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14 hours ago, Cleo said:

Well, I could hassle him about his airbase that just got thumped, but I'm not supposed to know about that.

It’s about damn time. I was beginning to wonder. And news flash about the Azores. The Irish aren’t the ones attacking that island chain. Looks like our disinformation campaign is working just fine. 😈

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Breaking News:

Fisherman in the English Channel reported that Ireland must have an airbase in Europe. They reported that hundreds of planes flew toward Europe, but didn't return. They had to have landed somewhere.

It has also been reported that the Azores has opened up its port again to cruise lines from all over the world. A government spokesman said that they were giving North American cruise liners a "special deal", but they didn't stick up to their side of the bargain.

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Fake news. It wasn’t hundreds it was thousands. And the damage inflicted was 2 to 1 against us. Still not too bad considering the unanswered attacks we have conducted over many many TP’s


The defenders of the Azores starved to death. Their leaders unable to break the naval blockade. They fought bravely and fiercely but all for naught.  

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Some countries have double and triple the production of others and can afford losses.

So unloading 6 full divisions isn't breaking the naval blockade? If you say the troops in Azores are starving because they aren't eating their shoe leather anymore, it's because all the cafes have opened back up. What good is it to have the Azores if you lose Bermuda?

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Lose Bermuda? Surely you jest. Those Rodney’s are dead already and anything else that gets close.  It was a one way trip that fell flat. 

Double and triple production? ooooo stop it your scaring me! 😈. The countries that do sure are needing it with the losses they are sustaining ouch!!! Losing 3 full armored armies has to sting. And now that the spring is in the air so will our air power of which we have way more.  This one is gonna go to the end Boys and girls no doubt about it. 


Come on give us more fake news we love a good belly laugh. 😂

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Losing three armor armies was what it took to push the front into Baltic’s home territory. We even captured his AIC center for his whole country, that had to hurt!


sometimes you have to sacrifice men to take the Hill!


speaking on losses: Iceland and Ireland got massacred by Italian fighters. The Irish didn’t even have the heart to make it to the target! Somebody mentioned a pint and they all turned and flew for home!🍺

come back and visit anytime 🤪


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More fake news....

look at your results again. The Irish did make it through. If we had gotten massacred we would have turned back. Sure we took losses but that’s to be expected when nearly 50 CSC 7 fighters meet up with 25 CSC 6 escorts. The results were predictable but far from a massacre. We have those too😈 just a small matter of reassigning escorts. 

We’ll be back ..... 😁


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6 hours ago, Predator said:


Losing three armor armies was what it took to push the front into Baltic’s home territory. We even captured his AIC center for his whole country, that had to hurt!


sometimes you have to sacrifice men to take the Hill!


speaking on losses: Iceland and Ireland got massacred by Italian fighters. The Irish didn’t even have the heart to make it to the target! Somebody mentioned a pint and they all turned and flew for home!🍺

come back and visit anytime 🤪


Actually I think it felt more like a mosquito bite on an elephants butt. What’s gotta hurt more is losing 20k+ ARM in such a short period of time in exchange for a small fraction of that in return. The Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians are a vicious bunch. They make our savage warlike bloodthirsty 🐑 commandos look like puppy dogs by comparison. I think the Austrians are feeling like they walked head first into a meat grinder right about now. 😈.  It’s just going to get worse for them and their minions The Bulgarians and Yugoslavs. 

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Speaking of which.....the Grim Reaper division of  Great Britain’s SAS ( sneaky as sh@t) commandos made a couple of visits to the homes of high ranking military officers in the cities of xRome and xVienna 

Unfortunately their respective security forces let them down. 😈😈 

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8 hours ago, Cleo said:

I do believe that you could make the loss of xDublin sound like a victory for Ireland!

Of that there is no doubt.😈 But xDublin falling or any other Irish city for that matter is a pipe dream for the enemy. It would take way way too many resources when their other enemies are still alive and doing very well on the mainland. Portugal , Spain and even Italy and his allies will need to deal with the hordes approaching from North Africa and the Middle East. Even their substantial production abilities won’t be enough 😈😈

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Didn’t say that at all you did. What I am saying though is that if the enemy continues to lose so much men and material( no reason to think they won’t keep losing btw)  they will be in no shape to defend themselves on the multiple fronts that will/have already opened up. 😈


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Ya guess I got those tail markings wrong it was Iceland that turned around. It was hard to see through the smoke of all those enemy bombers being shot down. 

Despite your claims Ireland and Iceland combined doesn’t even approach my air production every turn. A war of attrition is exactly what I want!


While it it looks like a lot of loss the enemy also took significant loss as well as a lot of lost production. We will just keep pushing because every time we take another Hill we gain ground in final victory!

Amsterdam defense was impressive! But I have a solution for that! Had to attack once to see what I was up against.  Last time I saw that army I chased it back to there it was at 20%. My ally let me down he was supposed to finish it off.


Not worried about the Middle East group. Defenses are in place... Air power can’t occupy italy! 


The Irish are invited to an air show in Germany. If you think the P-47 was a tough fight wait to you see what is waiting for you now😯

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22 hours ago, The Fremen said:

Speaking of which.....the Grim Reaper division of  Great Britain’s SAS ( sneaky as sh@t) commandos made a couple of visits to the homes of high ranking military officers in the cities of xRome and xVienna 

Unfortunately their respective security forces let them down. 😈😈 

That was a card board cut out of an officer... or maybe a stand in double...or maybe we turned your spy and he’s lying about having a successful mission... or maybe Clinton didn’t have sexual relations with that woman... I don’t know

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