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3 hours ago, Falco said:

Lots of planes flying into FC, Libya sending in every last trooper around, green as grass all. Next we'll be seeing Grandma's wielding kitchen appliances. Shame that no sheep are present, those battles always end with a feast.

Not always the 🐑 as the feast 😈

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4 hours ago, Marklen X said:

All my escorted groups, with very experienced Spitfire escorts, were not intercepted, but the vulnerable groups without much xp, all got hammered. You have to tell me how you do that. 

OMA FC F100 <Yes> Location1 Location2 

You refer to the hidden switch which needs to be entered separately? Field name is <Ignore XP Escorts>, enter Yes to ignore very experienced escorts and No to intercept everything. Well yes, that switch is available by manually changing the VOEP DB.... :D

You're very experienced Typhoon group got hammered, does that count?

On the plus side of things, around 4 out of 10 strikes got through without being intercepted, which is the average for this range to intercept, as it was max range for the FW's.

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9 hours ago, The Fremen said:

Not always the 🐑 as the feast 😈

Oh? While delicious, I'm not reposting the lambchops. But I'd say everybody soldier would take an extra step, shoot an extra bullet, and even take an extra wounds or two when fighting an army of sheep with the thought of feasting after the battle, so your odds are bound to be worse than others would have. Add in some TAS (napalm bombs) and instant dinner is served.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've actually had the 50 HF for a while, accumulating XP. Upgrade and move, they were up already, but you missed them the first chance you had.

10 turns to go, time to bash more Moroccan troops. Mark, be so kind to line up the troops so they can be killed. Thanks! Oh, and any bases left unguarded will be happily destroyed. :-)

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