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Enemies of the Flagritz Republic


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While the current leadership of the Flagritz Empire is definitely different than the original,Flagritz certainly has one thing correct. All the empires he listed that I have encountered have shown themselves to be cowards with the ORI being 2nd from the top of the list, just slightly behind Cestvel

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Right , bring your multi billion ton ships to my areas , and I am sure you will see me run . What you did to a person that did not think of you as an enemy was an act of sniveling cowardice in itself anyway , so who are you are to call others cowards ?


In fact , you are the true coward , because JM is still in prison , so you are the one that started this thread on the forums , more than likely. Why do you have to hide behind his name for these postings ? This will be my last reply to your insipid comments , minicheroptera .

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I see you believe Cestvel's propaganda machine. The FACT is he and Hobnob broke the alliance and attacked my pickets in agreed upon off limits areas; I requested them to stop for almost six months, yet they continued. I had no choice but to seek vengeance for their treachery.


I'd be happy to accept your invitation to visit your home system(s), please forward directions from the point we last met and I'll send a Parade of Super Dreadnaughts in your honor.


Minicheroptera??? Very small .....umm... minded of you, Sounds like you have Napoleon Syndrome and a bit of Ship Envy.


And to correct your erroneous assumptions.... I do not write or speak for Flagritz, I do not hide behind anyone, and certainly never run from a foe; unlike, well.... you know who don't you ;)

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I would say that is incorrect. It is well known that in this game you can almost always get to a system by alternate routes. The picket lines that were agreed upon were held inviolate. However, you seem to think that showing up at a system "behind" said picket means one went through the picket line, when in fact such was not the case. I did try and point this out when you and your friends were so emphatically insistent on such lines being established in the first place, if you recall.


There was never a request to stop exploration. If I recall you said your pickets were on an aggressive ROE and it was not worth the orders to make changes after we were supposed to be "allied" for limited actions. So, they attacked me at every turn.


In fact you were just getting bored when the PA abandoned ship and decided to pick on the nearest target, allied or otherwise, in a complete back stab. Those battles were not even battles when you rolled in with 10 times the mass.


However, that is all water under the bridge. You know where my fleets are, right next to the rubble of your fleets, so please feel free to send in the next fleet so I don't have to go looking for it.


I will say that having you out there has been the main reason I continue to play. Every play needs a villain and you fit right into the role when the PA was defeated/left. There is something good about that too, in a war game.


Until our fleets meet again....



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You accuse people of hiding behind the glorious Flagritz Republic without first taking a long look at who your empire hides behind? At the same time with your YNOLOC/NHI empires you continue to bully and Pirate smaller positions less than 4 months old in that area, after they let you know they are active and wish to be left alone. This is all a moot point, your colors show themselves. The ORI and all empires associated with it should only be trusted as far as they can be tossed. Do not worry, the Flagritz Republic is looking for you much harder than you are looking for us. This is how Flagritz does not fear the ORI or any of it's allies. I am willing to give you a list of my outlying systems to "Help you in the destruction of your Empires". Are you willing to do the same? Or will the ORI continue to "Cower:" in your system? I notice the ORI is not too keen on accepting the challenge set forth by Megachiroptera.... Is this a sign of said "Cowardness" on the part of the ORI? Is there blood in the water? I think I would be afraid too if I had a "Dreadnaught Parade" coming for me.

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"I would say that is incorrect" - You are certainly entitled to your opinion; you can spin it anyway you wish - my statements have been completely factual. I don't know how you came up with your PA Theory, but its way off base.


"Every play needs a villain and you fit right into the role when the PA was defeated/left. There is something good about that too, in a war game" We mostly agree on this point other than MANY empires see Cestvel and you (albeit to a lesser extent) as the villains; its definitely a matter of perspective.


"You know where my fleets are"

Yep, but don’t you mean, I know where your allied fleets WERE instead of are??


[2] 1 Exmouth II class NDN..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 {Flagship} Forward class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 {Flagship} Hopscotch 4 class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 {Flagship} Niob class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 Puritan class NDN..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 2 {Flagship} Questionable Wisdom class NDNF..................................................2 Destroyed

[2] 1 {Flagship} Questionable Wisdom class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 {Flagship} Valiant class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[3] 1 {Flagship} Vengeance class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[9] 1 Trevor Howard II class NDN..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 14 300 Spartans class NDN..................................................14 Destroyed

[1] 22 {Flagship} Ante Up class NDNF..................................................22 Destroyed

[1] 1 {Flagship} Assimilator class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 185 Azure class BMZ..................................................185 Destroyed

[1] 209 Brown class BB..................................................209 Destroyed

[1] 577 Buzz Kill class AUXH..................................................577 Destroyed

[1] 297 Buzz Kill 2 class BC..................................................297 Destroyed

[1] 784 Dogs of War class BB..................................................784 Destroyed

