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game 97


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Here I am wondering if anybody is going to make this game a challenge, or shall we all just bend the knee to the Russia's and let them win? Nobody is actively opposing them except for our group, and in the worst case people are actually working together with them. It's turn 23 and already people are giving up. All hail the winners. Congrats.

Hold on now... Nobody is conceding anything to the Russian group. I don't even feel they are the most powerful group in the game right now. Granted the Czech group seems to have a deal with them but that doesn't really matter. Czech Rumania and Hungary have the yugo and Austrian production as well and can't even beat Greece and turkey so I don't think they would've made a difference against the Russians anyway.

The entire Russian group being funneled into a narrow corridor should actually work to your advantage. I would think that Portugal Italy france lowlands and Germany with the Spanish and Swiss production should be able to put up a good effort. And I'm still puzzled how denmark fits in that puzzle.


Regardless Iraq forces are moving north as we speak and we hate Russians...

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Lowlands and Germany made a deal with Denmark. A truce to fight the Russians as Denmark will be next as Germany falls.


Without warning Denmark backstabbed us and made a deal with the Russians.

Not going into more details as I do not want to give the enemy more intel.


Not sure if we keep playing after this backstab. :angry2:

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New map :




- It has been a while, Real Life interfering. Only good things, but even the best of things can take away lots of time.

- In the meantime, Iceland seems to have beaten Ireland. Great Britain now has other things on its mind than bothering the French.

- Who have finally conquered xBern and can now come to the aid of their allies, Now that Denmark has joined the Northern powerblock the odds seem even, if it were not for the fact that the Northern powerblock (olive) has no further ennemies and the "Dutch"block (orange) has.

- Although the rising power in the middle east can be a threat in the long run. As they seem to have ran all over that place and want to go somewere after that. Probably.

- Greece and Turkey seem to be doing well, advancing against 1 to 2 odds.

- I did split off Canada/America from Morocco/Tunisia.

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  • 2 weeks later...



- Moved Egypt, Ireland and Persia to inactive and changed the Allegiance of Denmark to Pro- Olive. As its assault on Lowlands while the Lowlander armies were preparing to hold back the Olvie onslaught is felt as a stab in the back.

- Greece and Turkey really seem to be winning against the rest of the Balkan countries.

- The Middle east seems to have no immediale opponent at the moment.

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Greece and Turkey REALLY seem to be winning against the rest of the Balkan countries? You sound as if you don't believe it. By your next map I am confident we will convince you of that fact.

Some interesting battle lines shaping up Too bad we don't exchange observers. I am interested in how the battles over the european mainland develope. Should be some major confrontations. It looks like the western european alliance may be saddled with a 2 front war.

The middle eastern alliance has been very successful. Once they consolidate their gains where to next? Libya looks to be in a very uncomfortable position moving forward.

At present I will remain neutral concerning the war between the olive and yellow. All of my diplomatic channels are open should anyone wish to contact me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Portugal takes London so I assumed Britain dropped when Ireland did... Now peace accepted between Portugal and Britain... Now that makes no sense. Have the Germans relocated to another country!?

Which I could change 30,000 oil into light or heavy ore. I can't remember another game where I was scared to build factories on tech 26 for fear of running out of resources.

What is up with northern Russia DW on Denmark!? I thought he had joined that group????

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  • 2 weeks later...

Strange as of 7/31 no cities in Rumania have fallen!


So if my understanding of the new political situation is correct France-Germany-Italy-Lowlands-Portugal-Morocco-Tunisia-Libya-Greece and Turkey have formed a "super group" to combat the Russia's, finish off the Balkans and fight for Africa. I guess if you are not part of said group and said group has asked how close you are to one of your ta's then that speaks volumes...


Well there are three of us I like the odds!

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Strange as of 7/31 no cities in Rumania have fallen!


So if my understanding of the new political situation is correct France-Germany-Italy-Lowlands-Portugal-Morocco-Tunisia-Libya-Greece and Turkey have formed a "super group" to combat the Russia's, finish off the Balkans and fight for Africa. I guess if you are not part of said group and said group has asked how close you are to one of your ta's then that speaks volumes...


Well there are three of us I like the odds!

As is so often the case, your understanding is incorrect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Strange as of 7/31 no cities in Rumania have fallen!


So if my understanding of the new political situation is correct France-Germany-Italy-Lowlands-Portugal-Morocco-Tunisia-Libya-Greece and Turkey have formed a "super group" to combat the Russia's, finish off the Balkans and fight for Africa. I guess if you are not part of said group and said group has asked how close you are to one of your ta's then that speaks volumes...


Well there are three of us I like the odds!

Really? So shouldn't somebody tell me I am part of a "Super Group". And your math is not quite clear. I see all sorts of enemy troops - 2 flavors of Russians, Swedes, Danes, Canadians, British...

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