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game 97


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So central Russia asks Iraq to attack turkey and insists they don't want war with Iraq. Goes as far as saying Iraq can have the southern Russia production and central will only take a buffer zone for the homeland.

So Iraq attacks turkey who was no threat to Iraq... Your welcome by the way... Meanwhile central attacks Iraq!

Now I have no problem with going to war with central it was inevitable at some point. But the way central went about it was a bit shady and underhanded you ask me. Not even necessary considering how big and powerful your group and country is. And I doubt it was coincidence we ran the same day.

Note to self- central player not a person you can trust in the future...

Hope you brought your A game your gonna need it!

Oh life is wonderful :) ; I am able to communicate with other players without writing a single word. It seems the force is with me. :alien2: Maybe you could send me a copy of this communication, I am sure it will be interesting.


Anyway, did you real think it is a clever idea to take provinces at the border of CR without offering a nap? I am not stupid; I never tolerate any predator like lifeform at my border. :explode:

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Ahh you are central Russia!? Lmao! Was your ally I communicated with then my fault for assuming he spoke for your group.

Last time I fought your group your entire group dropped even though you had three on one against me in central Russia, remember game 78 and the unstoppable Persians!? Hopefully you see this one to the end...

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New map: (still somewhat behind current affairs)




- Progress by blue against green

- Progress in GB, Canada and the USA as before.

- The province of Amsterdam changing hands for the xx th time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still a turn behind:




-The diplomacy has been simplified a lot

- Olive and bluenow have a good reason to fight eachother

- Aside from that, no serious changes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lots of Greek scrap tanks for sale. You must pick up in the fields of Banja Luka. Sorry, I can't deliver.


As far as air strikes cancelled, you need to buy a better set of dice for your rolls. I'm sure the ranger battalion destroying 26 B-18's didn't help either.


Be careful with your air strikes though. I hear there are scores of Wulfs out hunting these days.

Doesn't seem to have helped much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:




- Eliminated the CANADA-USA TA as active.

- The front line in Southern Russia is uncertain.

- there will probably be some naval actions in the west before the game is done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are the winds of war changing in the Balkans?




Are the winds of war changing in the Balkans?

No, Victory! is an unforgiving game sometimes when you make an orders mistake, good to see you have some spunk left, but as you will soon see, it is like Ardennes December 44, your last gasp.


Well, I guess my forcasting skills were pretty good.

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New map:




- Vienna falls. The rowdy locals are now someone elses problem.

- Iceland turns around after taking the last British city and puts the pressure on Norway.

- Canada limited to Quebec now.

- Syrian attention turns north to Central Russia.

- Rumors about something happening on the Balkan.

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