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I see from the world news that xSofia has changed hands again. Reminds me of the city of Winchester in the US Civil War, changed hands a record 44 times. <_<

I think this is the last time.



Are you playing Greece? Don of Southern Russia

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From the Bulgaria perspective he is probably right. He got the double move and those can be real killers. XSofia would have been questionable even if I had gotten an intervening turn but Maritsa would have definitely been ok. I hope to still inflict some casualties before s its over. Have fun Rick

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1 on 1 :blink: , I recall Italy making a good number of bomb runs to help you out early on in that fight. Hardly a one on one, but still you prevailed so good on you :thumbsup: .

So the question is...Now What???

No one left really for you to fight, except the Russia team. Oh ya, your team is buddy with the Russian team. But they kind of got you boxed in now with Romania right there helping get SR into the region. Yet your Turkish and Persian friends are making a very good buffer for SR to be able to move as far as he has in the time he has done it in.

Just by watching the WE it looks like T-J, Saudi, UAE might be a problem for your friends. Will the Russia team now help your guys out in their time of need. or are you now left to your own devices?? Will you leave the Russians to roll on down the easy road to an almost for sure win?? Or will your own desire to will rule out and compel you to fight the only other forces in the area (Romania & SR)?? I guess we shall have to wait and see. ^_^


Meanwhile Libya makes his way across North Africa with out challenge. Spain, Portugal, USA and Canada try to crowed into France. Can't imagine that working out to well B) .

Norway/Sweden still at war with the North part of the Russian team. Yet oddly, no progression by either side seems to have been made against the other. I thought Nor/Swed were buddy with Poland, but he got rolled rather quickly by NR & BS. Things that make you go hmmmm..... :cheers:

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1 on 1 :blink: , I recall Italy making a good number of bomb runs to help you out early on in that fight. Hardly a one on one, but still you prevailed so good on you :thumbsup: .

So the question is...Now What???

No one left really for you to fight, except the Russia team. Oh ya, your team is buddy with the Russian team. But they kind of got you boxed in now with Romania right there helping get SR into the region. Yet your Turkish and Persian friends are making a very good buffer for SR to be able to move as far as he has in the time he has done it in.

Just by watching the WE it looks like T-J, Saudi, UAE might be a problem for your friends. Will the Russia team now help your guys out in their time of need. or are you now left to your own devices?? Will you leave the Russians to roll on down the easy road to an almost for sure win?? Or will your own desire to will rule out and compel you to fight the only other forces in the area (Romania & SR)?? I guess we shall have to wait and see. ^_^


Meanwhile Libya makes his way across North Africa with out challenge. Spain, Portugal, USA and Canada try to crowed into France. Can't imagine that working out to well B) .

Norway/Sweden still at war with the North part of the Russian team. Yet oddly, no progression by either side seems to have been made against the other. I thought Nor/Swed were buddy with Poland, but he got rolled rather quickly by NR & BS. Things that make you go hmmmm..... :cheers:

I guess you are taking advantage of the propaganda. Bulgaria got far more help from his allies than I did. Italy bombed him EXACTLY 1 time. Meanwhile, Bulgaria ceding provinces to the network of TA's throughout Europe saved him from elimination 10 turns ago. No reason to have facts get in the way of a good narrative though.

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Enjoying the fight as well even though its more of a EM and partisan mission now. Having a 1 on 1 contest in Victory rarely occurs anymore as TA's are the rule now vice in older games when a lot more players went independent. Think you need to give the Italians more recognition however as Italian bomber formations attacked on 9 Aug, 23 Aug and 20 Sep providing substantial support which is a bit more than 1 air raid. Perhaps your confusing your Italian support with Turkey who only provided 2 small air attacks attacks. I would have done the same if my TA's were not fully engaged on the Eastern front so instead I tried ceding to a different nation every time so that you could declare more wars. Good luck and watch out as perhaps I will will pick up Rumania so that we can continue the fight with more than partisans. Have fun, RIck

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1 on 1 :blink: , I recall Italy making a good number of bomb runs to help you out early on in that fight. Hardly a one on one, but still you prevailed so good on you :thumbsup: .

So the question is...Now What???

No one left really for you to fight, except the Russia team. Oh ya, your team is buddy with the Russian team. But they kind of got you boxed in now with Romania right there helping get SR into the region. Yet your Turkish and Persian friends are making a very good buffer for SR to be able to move as far as he has in the time he has done it in.

Just by watching the WE it looks like T-J, Saudi, UAE might be a problem for your friends. Will the Russia team now help your guys out in their time of need. or are you now left to your own devices?? Will you leave the Russians to roll on down the easy road to an almost for sure win?? Or will your own desire to will rule out and compel you to fight the only other forces in the area (Romania & SR)?? I guess we shall have to wait and see. ^_^


Meanwhile Libya makes his way across North Africa with out challenge. Spain, Portugal, USA and Canada try to crowed into France. Can't imagine that working out to well B) .

