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Game 98


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'Robotman'? Really? Is that really necessary? I too have been playing Victory since early 90's. 1992 to be exact, and I think we can both agree that gaming, and more specifically, the gaming market/landscape is vastly different than it was over twenty years ago. It seems you are under the impression that I am somehow attempting to malign Russ or RTG with my comments. My comments were no different than any other person that has offered up ideas or voiced concern, complaints, or a desire for change to one or more facets of the game whether it be it's mechanics, accessibility, etc. Please tell me what I said that is actually wrong? If Victory was just fine the way it is, this thread and many others like it on the RTG forum would not exist. Also, if the people that took the time to post their concerns, including me, didn't genuinely care about Victory's future longevity and dare I dream growth, none of us including me would bother to take the time to offer ideas on multiple occasions, voice our concerns or communicate our heartfelt hopes for RTG's and yes, Russ's future success. We all love this game and we all like and respect Russ's great efforts to run and maintain a game we all love, but we also all see that it is slowly losing active members. That affects not only we the players, but it obviously affects Russ as well. The game is indeed still running after your 10 year absence, but the number of returning players has shrunk significantly and the pool of potential new players has all but disappeared.


Now, while the source of any change that takes place, big or small, does lie ultimately with Russ, the reality is that it is not based purely on Russ's 'desire' to make changes. It would also take time, knowledge and money. Depending on the changes desired, one or more of those things may be keeping him from making those changes and we all have to be sensitive to that. Maybe Russ has already run the numbers and done the research on what it would take to make the kinds of changes many of us are requesting. Maybe he's come to the conclusion it's simply not feasible. I don't know. But no matter the situation facing Russ, it's up to him in the end whether such changes are made.


So 'LordPatton', I'll ask again. Where am I wrong in my assessment of where the genesis of any change must come from if it is really going to happen? That, and the futility of endlessly talking about what we'd like to see change without Russ as an active or able participant was the whole point of my post. Not a knock on Russ at all. Just a dose of reality.

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Just Heard From Russ, he says 98 is about %80 to the start number. So we need about 6 more players and we can get this party started. :thumbsup:

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Maybe I should try something new and dangerous- signing up for a game WITHOUT established allies. It will be a challenge to finish this game as I plan to be homeless in 2 1/2 years. Of course that's assuming I make it that far.

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Well thats a Rather Ominous Forcast :( but It's good to see you chime in Rogue. I remember you from Games past along with Predator and Earthling. Thats basicaly how im going into this game, just waiting to see what country i land in B) See you in game :cheers:

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YAAAAY !! getting there, sooooo 3 more. maybe 4 ??? are they out there ???


The next regular game of Victory! (Game 98) is about 90% of the way to the start point. If you are interested in the next game send in your registration today!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mid April, thats some thing more than what we have had :thumbsup: . I like it! unless it's some sort of bad April fools joke :woohoo:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here we are, into mid April. Anyone have a spaciffic day that Russ was thinking about getting things going with this game??? just wondering. :)

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