[1] 16 Eclipse class NDN..................................................16 Destroyed

[1] 7 {Flagship} Evolution class NDNF..................................................7 Destroyed

[1] 359 Gomez class BB..................................................359 Destroyed

[1] 1 {Flagship} Harbinger class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 148 Hedgehog #4 class CCA..................................................148 Destroyed

[1] 88 Hedgehog #5 class CCA..................................................88 Destroyed

[1] 1 {Flagship} Hubris 2 class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 66 {Flagship} Mars class NDNF..................................................66 Destroyed

[1] 366 Red class DN..................................................366 Destroyed

[1] 380 Retro class WC..................................................380 Destroyed

[1] 1 Shackles of Honor class NDN..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 77 Sinod of Brotherly D class NDN..................................................77 Destroyed

[1] 487 Solar class CA..................................................487 Destroyed

[1] 3 {Flagship} Sweet Surrender class NDNF..................................................3 Destroyed

[1] 11 {Flagship} Thing 2 class NDNF..................................................11 Destroyed

[1] 1 {Flagship} Triton class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 4 {Flagship} Veronica VonHorror class NDNF..................................................4 Destroyed

[1] 3 {Flagship} Yellow class NDNF..................................................3 Destroyed

[2] 7 Big Juicy 2 class STA..................................................7 Destroyed

[2] 803 Buzz Kill M class BC..................................................803 Destroyed

[2] 908 Digit M class AUXF..................................................908 Destroyed

[10] 192 Black class BB..................................................192 Destroyed

[10] 5 {Flagship} Brain Bug class NDNF..................................................5 Destroyed

[10] 232 Gom Jobbar D class AUXF..................................................232 Destroyed

[10] 51 Prismatic Spray class NDN..................................................51 Destroyed

[10] 22 Watcher class BDN..................................................22 Destroyed

[12] 1 {Flagship} Mites class NDNF..................................................1 Destroyed

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Yes, there is some rubble there as well. What you failed to point out was the 230B tons of your fleets that were destroyed the previous turns. I never said I always won every battle. I have lost every bit as large a fleet as you have, I just have more of them. :) Also, I would point out that I lost that battle due in large part to a bunch of illegal screens of gemstones only that Pete's code would not take care of. Evidently he did not want to rerun an 18 hour battle.


And to JoshM and anybody else out there. This is a war game. There is no sanction for a poorly placed position. Nobody is obligated to go easy on a position because it is newer or Pete slipped one in where it shouldn't have been. They are all fair game and usually dead meat when running into a more veteran position.


If you want it to be more "fair" you should move to Draco where all positions will and are much the same size. Get in on the ground floor so you can be the bully instead of whining about somebody else who has built up a position and is now much bigger than you.


Andromeda is winding down. Major players are huge by Draco standards and will only keep getting bigger. Many positions grow by 1M pop a turn or more. If you are not in that category you will not be competitive. Best to just move to Draco now and start over. :)



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The position in question was not only placed inside the Nhi position , but between the HW and a captured dropped HW . On top of that , the player stated he was a friend to joshm.....at about the same time jm tried his ruse to get my position by way of his girlfriend , and then Russ asked if it was my intention to xfer the position to her so she could then allow jm to run it....never was my intention , but I had already sent to her a number of pdf files and mdb files in order to give her a smooth start with the new position , so jm distributed said files to other positions in the area after I reversed the allowance to transfer . So , there was no way I was going to allow a position to start up in the middle of my position that already had all the intimate knowledge of my position , and most definitely not a position run by an admitted friend of jm . I even told that player that it would be pointless for him to waste more money on the position , because I was not going to allow it to exist , and told him to get a new position in the new region that was going to open up .


I am definitely not worried about a parade of ships , whatever size . However , if you want mapping info , then you are going to have to use real money for turn sheets to get it , I am not going to give out the info except to my allies . Rogan was amused by how desperately you tried to get the info from him .


If you are really out looking for me , then you should see my fleets ( 20+ fleets ) by now . Again , those are just scouts . Go for it , because the scouts will be the only easy victories you will get .

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At least there is some excitement while I wait for my turn for Draco. I am totally lost on who is on what side but I'll stay tuned. Where is the popcorn when I need it? I have not seen any rules on borders in Supernova. I enjoy the intrigue of this game so far. The rules on my borders are the following I am going to the next system to scan. System beacons tell me to stick a pin in my map for your empire and to finish mapping the system. If you send war ships and destroy it, I will send others that can finish the mapping. Yep, I am going to map your home world even CSV and GEO it. If you did not colonize a planet in your home system I will if you are too slow. If you do not stop me, I will visit and do explore orders on your home world. The systems around my home system are there for me to enjoy, mine, colonize, scan and claim in the name of whatever my leaders name is :) See you around in Draco Josh.

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