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2 hours ago, The Fremen said:

The Dutch have an incredibly short memory. It wasn't we who spurned diplomatic efforts it  was the Dutch. It was only AFTER we Irish discovered a diabolical plot

brewing that the Dutch offered to offer an Alliance. We have the diplomatic cables to prove this.

You need to check, and reread your forum messages. :-) The Dutch offered to have an alliance with you and GB. And the response? Dead silence. No answer to my diplomatic contact, no alliance offer, nothing. Just a bunch of bleating on the forum. :-) But if you Irish sheep are wanting to do an alliance, we are still willing, although our patience is being tried.…

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47 minutes ago, The Fremen said:

Irish Sheep eh? Those are fightin words in our book. It’s apparent that the Dutch need to be taught a lesson in civility. The battle lines are being drawn and soon very soon all will tremble at the massive onslaught of the Irish military.  

It appears that ANY words are fighting words in your book. Even words of peace. Whatever. :-)

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"Irish Sheep eh?" ... "no one insults sheep." ... "I may be drunk, Miss, but" ... "There is soon to be a shotgun wedding." 



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23 hours ago, The Fremen said:


and talking about Big Groups how is this one for size ... well maybe not size but definitely strategic location.

Austria is totally allied to Rumania         
Austria is totally allied to Bulgaria        
Austria is totally allied to Italy           
Austria is totally allied to Yugoslavia      
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Czechoslovakia  
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Germany         
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Switzerland     
Austria is at war with Hungary      

Unless this group is working with the Germany/Lowlands/Denmark/France group then there should be some fireworks shortly:cannon:

They wanted a deal we turned them down...they have bigger problems than our group right now...

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1 hour ago, Predator said:

They wanted a deal we turned them down...they have bigger problems than our group right now...

We would agree with that statement except that the problems might be from other than Ireland or GB. We are just mere sheep dontchaknow. BaaaBaaa ?

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Baaaaaaa. Let’s see something here smells almost as bad as the swine that got shot. We didn’t realize that Dutch intelligence agents had jurisdiction at the Swiss-Italian border. Have the ‘peaceful’ Dutch absorbed sections of Germany?  And if so for what ‘peaceful’ purpose?

We sheep have never or ever will make claims of being peaceful. To the contrary we are vicious warlike bloodthirsty savages that will  revel in death and destruction  Baaaaaaaabaaaaa?

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2 hours ago, The Fremen said:

Baaaaaaa. Let’s see something here smells almost as bad as the swine that got shot. We didn’t realize that Dutch intelligence agents had jurisdiction at the Swiss-Italian border. Have the ‘peaceful’ Dutch absorbed sections of Germany?  And if so for what ‘peaceful’ purpose?

We sheep have never or ever will make claims of being peaceful. To the contrary we are vicious warlike bloodthirsty savages that will  revel in death and destruction  Baaaaaaaabaaaaa?

The Swiss are our brothers, as are the Germans.


And of course you sheep aren't peaceful; why else would you be constantly bleating here on the forum? :-)

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The Italians were smelling out a rat on the Spanish border... why do the Dutch control pau? It serves no purpose as a blocking move when the French production that can be threatened by Spain are Far East of pau!

we were doing tc's and were curious  why the Dutch would hold pau when the Dutch themselves told us Spain would be their ally...either Italy or the spaniards are being lied to by the Dutch... 


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Perhaps the Dutch are intending to obtain another port city from the Spanish? They only have 1 and might be suffering from port envy. But assuming that the Dutch are best buds with the Spainish Pau could be a nice site for an airbase from which air missions will never be affected by weather.  Who knows and at this point who cares as Irish battleplan Bravo is in effect ?

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