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Dag, As Iceland, I'll assume you probably RNA'd most if not all of the island nations and north Atlantic European coast.


I'm curious. Back when the idea of a no TA game was being discussed, many suggested the island nations would be at a distinct disadvantage, and some suggested they be excluded. I'm sure others just saw it as an added challenge. I'm thinking that without TA's the island nations may be more prone to fight each other. Do you concur?

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Dag, As Iceland, I'll assume you probably RNA'd most if not all of the island nations and north Atlantic European coast.


I'm curious. Back when the idea of a no TA game was being discussed, many suggested the island nations would be at a distinct disadvantage, and some suggested they be excluded. I'm sure others just saw it as an added challenge. I'm thinking that without TA's the island nations may be more prone to fight each other. Do you concur?


Iceland always is a challenge of its own, but I do not think that you need TA's to survive. In game 89 I was part of a TA with Iceland and I did profit from that, but for most of the game I was up against GB on my own and that was very much a 1 vs 1 war. I provided more LGT to my allies as they delivered $ in return.


Having a TA or not is not a prerequisite for cooperation, but it all depends on who you are willing to trust and what you are willing to risk. There are some players I trust on their word and some that I don't, but most of the players fall somewhere in between. Succesfully Invading Iceland against a capable and weary defender is no small task, so as long as I leave enough assets at home I am willing risk trusting other players. And trading ore for coal is also possible with an ally.

I have no idea what will happen in this game. For the first 10 turns I will be quietly building up the Icelandic economy anyway. We already found our first coal deposit.

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Well its still early to be judging the success of this variant. For me I never had any objections to players cooperating on common goals, diplomacy, or working together by doing EM or recon missions for one another but I absolutely wanted to play a game where no one has the Intelligence benefit that a Total Alliance provides. I think its going to make for a much improved fog of war and therefore game enjoyment.


I have enjoyed the country selection process where those taking random positions were placed first. I know under the old system teams tend to play together over and over. This setup has people talking and checking out other alliance possibilities since the people they often work with may not be located nearby.


Have fun, Rick

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Iceland was one of the leftover positions. I decided to join after dropping #94 and I probably would have gone for a random position myself. Thors has a point thatr in this game "the islands" are a bit of a challenge, but Iceland is always a bit of a challenge.

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Guess the degree of challenge depends on your goals (Victory conditions) and Tech. If you chose Russian or German tech it will be a real challenge. Every position has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage of separation from potential conquests is offset by the advantage of difficulty for anyone to invade you. Statistically Iceland is far more likely to survive when compared to a nation like Czechoslovakia. I could have used Denmark as well but that may be statistically corrupted by the sponge play. While your survival chances are better its harder to achieve a win but that't not everyones goal. Have fun, Rick

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Which countries are "difficult" and which ones are "easy?"


The map below shows the survival rate of each country.



That purple France does not surprise me. The Iceland green I think a bit misleading. How many of those just dropped because they were bored with the position. I know of at least 3 times that happened in games I was playing, so suspect it was a lot more.

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Which countries are "difficult" and which ones are "easy?"


The map below shows the survival rate of each country.



That purple France does not surprise me. The Iceland green I think a bit misleading. How many of those just dropped because they were bored with the position. I know of at least 3 times that happened in games I was playing, so suspect it was a lot more.




I just get no respect

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So this map, are the survival times from some historical facts or are they just your interpretation coz Spongistan should have a figure around 5

There is a page with the "best nations"on it and all nations that finish in a game are mentioned on it. http://www.rollingthunder.com/victory/hov/BestNation.htm

So the map is based on some hard facts. It does not take into account that some nations only survived while doing 120 EM missions each turn.

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