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An Irish ? finds and owl in the barn and asks the wise ole bird a poser....

“Baaaaaa How many 16” HE naval shells does it take to get to the center of a Dutch armaments factory? “ 

The ? turns his head to look directly at the ? and says... “3!!”

”thankyou oh wise ?”

The Irish ? happily strolls out of the barn with an evil grin?

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Master spy baa baa disguised as a clump of grass discovered,

France controls xCherbourg      
France controls xCalais         
Germany controls Bremen         
Germany controls Lubeck         
Germany controls Mannheim       
Lowlands controls Freiburg       What is lowlands up to?
France controls Orleans        
France controls La Rochelle    
Germany controls Hannover       
Denmark controls Rostock        What is Denmark up to?
Germany controls Grimmen        
France controls Bordeaux       
Poland controls Danzig         
Poland controls Nowe           

I wonder what are they up to?


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Fake News .... just in

Landing craft were sited off the coast of g.....

Bombers received orders to bomb the port A...

Ships are chugging in the direction of the city of C....

or this is just propaganda or maybe in the close future.

What is the truth? hey did that bush just move.?


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Master Spy Baa Baaa is spreading disinformation eh? Or is it truth? Who knows? The Shadow knows or is it the Dark ??  But here is some real news. We have heard from a reliable source that 2 ? on the coast of France have spotted what appeared to be Cruisers manned by ? steaming east under the cover of darkness. Stayed tuned for more. Baaaaa

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This might be the craziest thing I've seen in victory in a while:

let me set the stage for you

czech poland invade lowlands ta germany

ireland and Britain chomping at the bit publicly to land in France/lowlands

portugal attacks lowlands ta France one must assume Spain to follow?

italy at war with lowlands ta Switzerland in Switzerland 

so the most logical move for lowlands? Start a war with Italy's ta Austria and push 11 mtn div into bregenz! Ya that makes perfect sense when you guys weren't even on austria's radar! Lmao

ireland you'll be happy to know the entire lowlands airforce is at Freiburg 


i cant stop laughing! 


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2 hours ago, Predator said:

This might be the craziest thing I've seen in victory in a while:

let me set the stage for you

czech poland invade lowlands ta germany

ireland and Britain chomping at the bit publicly to land in France/lowlands

portugal attacks lowlands ta France one must assume Spain to follow?

italy at war with lowlands ta Switzerland in Switzerland 

so the most logical move for lowlands? Start a war with Italy's ta Austria and push 11 mtn div into bregenz! Ya that makes perfect sense when you guys weren't even on austria's radar! Lmao

ireland you'll be happy to know the entire lowlands airforce is at Freiburg 


i cant stop laughing! 


Hmmmmm... This must be a typo then. Some one should let Russ know that the computer is putting lie's into our turn results. I wouldn't want to wrongly think that Austria might have ill intent against Germany. :thumbsup:

Austria has attempted to break its political agreement with your nation

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BTW Information of the whereabouts of the Dutch airforce is nice but if no consequence to our plans. In fact the location of any of thier military forces is of no consquence. The result in the end will be the same. Death and Destruction followed by more Death and Destruction. Baaaaaaaaa

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On 10/28/2017 at 7:43 PM, Predator said:

Haha well I missed that one... still makes no sense attack the one trying to break or one of the two already in Germany! Oh wait we built mtn div with German tech 

I see no options but to attack Austria then☹️


It could also be by design once the situation started to develop. They well knew the Swiss were going to be under threat so this could be a counter-threat. 

Force Austria to split its forces so it couldn’t attack the Swiss full on. What I don’t get is if they knew that there was to be hostilities on the eastern front why not make a deal with us ??  Too late for that dontchknow. You don’t get another bite at the ??

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