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game 97


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New map:



- With the loss of xEsbjerg Denmark slips back another step. With xVeijle i ruins its economy is struggling. Its Swiss allies finally lost xFaeroe

- The Northeastern alliance seems to have evacuated parts of middle germany. But further to the east there is a firm line of fortifications with solid armies behind them.

- Successes for Greece against Transforfan

- There are still attempts to prolong the game after turn 73.

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I agree mark it is the difference between 120 orders a turn or maybe doing 30 and skipping every other turn.

We need a decision one way or another before next turn or I'll probably only do one maybe two more turns

I'm not spending $24 a turn over next five turns if game won't continue

I've been out of work last 7 weeks with an injury and no income so I don't want to waste money if the game will end

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I'm still in the same position as I was some weeks ago. The game is a lot less interesting than it was some time ago and the differences will only grow larger. I believe that with me, more of my team thinks the same at the moment. I've told Russ I don't mind if another takes over, but like I said, I'm not the only one anymore.


Meanwhile, in game, Spring is near. Time for bombers to be effective again. Time to destroy the rest of Denmark. Oh wait, there isn't much left to destroy. Next!

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:




-The Norteastern alliance is slowliny giving ground in Germany. That, or their enemies are too shy or too wary to advance any faster.

- Iraq has reached the Rumanian border

- Libya is a mess with lots of death in the desert.

- I am still playing long turns. There are alternatives like "Let's play andother ten turns".

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Still ready to continue.

As said, we won't be a match with our russian fighters ... but do what we promised.

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Maybe an option that you continue your battle for the MED ...


If group Dageraad is not going to continue, my group could also stop playing then.
This would not disturb you much i think ... and would also avoid, that the overall-situation would change for you.

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Nah, if the bulk of the people aren't continuing, no reason. This game has been at times the most interesting game I have played, and at times the most frustrating. However, my turns are taking 6-8 hours to do, they are incredibly complex, (Richard has it easy, attack with T-34's, build subs and move them in Greece's way, turn over) :) I have come to grips with it being over, if that is how it is.

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Shame its going to end, perhaps things are decided in Europe but I have no idea how africa would play out. I had rather play with a large force than start over again. It does take more time but doesn't that make it more cost effective (more hours per turn for same cost). I would also like to see the elevated stockpiles return but starting on turn 1 vice 25 for game 101. The way I look at it is that if you have 35K money and 5000 arm, ship and air points up front you can set up a better defense from multiple threats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New map:




- The map is a full turn behind of current affairs.

- The Yellow alliuance is trying to break through the first solid line of defence in Germany, while also moving on to Czechia

- Probalby some action in Rumania

- Lots of action in Libya

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