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Advanced Game 71


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:thumbsup: Respectfully,


For the record.....Czech fought back....and valiantly. Hungary and Austria played a great team game against him.


Germany couldnt break with Austria to save his life and one major turn of events happened when Hungary's turn slipped in front of mine and he managed to break that alliance...cutting off my full division that was surrounding an empty Vienna....all around turn 4 or 5.


Czech and I lost about 4-5 full divisions to the A-H regime.....before most of Europe was finished polishing their boots for the pre-war parade. :lol:


As much as it pains me to say it... :cheers: <--- to A-H for an excellent decimation of Czech....a Czech that did not lay down as some historians might have you think. :cheers:


Just because you clean up the party doesn't mean you know how it started :D


Kudos to a crafty southern alliance that has been relentless on the A-H regime....without you, I fear Germany and Poland would have been long long long gone!

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Totally off the current subject, I hear that we had one no vote for the open ended game, and that means we are playing only until turn 73. I for one am hugely dissapointed, as the game is shaping up to have several very powerful alliances, and there is no chance this will be settled by turn 73. To assign a winner on an artificial points system in this game would leave all who remain with a bitter taste in their mouths. I know that some think they may not survive if we go to open ended, but they can make it to 73, but think of your fellow players, wouldn't it be nice to play to a conclusion?

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Hmmm ... do I get a prize if I find where you moved your supplies, etc. to? Or is it a finder's keepers sort of arrangement? :D


-SK :cheers:

Sorry for the delay, been busy with planning my next entries into WRE.


You can claim your prize, but only in person. If of course you can find them, and are willing to try to come claim them.




Our dear European Dictatorix, you will be missed.


Don't worry about Italy, he's just mad cause your leaving with all his balls. :thumbsup:

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Dear Marklen.

Do I detect a hint of seething resentment? Are you still annoyed about the untimely demise of Generalissimo Bodaglio? He's gone to a better place, you know. I'm using him as an umbarella stand. (No prizes for guessing where the umbarella goes) The umbarella is quite usefull for fending off the tacical air strikes by what is left of your air force.

What else can I say, but to re-iterate my apologies for the butchery and slaughter I have caused your armies. I can tell you that when I viewed the battle field I was quite traumatized. It was not a pretty sight, all those poor, brave (and somewhat overweight) soldiers splattered all over venice. There were bits of Italians everywhere, and although I searched and I searched I couldn't find the bits I was looking for!!

On the subject of the open ended game, you needn't worry as I feel confident that the issue, for Italy, will be academic. We all know that central europe is about to become a blood bath that would make Elizabeth Bathory blush and you should consider the following.

i) Germany is unlikely to share Austria with Italy.

ii) Italy doesn't have much of an army left, does it?

iii) Germany is unlikely to share Italy with Italy.


My only regret is that I will miss all the fun. Oh well...Life is full of small disappointments, as the luscious, wanton blonde (that's me) said to the bald, pudgy, middle aged and rather tired Italian dictator (that's you).

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That is pretty funny Slob, why would I have any resentment, seething or otherwise. Unlike some people, I know this game has ups and downs, and losing a few tanks is no cause for alarm. None of the divisions were killed, and with all that Austrian armaments production I will have in a couple of turns they will be rebuil soon! I also always knew that my American tanks could not fight T-34s even up. I also know about teamwork however, and thus we have made mincemeat of your advance. I find it humorous that you have lost more of Austria then I have of Italy, yet you sound like you have won something. To win at this game requires nerve, brains and most of all the willingness to fight on. I will be here on 73, and maybe I will remember you, but likely not.

Oh, and one more thing. Do you have a picture of me? How did you describe me so perfectly? Your starting to freak me out man!

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I didn't vote "no".


Our Danish sake is selling well and want to continue exports well past the usual endgame.


Except for a few minefield incidents all shipments have been on time. :python:




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