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Guest Spongebob

At last, a game were Spongebob can't accuse us from only going against him


But your all against me, your all out to get me, I can see it now, diplomats flitting from nation to nation stoking up agreements of never to attack any troops unless there yellow and dressing in brown pants. But I don't care, I can take everyone on without fear of persi... purse... purrseequeseeon Yeah that's it :) No secret alliances for me just remember to KILL GERMANY then Spongistan will survive.


Lets face facts Spongistans only option is to KILL GERMANY, sorry Brogan - NOT

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Guest Spongebob

Maybe you should arrange it for Russ to setup a game especially for you were all other countries are played by the computer.

Nah, you would probably quit that too.


Now your just trying to make me cry, hold that thought when I come knocking on Reykaviks door with some Battleships. Just had a thought, I wonder how many nations I can DW on in one go, do I have to wait till Turn 3, will everyone DW on ME!!! Oooooo the possibilities. Die Dagger Die

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Well, if you show up at xReykjavik the next turn, I will send the Icelandic mighty customs office to see if you have all the right permits, like

- A permit from the Icelandic ministry of Fishing allocating parts of the sea bottom reserved for your wrecks, to optimize the growth of our fishing operations. As you know, we Icelanders are somewhat lacking in food production.

- A tax for the Icelandic ministry of Energy. You are expected to deliver 20% of your maximum fuel as a tax, as we Icelanders are somewhat lacking in Fuel.

- A map from the Icelandic ministry of Urban renewal, allocating specified targets that are being scrapped anyway, in this way we can minimise collateral damage.

- A map from the Icelandic minister of foreign affairs, stating that indeed a state of war exists between both countries and your admiral did not forget a few stamps when he left harbor.

- A receipt for 300 gallons of white and black paint, sent to the Icelandic ministry of Finance, as we are a friendly people and willing to pay for all the nice crosses painted on the deck of all your warships. Our Vindictors must have something to aim for, after all.

- A permit from the Icelandic mimnistry of transportation, to avoid interceptinjgn all those transports of our (non-total) ALLIES. We want to avoid polluting xReykjavik with excess oil and coal tha's washing ashore in a non-proper fashion.

- A visum from the Icelandic ministry of tourism, so that you can get a guide to find xReykjavik. Tip: if you see a great harbor with a grand statue of a woman holding a torch in her right arm, that's Reykjavic.

- A waiver from the Icelandic ministry of education. We do want our green pilots to have a real learning experience from this.

- An insurance policy from the Icelandic minister of Domestic affairs in case you accidentally hit xHofsjkull. We do not know how you would do this, but who knows. After all, you're Spongebob, aren't you?

- A declaration of your head of state tha it is your intention to actually bomb xReykjavic, as we Icelanders do not want to be held accountable for the accidental bombing of xCopenhagen, xLeningrad or whatever which city has the bad luck to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

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Guest Spongebob

Okay Dagger I will get to work on all the Red Tape straight away, I think I may have everything in order by Turn 70, in the meantime I will invade Germany. Now you do know that I am the leader of a Third World Banana Republic and all TWBRs exist on an Island, Now I have an Island but I need a bigger one. Once I have finished with Germany around T70 I will invade Iceland, now before I get there could you be so kind as to

  • Remove all indigenous peoples or they will be made to disappear
  • Plant palm trees around the coast and rake the beaches prior to landing, we like a smooth landing strip
  • If anyone is left then they should proceed to the central volcano and proceed to mine for Diamonds
  • After each Diamond Mine Shift the Miners will be subject to a full cavity body search
  • The uniform for all loyal subjects is brown pants, square
  • Every Monday is Corruption Day, lessons are compulsory for all subjugated people, you must be dragged up to our standard
  • The Yellow Shirts - Spongebobs secret police can "Tax" your people whenever and whatever, resistance is futile
  • We do not condone torture but re-runs of my show must be watched 5 times a day
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I find it interesting that in a game that is full, with no TA's, only about 1/4 of the participants have revealed their banners. I have read the arguments on the previous thread regarding secrecy. Why would you seek to prevent diplomacy? Have you already determined your "friends"? Do you fear announcing yourself? Are you afraid of the ghosts from past games?

I consider a game like this a "Grand Tournament". But what kind of tournament has three quarters of it's participants Colors concealed? I applaud those who have presented themselves in an honorable fashion. I challenge others to come forward, emerge from the shadows of fear and deceit. Present yourself as a warrior, or conceal yourself like the thief.

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At the moment it is a week before the first turn and there are 11 positions claimed. This is about average for this phase of the game.

I expect that anonymity has its advantages, but I do believe a lot of players do not follow the forum anyway and the majority of the diplomacy is still done after the RNA's of the first game turn get in.

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Guest Spongebob

Ok Woody, two things, firstly you have not revealed yourself and secondly put yourself in my square pants, with me record and reputation would you expose yourself to the horrors of a no TA game? Eh? Wood You Woody??????

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I revealed myself as Libya. You fear the horrors of a no TA game because of your past. Yes, your history has spawned many enemies. I understand why you would seek to cower in the corner. I do not understand why so many wish to follow your lead.

As to the assertion that the majority of diplomacy has yet to occur. I fully agree. i realize that not all follow the forums. This appears to have become more common in the time I was absent from the game. I have always enjoyed the in game banter and would like to see an active board. This is my primary motivation for my earlier post. That, and the desire to know who I am competing with, friend and foe alike.

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I did hope that either Ireland, Great Britain or Norway would contact me, but that didn't happen.


Maybe there are a lot of players in this game that secretly hope that a game with no TA's equals a game with no diplomacy.

Or just maybe a lot of players wait untill Sponge reveals its position, so that he can be eliminated as soon as possible and they can proceed to the rest of the game.

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Guest Spongebob

Never going to happen in this game Dagger, saying that I have had people help me without the TA being in place before as you well know. This may be the same avenue to follow. But I will have to wait until some more reveal themselves to see if its a viable option. But Germany must die for the survival of Spongistan, All those nations surrounding Germany need to turn Germany into a bloodbath. See if I remember rightly Brogan does not like the Sponge, okay the people who like the sponge can be counted on one soggy hand but I am sure some of my favourite characters must be here.


Were is Monk, ManStain, Mouse, PreTeenDater, RedFarse and I really hope that I am actually here because if I am not then I am very confused, oooo look at those nice padded walls

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Marklen, that depends on what you define as a neighbor. If you count the countries that mutually border the Med as neighbors, then I will do as you so flippantly requested. Which neighbor has yet to be determined.

Dag, I hope your contention that players may not want diplomacy to be a factor in this game proves to be the minority view.

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