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2 hours ago, Predator said:

Enemies keep sliding turns back for absolutely no reason, absurd

ireland britaind DW Iceland

so all that bleeting at the french group was a smokescreen

Maybe it was maybe it wasn’t. In any event  it did it’s job and then some. The Dutch saved us the trouble of DW on them so that ‘smokescreen’ was pretty  thick I’d say. More smoke to come or maybe not. Can’t ever tell with these ? ?

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May the new year bring you all good tidings. Some will need more then most by the looks of this latest turn report. 

First off..... Italian forces seem to be having issues pacifying those pesky Swiss mountain men. Did the Italians forget that the Swiss citizens are heavily encouraged to acquire the heaviest weaponry they can afford? 

Looks like the Austria group is recruiting more vict.. er members to their cause. The latest seems to be Poland who has declared war on those same pesky Swiss mountaineers. Good luck there Poles. You may need more then is available. 

The Icelandiers fell asleep at the wheel once again this cycle. Unemployment which were already at horrid levels just shot up again. We predict rioting in the streets of xReykjavik if there aren’t riots already in progress. 

The Dutch declaration of war on the ? last turn seemed to be a defensive measure in some way. Did the Dutch believe that We sheep would undertake some kind of hostilities vs the Dutch? Well maybe we did and maybe we didn’t. We’ll never tell?. But I would definitely keep your guard up..... way way up  

Happy New Year!!!!! 

The ? 

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Master baaa... reporting from xReykjavik and could be heard be heard between munches "Have a Happy New Year."

When interviewed by Shirley Sheep (Ace reporter) concerning Fake News,

Can you tell me if you will be at the Legendary Fortress in London for the New Year?

Sadly, munch munch some grass to the south east of Britain needs to be tasted...

Can you say anything about the shipyards in  xReykjavik ?

Nope, as he lifted he of his feet in a comical dance counting to four...

He wandered off disappearing into the icy snow looking for fresh grass... Shirley Sheep signing off ?

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Actually  Pete you do have a TA. 

Our intel operatives have informed us that Norway is a total ally of yours. He’s not doing so good at the moment but it should not  preclude him from giving you something.  It would also have helped just a tiny bit to have had  some kind of defense other then zero.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to yet another insighful report straight from the land of the sheep!:D

Count em 8! yes 8 declarations of war so far from the tiny country of Lowlands. Who would have thought that the Dutch would have so many enemies? The game is still young so I wonder who the Dutch will declare war on next?

It looks like the Germans have gotten off thier collective butts and kicked the Poles out of xBerlin. I hear the Poles are even now mounting a counter-offensive to push them right back out again. We shall see. 

Iceland seems to be having issues with its pilots not being able to hit ANYTHING. By contrast they drop out of the skies like flies with one airgroup suffering 50% casualty rates. We suggest a crash training program there Iceland or the war will be over quickly.:P

There seems to be much activity in northern Africa with Algeria on a tear through Morroco. I hear it wont be long before the capital itself falls.

In southern europe the waring sides seemed to have pulled back a bit and might be waiting the onset of spring. dont know why exactly. The weather in Southern France is quite pleasant this time of year.;)

Until next time. This is the vicious savage bloodthirsty warlike sheep signing off. :cannon:

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