Norway/Sweden still at war with the North part of the Russian team. Yet oddly, no progression by either side seems to have been made against the other. I thought Nor/Swed were buddy with Poland, but he got rolled rather quickly by NR & BS. Things that make you go hmmmm..... :cheers:

I guess you are taking advantage of the propaganda. Bulgaria got far more help from his allies than I did. Italy bombed him EXACTLY 1 time. Meanwhile, Bulgaria ceding provinces to the network of TA's throughout Europe saved him from elimination 10 turns ago. No reason to have facts get in the way of a good narrative though.


I would like to say that I was not trying to make anything personal out of what I said. But I am also not responsible for how what I say is taken. Rick is right, you should give your TA’s a bit more credit than you do. By my records, Italy made 3 runs before I moved my turn and stop getting reports for Bulgaria. And I totally forgot about Turkey’s early contributions. And the help Bulgaria got was never an issue. So why are you now trying to make it one.

I said what I said because it made a good lead into everything else I said. If you are going to take it personal, I can’t do anything about that. But please good sir, don’t then turn around and tell me how wrong I am if you have nothing to show me where I am wrong.

I assure you, I am not one to let a bad Narrative get in the way of solid facts!!

Yes, this is the propaganda ministry, and I am using it for it’s intended purpose. And while I might not be technically correct on every little tidbit in my statements. I will not overtly and knowingly lie in my posts. As you have tried to infer that is what I have done.


Play Well Good Sir J

ED, Ire99


Battle reports for Bulgaria from Ireland's turn sheets:


Turkey has attacked Bulgaria at xIstanbul with a tactical air strike on Friday, June 17, 2016

Tech7: Aircraft of Turkey were intercepted over Plovdiv by Bulgaria on Friday, July 1, 2016 Tech8: Turkey conducted a coastal bombardment of xBurgas on Friday, July 15, 2016 Tech9: Only Greece attack this round Tech10: Italy has attacked Bulgaria at xMaritsa with a tactical air strike on Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Thech11 Italy has attacked Bulgaria at xMaritsa with a tactical air strike on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Tech12 Only Greece attacks this round Tech13 Italy has attacked Bulgaria at xSofia with a tactical air strike on Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tech14 <No battles were reported this turn>

Tech15 <No battles were reported this turn>

Tech16 <No battles were reported this turn> Tech17 <No battles were reported this turn>

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(Sigh) The formatting looked good in the text box before I clicked the post button. But at least it can still be fallowed ok.

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Enjoying the fight as well even though its more of a EM and partisan mission now. Having a 1 on 1 contest in Victory rarely occurs anymore as TA's are the rule now vice in older games when a lot more players went independent. Think you need to give the Italians more recognition however as Italian bomber formations attacked on 9 Aug, 23 Aug and 20 Sep providing substantial support which is a bit more than 1 air raid. Perhaps your confusing your Italian support with Turkey who only provided 2 small air attacks attacks. I would have done the same if my TA's were not fully engaged on the Eastern front so instead I tried ceding to a different nation every time so that you could declare more wars. Good luck and watch out as perhaps I will will pick up Rumania so that we can continue the fight with more than partisans. Have fun, RIck

Well, I find in my 60's my memory isn't what it was, but I only remembered one. With no TA's on either side, I would have rolled into Sofia when you couldn't defend it back around turn 10, and the game would have been over. Petrich has changed hands more in this game then then Palermo has in history! Been a fun game. If you are going to take over Rumania, I am all for it. I will even make you a pact now, no help from my allies, and vice versa. That includes ceding of course! Feels like I have been fighting you forever, and having 97 end and Bulgaria fall in 99 at basically the same time leaves a hollow feeling. :)

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I might have come out on top if I hadn't sent in a turn with out intel in the early going. Could have caught your infantry in the open but things worked out differently. Guess I will have to wait for Rumania to drop. Sorry to see game 97 end as well. You still hold xBenghazi but everything else was recaptured however you did keep Tunisia free to the end but at the cost of Turkey. I figured the troops that landed at Suez would re-embark so I went on a straffing run against the amphibs which will give you a few more air points. What did you end up with on air kills 200K. I had a 100K which is pretty high for Russian fighters but you had the air to air kills and a lot of captured air bases. Have fun, RIck

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Well, not counting what I may have killed on the final turn after mine, I was at 146k. Turkey dropping changed the whole war. Our economies were very intertwined, and I didn't notice that his rail in Plovdiv was carved up by partisans. That caused 2500 fuel to not make it to Greece, which cancelled 50 P-51H's on FC, which allowed your TA's to badly hurt some air bases. It also caused 6 line Marine 44's to not make xBenghazi on turn 72, which meant I couldn't let you get two turns on me, or I would have run on the last day. Oh well, was a fun game. I don't think you could have held Africa, but I would have had to deal with the Turkish situation. Good game.


BTW, I sent air regiments to xAbudhabi and xRiyadh on the last turn, which I know were undefended, but I went through a province you hadn't bothered to take, so both missions were conquered, a good reason not to conquer useless provinces.

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