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Advanced Game 71


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  • 2 weeks later...

:ph34r: Where is everyone? Things have become eerily quite here for the last couple of weeks. Is it the calm before the storm or is everyone salivating over the fruits of their victories so far? :cheers:


Or...is everyone quietly looking over their shoulder to see who's coming next? :unsure:


Many have fallen but still many remain heading into the stretch run. Who is next to fall? Which alliance will sustain the onslaught to prevail? So so many questions remain.


Stand up and be counted. Speak now in praise of your nations victories before possibly being silenced in defeat.


:rolleyes: My glass is raised to all who have stood strong to this point and my heart ways heavy for those that have not.



Supreme Sultan

Lasting Ruler of Tunisia and savior to the desert oasis of Tunisia of which the Algerian and Libyan hordes tried to sack

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It's good to see someone bring conversation back to this game. I was wondering if all of the talkers (except my TAs of course :cheers: ) were eliminated. I've been busy cleaning up after the Austrians and Hungarians. They left quite a mess of the place.


The instability in France has my people concerned. The aggressive behavior of some of these regimes have created a state of anarchy. The citizens in my border provinces are demanding some sort of action. :rolleyes: I imagine that things will get pretty interesting in the next few turns.




Germany Game 71

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To all,


The camel has left the building. Due to mismanagement and bad business deals. The Irish pub corportation is now out of business. :drunk:


I was looking forward to an exciting game, especially you cool hunter :drunk:


But the fortunes of war smile on those that survive. I am not that lucky this time. :D


Never fear I will see you all again in a game in the future. :thumbsup:


Ps I am still in game 69


DezertCamel :oops:

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Well Slob, I will give you credit for fighting on when all is lost, very few do that, so my hat is off to you. It appears we have drastically reduced the players, I can only count 16 left. Perhaps another roll call is in order? Heres to all the people that have made it this far, now it will really get interesting.

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For Release 4 p.m. EDT

August 6, 2004


Saudi Arabia Announces All Your Pyramids are now belong to P.I.S.S.


RIYADH, SAUDIA ARABIA — August 6, 2004 — Today Fariq Awwal, Beltira announced the re-opening of the only remaining member of The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, The Great Pyramid at Giza along with other pyramids and The Great Sphinx.


For over 4 millennia the Egyptians have selfishly kept these great treasures for themselves, however today this has changed. The Great Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been entrusted by Team P.I.S.S. to ensure the preservation of these great historic treasures and open them to the public to demonstrate Saudi Arabia's benevolence and good graces. Tourist from all over shall be welcomed to come see these awesome wonders built by the blood sweat and tears of entire generations of slave labor at the mercy of slave masters and Pharaohs of the past.


These monuments have stood the test of time, unlike Egypt itself has done. Saudi Arabia and Team P.I.S.S stand guard to ensure the safety of these monuments and those deciding to come gaze into the history of this great land. To ensure our ability to host as many as possible visitors, we have established the Great Giza Pyramid And Sphinx Memorial Relocation Center. Thus we will be able to ensure the safety and security off all Visitors.




Team P.I.S.S. is a registered trademark of Team P.I.S.S., Inc. Persia is a registered trademark of Persia, Inc. Iraq is a registered trademark of Iraq. Syria is a registered trademark of Syria, Inc. Saudi Arabia is a registered trademark of Saudi Arabia, Inc.


The names of actual countries and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners(for now at least...so many countries, so little time).

For more information, press only:

(Beltira, Fariq Awwal, Saudi Arabia), (beltira@charter.net)


Team P.I.S.S - Coming to a capital near you! :thumbsup:

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Beltira, I was thinking about a vacation, and the pyramids of Giza sound like a perfect historical spot to go. Would we be welcome there? Or should I bring some marines? From what I read, maybe I should be asking that question of Morroco or Tunisia though, as they may soon be the new managers of the facility.

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Beltira, I was thinking about a vacation, and the pyramids of Giza sound like a perfect historical spot to go. Would we be welcome there? Or should I bring some marines? From what I read, maybe I should be asking that question of Morroco or Tunisia though, as they may soon be the new managers of the facility.

Anticipating a great demand, we have ample facilities available for you, and of course for your Marines, and even those of Morroco and Tunisia. :drunk:


And we shall assure the security of them as well. Of course this does mean surrendering, but that is such a small price to require for the safety and well being of your forces and citizens. :alien:


We are a caring and peaceloving lot, which is why it is our mission to secure peace throughout by eliminating all the foes of peace and stability throughout. :drunk:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is nice hear that the pyramids in Egypt are being preserved. Too bad it is so far away. I haven't saved up enough frequent flier miles. I could get my Focke Wulfs down there eventually, but they would be obsolete by the time they arrived.


What about the north? Iceland is eerily quiet. I see that Norway and Baltic States are at war, but no news. Maybe it is because there is nothing to preserve in the north except a couple of castles and the city of Trondheim. I would like to explore the great northern parts of the map, but unfortunately we Germans don't like water. If you can't drive there in a panzer, it really isn't a very good vacation anyway. :oops:

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Ok, I plead guilty to making this board boring by removing gulliblepratt and slob, but lets get some activity back. How about a roll call of who is left? I know for sure that Persia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Morroco, Tunisia, USA, Portugal, Lowlands, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Germany and Central Russia are playing. Did I miss anybody?

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Ok, I plead guilty to making this board boring by removing gulliblepratt and slob, but lets get some activity back. How about a roll call of who is left? I know for sure that Persia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Morroco, Tunisia, USA, Portugal, Lowlands, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Germany and Central Russia are playing. Did I miss anybody?

Its so nice to be remembered!


I just hate having to envade someone to get them to remember me.


But such are the trials and tribulations of a Fariq.

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