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Game 98


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Why is Hungary so scared. Running around Germany with five armies afraid to try to eliminate the British army at Marne. Trying to bait me out after three turns you think you would get the hint it ain't happening dude. Your going to have to earn it..

And what's up with Czech in lowlands didn't even take xLiege with an army in the province??? Well I can't blame you for not wanting to get too close to the French? I hear their woman don't even shave...


As far as I know, the French have fled. And still xBern is Swiss, so the stink can't be all that Swiss cheese.


xLiege wasn't taken, as I thought maybe some diplomatic action will come and we could give Lowlands back to it's inhabitants, but as nothing came, the rest was quickly subjugated. And Czech troops have entered France to find the missing armies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why do people keep delaying turns to try to blind their enemies? It doesn't work. It only leads to others also delaying.


As far as I know, the French have fled.

Maybe France should have fled. His armies were found by my scouts. Which was bad for the scouts, but that is a risk you have to take sometimes. The end result: Not good. For France.

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Should've stayed in those cities and ge the scouts. Stay put and hold the line. Czech wasn't going anywhere until he took those cities.

To come out into the province when there are four armies lined up against you is madness. Not to mention you don't want your SS army in a position to play defense if you can prevent it.

Any chance our group had of regrouping and making a push is gone...

Good game maybe see you in the next one...

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I agree with you that they should have stayed in the city. That would have meant that the French economy would have slowly collapsed, but I wouldn't have tried to put my armies forward as those SS-panzers hit hard. But with 2 armies gone, things are much worse. Having two PIN vs CTA attacks makes it even more painful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really don't like the tactics used by the western group. Again delaying to blind others, which has happened a lot before, with little effect except for annoyance in having to move stuff around again. Disbanding armies stuck in cities after attacking with them to deny the ARM gain. Using double FC (100 groups) over fighterbases, a known bug.


Please just play the game without these stupid tactics. Try to win by not making so many mistakes, maybe.

For me, it's just more confirmation that v100 is the last game for me, ever.


I'm happy to say that there are also players who enjoy the game as it is and are even willing to share info with enemies when needed. Thanks Tunisia.

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How does double fighter cover occur, I've never seen it. I have heard of getting negative damage from a Martime strike before.


In regards to intel I would either like to see it either eliminated or provided to everyone. Perhaps some sort of on line file you could view prior to running your turn. I think the intel advantage is too great for groups versus independents and I think the game would benefit from more independent play as opposed to the player blocks. We tried no TA's in 96 and it achieved some goals but having allies run EM bat missions or DW to get around overflight rules made it more of a lesson in how to get around a limitation. I still thought it was an enjoyable game.

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The automatic emails would be fantastic with a continuous feed of information. There could even be a update for World Events every time a batch of turns are processed.


Actually I like the bug on double fighter cover even though I have not seen it but I am bias and would like to see more reductions in air power. From my view Its no different than having 2 nations protecting a port with AMI or NMI orders. Ceding a location and setting it up is costly and slow as well as being subject to detection. If it only works for the city you can still overcome it by engaging the province first. Have fun, RIck

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One thing to remember, Victory! predates the internet. It was originally PBM. I think if ever Victory!2 gets off the ground, the first thing is to generate automatic emails to anybody when they get attacked, thus allowing somebody to play the game without TA's.


Russ runs several processing dates in one day so it would not help much.

Friday late, saturday, sunday early for example.

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The automatic emails would be fantastic with a continuous feed of information. There could even be a update for World Events every time a batch of turns are processed.


Actually I like the bug on double fighter cover even though I have not seen it but I am bias and would like to see more reductions in air power. From my view Its no different than having 2 nations protecting a port with AMI or NMI orders. Ceding a location and setting it up is costly and slow as well as being subject to detection. If it only works for the city you can still overcome it by engaging the province first. Have fun, RIck



If it's possible within the rules, yes. TAs should be able to defend allied provinces and cities, to take it even one step further. But misusing it when its a known bug is something different.

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  • 1 month later...

I really don't like the tactics used by the western group. Again delaying to blind others, which has happened a lot before, with little effect except for annoyance in having to move stuff around again. Disbanding armies stuck in cities after attacking with them to deny the ARM gain. Using double FC (100 groups) over fighterbases, a known bug.


Please just play the game without these stupid tactics. Try to win by not making so many mistakes, maybe.

For me, it's just more confirmation that v100 is the last game for me, ever.



So for all your complaining about this now our group runs into double fighter cover at Bern.

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