadians lately?

- The small corridor between the Green and Southwerstern teams is almost gone now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems Yugoslav armies and airbases have honey all over them. Moroccan, Tunisian, Spanish and Italian airplanes seem drawn to any available targets. But we welcome them with open arms. They will be met by the newest additions to our airforce, the FW-190A-4. Enjoy the show!

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New map:




- The lowlands and Germany have been swallowed. The confrontation that follows this may decide the game.

- Iceland is teasing Great Brittain and threatening an invasion

- The whole of the middle east is asking: who will attack first,

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In this game the picture is only part of the story.

The main fight is the Balkan vs. North Africa and its various associates, and that seems like a 11 vs 11 ,

But it is not a straight fight one on one

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In this game the picture is only part of the story.

The main fight is the Balkan vs. North Africa and its various associates, and that seems like a 11 vs 11 ,

But it is not a straight fight one on one

The problem for those opposing the Balkans is that much of their strength is remote from the front and is not easily deployable making the Balkans' interior lines a huge advantage, so Rogue Leader is almost certainly correct. Doesn't mean we can't still have fun...

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:





- The children in xMaidan are recieving christmass presents this year, as well as food.

- The Persians and Emirate people are nicely playing in the sand and next year maybe Santa will bring presents for them too.,

- GB, Ireland and Denmark are eagerly awaiting a landing from the North Pole, but alas.. Santa only deliveres a firework display this year.


Best wishes to you all :holiday:




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