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Advanced Game 71


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cd_ernst - Thanks. I've actually played in a game (Not Victory) where a played decided to hang around just to frustrate me enough to quite. He knew there was no other way to win, but as long as he was turning in turns the game continued.


I don't care for open ended games where that type of tactic can be used. It's a waste of my time, my money, and my energy!


ShadowKitsune - I haven't been in an open ended game of Victory. I'd like to know the answer to your question as well!

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well, lets see if we can get this thread back on a game track. We have some interesting dynamics shaping up. Among the alliances we have the Asians, (also known as PISS), what I call the African-American group, the Nordic group, The Island group, the Northern Europeans, and us poor little Southern Europeans right in the middle. I imagine Algeria and Libya are still fighting, though I don't know. Should be some major sparks flying soon!

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Our proud German soldiers are enjoying the parades and celebrations for freeing the repressed people of Czech, Austria and Hungary. The people seem genuine in their appreciation. :blink: That must have been a bad, bad regime.


The unfortunate part is that we have yet to find Von Doom or any of his criminal advisors. Nor have we found any weapons of mass destruction, or ties to terrorist groups. Ooops. Intelligence officials have informed us that Von Doom was in exile in Czech provinces, but he seems to have slipped away. :rolleyes: We will continue to look, but I believe von Doom has escaped.

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"I imagine Algeria and Libya are still fighting, though I don't know. Should be some major sparks flying soon! "




Algeria continues on only for someones intel pruposes. :rolleyes:


Libya has quit resisting, for now. :ph34r:


Tunisia and Morocco roll on to liberate our fallen comrade Egypt :cheers:


Onward to team SPIeS (PISS) :blink:

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well, lets see if we can get this thread back on a game track. We have some interesting dynamics shaping up. Among the alliances we have the Asians, (also known as PISS), what I call the African-American group, the Nordic group, The Island group, the Northern Europeans, and us poor little Southern Europeans right in the middle. I imagine Algeria and Libya are still fighting, though I don't know. Should be some major sparks flying soon!

Whatever happened to the Tricycle of Evil? :lol:


FWIW - We prefer to be called the NAACP (North African-American Coalition [for] Peace [through superior firepower]). :rolleyes:


-SK :cheers:

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Rasputin, that is easy, when only one total alliance, or player, is still active, the game is over. Beltira, I have been in more then one game where at turn 73, there was a knock down drag out fight going between my alliance and another. It was very unfortunate that we were not able to settle it in the game instead of by an arbitrary point system. In one of those games, over 90 percent of the cities were controlled by the two principal combatants, but a third party, with fewer then 5 of his own cities remaining, voted not to make it an openended game after the two principal combatants both asked Russ to continue. I can tell you, it was a very unsatisfactory ending, even though my side won the game. The point is, yes, I would enjoy fighting it out to a finish in the scenario you describe. Play until only one side is left turning in turns.

I would agree that the Victory conditions leave quite a bit to be desired, especially when it comes to balancing out the large vs small country issues, computer vs human run countries, and others.


My only real issue is that there should be some kind of set of conditions that end a game. As an example, if one or two players hold all of USA and Canada, and another player or group of TA's hold all of the rest, IMHO it should be declared over at that point


Hopefully with V2 this will be an easy to resolve issue.

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Perhaps when one country or alliance controls 70 percent of the capitols? That would be 28 of 40, and it would be clear there would be no stopping them at that point.

I would prefer a more staggered approach ...


The game would be over if --

One country controlled over 50% of the Capitals, or ...

a Total Alliance of 2 countries controlled over 60% of the Capitals, or ...

a Total Alliance of 3 countries controlled over 70% of the Capitals, or ...

a Total Alliance of 4 countries controlled over 80% of the Capitals.


... or something to that effect.


-SK :cheers:

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That is along the lines of my thoughts!


Although I am thinking with the logistics that become envolved, that it should also follow the adding 30 more orders each 25 turns. I don't see why anyone would appose this, if you don't want or need them, don't use them. But with an MCR of just one type of item being limited to 15 locations before it becomes a double order, and needing to keep multiple occupied countries going, more orders IMHO become a must or they will server to just drag the game out longer.

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As the last standing member of the original Tricycle of Destruction....I am happy to announce that one tire has been replaced, another upgraded and the frame has been enhanced to make us now a "Three-Wheel ATV of Destruction" (And if you add the even larger Chassis in the South...perhaps an 18-Wheeler of Destruction)


Dang - it just doesn't have the same ring as 'Tricycle of Destruction' :lol:

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That is along the lines of my thoughts!


Although I am thinking with the logistics that become envolved, that it should also follow the adding 30 more orders each 25 turns. I don't see why anyone would appose this, if you don't want or need them, don't use them. But with an MCR of just one type of item being limited to 15 locations before it becomes a double order, and needing to keep multiple occupied countries going, more orders IMHO become a must or they will server to just drag the game out longer.

I just wonder if the program can handle more than 60 Orders per country. :drunk:


-SK :cheers:

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