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Just curious, no dog in the fight, but who are the alliances you're fighting Pred? Monk, wouldn't the Egyptians be brother Muslims? Do you have them in trouble?

3 hours ago, Predator said:

Yup we are fighting pretty much every one in Europe and beyond! But that’s what makes it fun...


2 hours ago, the_dark_monk said:

Soon the Shah of Persia will reconquer the most holy city of Mecca from the hordes of Egypt.


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so to recap 

we have Italy Austria Bulgaria Romania Yugoslavia Spain Portugal Tunisia and Algeria vs. the rest of the world and the rest of the world is split up into a few alliances who are all working in one way or another to crush the above mentioned alliance of nations. Makes for one hell of a fight considering the above mentioned nations got a very early jump by conquering France Switzerland Greece Hungary  and Morocco very early in the war. 

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My group (italy, yugo, Bulgaria, Rumania, Austria) are fighting Schmitter’s group (central, Baltic, Sweden, Finland)

but they have pulled Denmark lowlands Britain Ireland Iceland US Canada Poland into their side while we have just Spain helping us

spains allies are all in Africa fighting a big middle eastern/Africa group


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Fremen, you said a while back that they're "good at fighting non-humans," but now you're saying they've conquered quite a few nations? According to my information, your allies have conquered....nobody? If I were a betting man, I'd say that you and your allies are being outplayed. For example, how long have you been trying to take the one little island of Azores? It sounds to me like you should start building your defenses in Ireland for the coming storm.

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4 hours ago, Cleo said:

Fremen, you said a while back that they're "good at fighting non-humans," but now you're saying they've conquered quite a few nations? According to my information, your allies have conquered....nobody? If I were a betting man, I'd say that you and your allies are being outplayed. For example, how long have you been trying to take the one little island of Azores? It sounds to me like you should start building your defenses in Ireland for the coming storm.

Coming storm??  There could be a serious problem with that forecast. The nations that can even hope to attempt something like that are neck deep in fighting a land war on the mainland vs some very capable players. We Fremen have just returned to playing after a more then 20 year hiatus but we are more then making a nuisance of ourselves and down right making life miserable for some nations. Might take a few games to get into the swing of things but we ? learn fast. 

Yes what I said was true. It’s pretty easy to conquer nations that don’t fight back ie drops. But when faced with real unpredictable players things get interesting. The coming storm is from the west not east my friend. Right now I’d say it’s only a cat 1 or 2 but it’s rapidly gaining strength and there isn’t anything our enemies on the mainland can do about it unless they want to get steamrolled by our Scandinavian and Baltic/ Russian allies. 

The mid and end game to 101 will be a blast for all I assure you. And isn’t that why we play this awesome game? ?

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27 minutes ago, Marklen X said:

Sounds like a fun game, seriously, which group has the biggest advantage?

That’s a tough call at this point. Although the Italy Austria Bulgaria Romania Yugoslavia group and the Spain Portugal Tunisia and Algeria got off to a lightning fast start and took control of lots of pop and factories they are having a very tough time of late due to extremely effective coordination amongst allies. TA’s working together are a given but 101 has seen allies working to complement and enhance each other’s strengths. 

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