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On 2/4/2020 at 11:33 AM, Marklen X said:

I can tell you for a fact, there was zero communication of any sort between myself and any member of the Italian alliance before I declared on this board that we were attacking them. I had my privacy option on, and other than your TA Canada, and one member of the eastern alliance, nobody in this game outside my own TA group knew who was playing Libya, and nobody else in our group does diplomacy really anyway, so the concept of a "deal" between us is rather laughable. 

I've been fighting the TA group of Tunisia-Algeria-Portugal-Spain since turn 4, when Tunisia invaded me. I gut punched him early, and then was invaded by Algeria with 36 panzer divisions back in the teens, crushed that and started moving west, where I fought all the way to the coast. I doubt anybody in this game didn't know I was fighting them, so if you are disappointed that your attacks from the west helped me, you have nobody to blame but yourselves. I had to fight all the way there, you only had to sail, and I was quite surprised you didn't get there first. 

I appreciate your offer, when we mentioned it to our foreign minister, he choked on his hummus. I hope those sheep can swim, only way they're getting home.  

Ominous storm clouds are gathering over the horizon.... wait those aren’t clouds!! .....

they are the fuzzy coats of thousands of battle hardened savage warlike bloodthirsty 🐑 marauders. Quick hide the choice grass!!!  🤣

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News from the front!!

The Libyan and Egyptian war machines made their presence known in the Irish held port city of xBilbao. Thousands of Libyan and Egyptian warplanes conducted maritime strikes on Irish shipping docked there targeting auxiliary ships. The destruction was nearly complete as nearly all Irish transports minesweepers and tenders were sent to the bottom. Irish Corsairs operating off carriers tried to stop the slaughter and acquitted themselves well but there were just too many attackers. After the assault Irish carriers were ordered to get underway and immediately ran into a minefield and Libyan submarines laying in ambush. After a vicious fight the fleeing carriers destroyed many of the attacking submarines and escaped. The attacks weren’t over however as the Egyptians followed the oil slicks from the damaged Irish carriers and attacked again. More Irish carriers met their doom but many finally made good their escape.  A couple short weeks later the Irish extracted a small measure of vengeance by conducting their own strikes on the ports of xValencia and xMarsellies  and succeeded in sinking 39 of 49 Libyan transports and 7 Queen Mary’s plus 2 more Queen Mary’s heavily damaged belonging to Egypt. The vengeance wasn’t over however as British 🐑 paratroopers working on intel given to them by his Irish allies attacked and captured a MAJOR Libyan airbase in the Iberian peninsula. Nearly 4 months of max aircraft production was lost by Libya in one nightmarish attack by vicious warlike bloodthirsty 🐑 


The battle rages on!!!! 😈




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Yep, nice job. Couple of corrections though, it was Libyan, not Egyptian bombers that followed the oil slick. I actually had the order written to put a couple of divisions into xMinglanilla, but they didn't make the cut when I had to get to only 120 orders. I gambled I could wait one turn. Oh, and that's less than one turn of Libyan air production. 

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1 hour ago, Marklen X said:

Yep, nice job. Couple of corrections though, it was Libyan, not Egyptian bombers that followed the oil slick. I actually had the order written to put a couple of divisions into xMinglanilla, but they didn't make the cut when I had to get to only 120 orders. I gambled I could wait one turn. Oh, and that's less than one turn of Libyan air production. 

Libyan ...Egyptian it’s all the same.  it’s hard to keep track when so many planes attack. And I don’t think so that it’s one turn of air production unless your talking HT planes. Yeah go ahead and build those.

those things can only drop troops and not bombs or torpedoes. By my count you lost 89 total groups which will take us normal🐑 heathens 9 turns to replace. I’m pretty sure that the almighty Libyans will take just as long BUT by that time the game will be over. Of course you may have other planes but your not gonna use that site again I assure you. At least not right away. 
oh and next time don’t gamble with the 🐑.  We are a vicious warlike bloodthirsty bunch dontchaknow. 🤣

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Better bring bigger guns MarklenX!! those pop guns you brought to this fight aren’t gonna cut it. 😈

the 🐑 are ready for the long siege and have donned their Alabama 🦌 tick costumes in preparation for the expected Libyan attacks. You might even have to enlist your Egyptian friends. Your gonna need em. 🤣

Long live the 🐑 Baaaaaaahahahaha!

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Tink tink tink !! sir!!! Egyptian planes are dropping bombs on us. All units reporting in as combat effective Sir!! Keep those guns pointed at those Libyans cowering in the mountains. They will soon work up the courage to make an assault. Now bring me a cigar!! I got some smoking to do!! And while your at it pour me a pint!!

I guess you did get your Egyptian friends to join the fight!!! Come one come all!! 
now come your strikes and your attack which will be tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage. 
you can have this city when you pry it from our cold dead hooves. 😁

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  • 2 weeks later...

...... somewhere in Northern Africa in a Libyan war bunker.......

dammit!!!! I want those Irish 🐑 DEAD!!! Yelled Air Marshall As-Sasuni. 
Send a telegram to our Egyptian friends and ask them to redouble their efforts and I don’t want to hear excuses about losses inflicted by the allies of the Irish 🐑 on their bases.  
Air Marshal As-Sasuni’s aide immediately went to work leaving his office leaving the Air Marshal staring at his war map in disbelief shaking his head and muttering under his breath. “ who knew fuzzy 🐑 could fight so hard. 🤣

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

News flash!!!!!

British SAS ( sneaky as sh@t) commandos hoofed their way past the obviously sleeping security of the Libyan airbase somewhere on the Iberian peninsula and clandestinely placed bananas in the tailpipes of some Me-262’s parked at the airbase. No less then 99 of them stalled on takeoff and crashed. Snickering in amusement the commando leader couldn’t believe the Libyans fell for the ole banana in the tailpipe trick. 🤣


btw Libyans predictions of pushing the Irish 🐑 off the peninsula won’t come to fruition 😉 but you can keep trying!!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah yeah yeah running blind forgetting to build LDB’s thinking you had another turn before the 🐑 landed....  we’ve heard em all before. Excuses are just that... excuses 😈. Speaking of Turkey Shoots.. the Irish 🐑 got their just revenge sinking double the SHIP points lost in that last Libyan Maritime Strike. Where you ask? You’ll find out soon enough😉  

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Yes very interesting indeed. Don’t believe a word of that running blind vs the USA. No way he’s running blind. He knows exactly where to strike with actionable intel provided by his TA’s. But he sure is running and the word isn’t blind. The correct term is scared... yeah that’s it scared. 😁. The mountains surrounding xBilbao are already knee deep in Libyan blood and soon it will be past the summits with the forces he has massed for the so called ‘final’ assault. 😈 bring it!! we are waiting ....


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I ran this turn blind against the USA, fact. Most of our losses in Bilbao have been caused by the falling debris of western allied planes. Game ends on turn 73, so not sure there will be a "final assault" on the craven Irish in their holes in Bilbao. Can't Irish tanks fight? Come out and show us how brave you are? 

As for sinking double what I just sank, not possible. I sank more Canadian ship points then there is in the Libyan Navy. 

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