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Russ says the game will continue but that a couple country's may need new players as they didn't want to vote no to prevent the game from continuing.

Not sure what countries aren't continuing but perhaps some kind of cease fire should be invoked while those countries are transitioned, much like we recently did for the new Turkish player.

Hopefully replacement players are available...

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:




- The map is for both turn 64 and 65.
- Morocco took xVienna in the aftermath of the great Central Russian defeat in Austria. It did manage to hold on to the position for at least a full turn.
- xThre fall of xGiresu seems to indicate progression in Turkey by the Middle East. Not shure about the front lines.

- Italy was reminded that the victory at the end of 2016 did not come without cost. A full army ran out of fuel AND ammunition and that was not a good idea.

- Aside from that it has been quiet on the ground with lots of OMG GE's, as before. Most of the action was in the air, were Me-262's are being encountered.

- Winter is restricting the effect of base- and groundattacks. The Western alliance is not in a position of air supremacy, but it is close to a position of air superiority at the centrl European front.

- Denmark is getting support from its allies to stem the Icelandic tide. Or is Northern Russia just waiting to take the mainland for itself, after the western alliance?

- Some rumbling in the Libyan desert,

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I'ts one of the reasons that I think that in the long run we will win. That, the air forces and the focus.

The western alliance as a whole has no strategic shortages. There are local shortages, but they all can be solved.

Victory is not designed to last more than 73 turns. The tech inbalance is one of the most obvious factors, but NTS limits are really limiting. If you lose a full air base by air drop the loss in AIR ponts is one thing, but the fact that you would need 10 turns to build back your unit really hurts. And for most players the POP growth probably outgrows the resource growth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:




- Iceland advances from the north an the mainland of Denmark, taking xViborg.

- Portugal completes the liberation of Lowlands with xGroningen. While 20 turns ago we were on the brink of losing it completely.

- Morocco advances in Western Libya taking its capital, while all kinds of mayhem going on in the east of the same country.

- Iraq advances closer to the Rumanian border.

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I am still planning for continuation after turn 73, so I still do RPD, APD, BDL and RP.

And I am still uilding HVY if needed.


But at the moment some key members of my team won't continue after the regular end of the game,
and I will not continue with only half a team.

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