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If you read my post I said we sank double the tonnage sank in YOUR Maritime Strike vs US. Yeah you sank some Canadian carriers but those weren’t ours. We have some in the med as well but you have yet to find them and planes off their decks were the ones that sent your supply ships heading to xBarcelona to the bottom. 
As for our armored forces they will proudly 

rumble forward out of the mountains on turn 74 and declare Victory for surviving vs the ‘mighty’ Libyan war machine meh. 🤣

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Some? 3 or 4 is some, 39 is an absurdly huge number. Yes, we sunk 39 Canadian aircraft carriers in one turn. Canada and Iceland have had a really bad week, and it's going to get worse. I realize they're just you're TA's, and apparently bad things that happen to them don't really matter, but you're all the bad guys in my book, and killing any of you is cause for celebration. BTW, the sheep were slaughtered once again over Bilbao. I wondered how it was taking you so long to capture the Azores, but now I see, your army is made up mostly of rangers and airborne. The wolves are coming for you sheep, and your shepherd is away. Turn 73 is all that will save the slaughter. 

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Slaughtered over Bilbao?? Bah mere flesh wounds. Our aircraft shrugged them off and still attacked reducing your pitiful little band of ‘puppy wolves’ hiding in the mountains significantly. I think you were talking about the slaughter over Minglanilla. Come on you can’t even keep your propaganda straight. 🤣. Get with it and finish me off in xBilbao. That’s gonna be a damn near impossibility at this point and even if the war lasted past TP73 it is very very doubtful those pop guns you keep bringing to the fight will even scratch our defenses. 
We Bleat in your general direction!! You may blow and blow and blow trying to knock down our house but all we will have to deal with is your bad breath!! 😂

Now with that said. I’d like to add that we have throughly enjoyed this game and all the banter here on the forums. Our allies have also enjoyed this game and many have said it will be one to remember for a long time. Thanks to our enemies and allies alike for making this game so enjoyable 👍👍

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Well, here's the stats over Bilbao.

Canada lost 452 combined P-47N's and P-51B's and didn't get through to the target

Ireland lost 390 P-38J's and did 1.29 divisions damage to air 39 and Mtn 41 divisions

Ireland lost 127 A-26B's and 297 P-51H's and didn't get through to the target

In all these combats, Libya lost 163 fighters. 

I'd call that a Slaughter. As for reducing significantly, I think a better example is the 6 full strength mech 44 divisions of the USA in xLisbon. Airstrikes reduced them to 0. We obviously have a different take on things here. 

And it has been a fun game. Would of been a great time to play it out, but you guys alone couldn't fight us without the eastern bloc chipping in. I appreciate you putting out the effort thought! To my mind, the bane of Victory! is people who have a couple of things go wrong and then just drop because it's going to be hard. I hate fighting computers, and the best thing in this game is I haven't fought one yet. 

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The 🐑 never surrender! Ever!  We would rather go down fighting on all 4 legs then to let some whacky computer run the show. 🤣
we still have 2 more TP’s before the end of game so come on over and see how well those Junks do vs 🐑 made defenses. I’d predict not too well and you know it or you would have been hitting me every turn. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the books, a very fun game. Thanks to the western allies for fighting to the end, and a big shout out to Tunisia and Algeria, who though crushed early, and clearly having no possibility of victory, fought on. I play Victory! for the fun fights with competent players, and this one will rank with my favorites!

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Now it’s officially in the books. Sorry MarklenX but the 🐑 heard there was some exotic new grass in the city of xSarra and landed a couple of crack airborne 🐑 troopers to investigate. 😉

To our one time allies The TransJordanians..... well your fleet off of BCY1 didn’t fare so well when they tried to defend themselves  vs berserker 🐑 naval forces  All that could be heard over the IMC was 🐑 warcries and explosions. 😁

we even whacked a few SS King Tiger divisions in x Madrid. 

we Irish 🐑 finished the war with a Big Bang and a few bleats in the general direction of our enemies. 😁

well fought!!  We enjoyed this game immensely  




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What an interesting game for me!  I played Lowlands, and at one point I was down to possessing only the city of Amsterdam. But through the inaction of my enemies, and, more importantly, support from my allies, I was able to gain possession of all of the Lowlands before the game ended!

A fun game indeed! It was a pleasure working with all of my allies!

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  • 5 months later...
On 6/18/2020 at 6:28 PM, Kevin.C said:

What an interesting game for me!  I played Lowlands, and at one point I was down to possessing only the city of Amsterdam. But through the inaction of my enemies, and, more importantly, support from my allies, I was able to gain possession of all of the Lowlands before the game ended!

A fun game indeed! It was a pleasure working with all of my allies!

And to think some of those very allies were enemies at first!! 🐑😁

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