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Hmm, I didn't realize we were going to war with the west now. I figured it was if we all extended. 

In the early morning hours of January 9, a day that will live in infamy, the cowardly Danish navy sailed into the straits of Gibralter and leveled the peaceful city. After years of friendship, the western allies by this craven sneak attack have thrown the world into a war that will lead to worldwide suffering. 

This aggression will not stand!

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Hmmmmmm is right. That won’t be the only aggression that won’t stand we assure you. We aren’t just your typical run of the mill 🐑 mind you. We are now a  battle hardened savage warlike vicious bloodthirsty group of grazers 😈

bring it. we bleat at your supposed might...and laugh a bit too Baaaahaha😁

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  • 2 weeks later...

it wasnt exactly by ourselves was it? Your buddy Egypt got into it too. :) all good though. The initial encounters didnt go well for either side but that was to be expected. Although the loss of at least 7 Queen Mary's and the heavy damage on a few more had to sting just a little. It would take nearly till the end of the game to replace those. Our losses can be replaced much much sooner( even the CV losses). Still I now know why you guys wanted to extend the game. It's a forgone conclusion as to who would emerge victorious as we wouldnt be able to fight a war of attrition. You guys have just been rolling over computer positions for far too long without incurring losses unlike our side. Its one of the unbalancing aspects of the game that cant be remedied any time soon I'm afraid. 

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Well, it is the propaganda ministry, but as of this date, I haven't fought a computer. Tunisia fought on well after he lost all of his country, Algeria fought until I reached the Moroccan border, and Spain and Portugal didn't drop until the last two turns, so if it makes you feel better to believe that, go ahead. As for the fighting on, I think the combination of you and the eastern bloc would have been tough to handle. We had nothing to gain but a fun fight, as who wins this game on turn 73 is already determined. 


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Like you said it’s the propaganda ministry😁

perhaps you’re nation hasn’t ( I’m assuming Libya) but can the same be said about the rest of your alliance? Plus how I feel about an aspect of the game doesn’t change anything about it. It is what it is. Very early drops change things drastically. 
France and Switzerland gave up the ghost rather early in this game. This allowed Italy to dominate for a good portion of the mid game. I hear there was some kind of truce between your group and theirs which allowed quite a  buildup with little to no challenges. Libyan advances were written in stone as no nation can fight a 2 or 3 front war and expect to prevail. That’s exactly what Portugal and Spain had to deal with and as you can see the result was predictable. 

in game 102 we have conquered 10 IMDL10 cities and the resources to support them. That doesn’t include the 9 in our home country. With no real opposition we will just continue to build and build and do exactly what your doing in 101. Unfortunately we were able to do this because a few nations decided that the loss of one nations army and airforce was enough to cause all of them to drop 😡


Btw. We 🐑 give you this one chance to surrender and avoid the humiliation of hordes of us eating up all your choice grass. 😈

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I can tell you for a fact, there was zero communication of any sort between myself and any member of the Italian alliance before I declared on this board that we were attacking them. I had my privacy option on, and other than your TA Canada, and one member of the eastern alliance, nobody in this game outside my own TA group knew who was playing Libya, and nobody else in our group does diplomacy really anyway, so the concept of a "deal" between us is rather laughable. 

I've been fighting the TA group of Tunisia-Algeria-Portugal-Spain since turn 4, when Tunisia invaded me. I gut punched him early, and then was invaded by Algeria with 36 panzer divisions back in the teens, crushed that and started moving west, where I fought all the way to the coast. I doubt anybody in this game didn't know I was fighting them, so if you are disappointed that your attacks from the west helped me, you have nobody to blame but yourselves. I had to fight all the way there, you only had to sail, and I was quite surprised you didn't get there first. 

I appreciate your offer, when we mentioned it to our foreign minister, he choked on his hummus. I hope those sheep can swim, only way they're getting home.  

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