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So for all your complaining about this now our group runs into double fighter cover at Bern.


You mean to say you flew through the Swiss (neutral country) FC that was over Bern, which you know all about because you've had Bern for a long while? That is kind of stupid, isn't it?

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Quite a difference, if one setups a bug-situation by intention with his partners ... meaning that TA-fighters will also jump in and lead to up to 2 x 50 fighter-intercepts.


Or if something like that occurs due to other reasons.

(our group has not yet done any TAS onto xBern)


xBern is hold by Switzerland, which is our enemy - and apparantly also yours
We put the army into Bern to get the city... apparantly, your bombing triggered an FC of Swiss forces also.


It cannot be that xBern remains neutral and forbidden ground for us...

But of course, it should also not be that your group gets a double intercept while going for our ground-force in Bern.


So, Russ should think about a possible solution...

Maybe deleting the FC over xBern (advantage for us) ... or replacing the losses taken by the double-hit...

Not nice in any case...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Major cities in Rumania fall!!! Sounds like your time is up trying to conquer us!

I would also like to add the very tactics you've repeatedly cried about on the forum your own allies are doing as well.

Specifically Hungary running day before me to try to kill me at Marne. too bad it won't work?

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I would also like to add the very tactics you've repeatedly cried about on the forum your own allies are doing as well.

Specifically Hungary running day before me to try to kill me at Marne. too bad it won't work


You are very good at distorting facts. Or actually, you're just sprouting Bullshit, as ever. Moving your turn back to blind me in France caused Hungary to be just before you. So if that caused you a surprise, I hope you'll enjoy it.

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So your the Czech player? I thought you played Rumania. I changed my run date three turns ago.. so that response doesn't play!

Doesn't really matter what Hungary was trying to accomplish I doubt he pulls it off. My fault anyway I should've been ge the province every turn but I got lazy waiting for attacks seemed like was never going to happen.

About time Hungary pumped his nuts up to attack Denmark. When Hungary chased Denmark out of Germany he was showing us 5 armies and Denmark only had ten div left. Now he has multiple armies to break through!!!

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I changed my run date three turns ago.. so that response doesn't play!

Doesn't really matter what Hungary was trying to accomplish I doubt he pulls it off. My fault anyway I should've been ge the province every turn but I got lazy waiting for attacks seemed like was never going to happen.

About time Hungary pumped his nuts up to attack Denmark. When Hungary chased Denmark out of Germany he was showing us 5 armies and Denmark only had ten div left. Now he has multiple armies to break through!!!


Hungary has the same run date for over 10 turns, you sneaked between Hungary and Czech if you are blinded it's your own fault not mine.

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You mean one less army of British troops and 50 spitfires less.


Doesn't really matter what Hungary was trying to accomplish I doubt he pulls it off. My fault anyway I should've been ge the province every turn but I got lazy waiting for attacks seemed like was never going to happen.


Guess you were wrong, again. Simple battle actually.

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No big deal I expected to lose them 15 turns ago. Besides they were stuck in the only arena I can't compete in: Hungarian territory!

Simple battle indeed! Doesn't matter what the odds are your not going to win against panthers when they have such a high offensive morale...

Can Czech come out and play!?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ya British tech sucks against Russian give yourself credit you've done nothing accept be a cry baby and asshole the whole game but that's par for the course for you. Now kill the remaining armies so this game can be over....


On a more serious note: I'm a "cry baby" because I do not like players exploiting the bugs in this game, bugs any of the experienced player knows, there is even a list somewhere on the forum. Exploiting them to such a level that Russ feels the need to step in and repair the damage. Plus your use of "blinding" in any game you are part of. Like I said before: I'm happy there are also players that help when such thing happen, as they also oppose these tactics.


Oh, and British tech sucks against Russian, of course, that is why you've been losing. It has nothing to do with the pisspoor choices you and you're allies have been making all game long. I can point you to a lot of them, but lets keep it at this last defeat of 15 green tanks on HD with no FC (or to far away, but I'm guessing none). Yes those tanks don't have DSM 0.7. But not using the DMOG order or putting any FC over them, or sending 15 green tanks to the front in an important position, those are your own mistakes. SO again you gained advantage by delaying and blinding and again you've thrown that advantage away in just two turns.


You've done a very good job on getting everyone in the game throwing everything at us, because, oooh, look how scary they are. In truth, you and your allies are the ones who gave us the position we are in now by throwing the game away, with the resources and pop firmly in your advantage. First Lowlands (who actually owned parts of CZ), then France, now you have lost major battles with all the odds on your side.


But thanks for playing. When will you give up?


To all other players: Sorry for this rant against predator, but his remark has been bugging me all night.

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