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Advanced Game 71


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Best wishes to all those players who are welcoming the new year. I have waited until this time to announce myself. I felt one year would be a good time to do so.

I would like to address the leaders of team PISS

I look forward to the challenge you offer however, I would be remiss in my desire for world peace if i did not offer you asylum for you and your confidants at any of my fine villas now vacant from the baltic to the aegean. I have no doubts that you will prove to be much more formidable than the greeks, hungarians,austrians or poles. So I make this offer with the sincere desire of saving your people from unnescessary suffering. I will understand if it is your desire to retire to a home closer to your birthplace, if that is the case rest assured i will do my best to accomadate you.

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Greetings Woodswalker,


I have this feeling you have a knot in your stomach and this nagging voice in your head which is repeating the same phrase; “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."


Hope you have a really good umbrella.



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Greetings Rasputin,

I am sure you are aware that even the most fabled giants have usually met an unfortunate demise. My general staff has studied your military sucesses so far and are under no false illusions that you will blunder as badly as the previous commanders we have faced. You are right about the knot in my stomach but you have mis-diagnosed the cause.it is a knot of anticipation we are confident yet waryas we face an enemy that has tasted simular sucess on the battlefront. The thought that we may actually find a worthy opponent has my chiefs of staff almost giddy. As for my umbrella, I trust that to my spitfires.


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The Central European nations can no longer sit idly by while the hoarde from the east subjugates the freedom loving peoples of the world! Iraq's cowardly sneak attack on Italy's fleet while they were on maneuvers, has proven that we must deal with this menace once and for all. No longer will we sit and watch while innocents are slaughtered by the evil empires of the middle east. It is time for all freedom loving peoples to rise and defeat the beast!


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Greeting Woodswalker,

You have found an opponent with skill rather than just numbers. Our successes have been earned and tremendous. We shall see who blunders the most. Even you blunder!! I sincerely nope your staff stays giddy they’ll need something to cheer them up when we are done!!


Marklen_X, you are just too funny. To proclaim a cowardly sneak attack by Iraq to justify your actions seems par for the Central European Alliance. That proclamation should be featured on Bill O’Rielly’s Most Ridiculous item of the day. Your so called maneuvers weren’t peace loving, they were a prelude to war and the setting for your hostile actions.


Death to Piss isn’t going to be as easy for you as your other Conquest. I took out 75 % of Central Russia’s forces and forced him to drop in 7 turns. This from a position of two one on one opponent who weren’t previously battle damaged. Death is for the glory of Allah and we have helped many peoples to join in his glory. It is fantastic to see your alliance is so enthusiastic to meet Allah too!!




PS. I don’t mind being the beast when Linda Hamilton is the beauty!! :blush:

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Greeting Woodswalker,


We respect your alliances abilities and look forward to the challenge!



Greeting Marklen X,


I’ll agree the board has been very slow for this game recently. Think it goes with the territory of not to many of us left.


To revisit the open ended game question is fine. I’m more than willing to play in an open ended game if I know about it in advance. That has been my position all along and will continue to be my position even if the switch would give me an advantage.


Although I understand your desire for the continuation of our battle it would be foolish to give away the game by willingly giving you the advantage. There is no way I’d play Russian Tech in an open ended game unless I had no other choice. The required naval capabilities of the tech aren’t good enough. Actually, Russian Tech is the worst choice for such a game.


I think it would be best to ask Russ to start accepting players for an Advanced Start Open Ended game in about 3 to 4 months. That would give us time to bring this game closer to an end and allow us to be in a better position to give it proper attention.




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Shadow, I think the German is the overall strongest, due to the things you mentioned and some others. The US tech gets the great planes and ships. The British lag a little behind, but they still have great fighters.

As for the contention that our alliance has an advantage, the three of us fighting Team Piss have Russian, British and US tech, so we suffer the same inadequacies as your group Rasputin. I see no tech advantage for either side. I just like the idea of the winner being the folks who win the war, not the ones who are ahead at an artificial time.

BTW Rasputin, were you in game 59? As Norway?

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Marklen X,


No, I wasn't in Game 56.


We can argue the point of Tech advantage all day long and find no common ground. It is my belief you have a Tech advantage which would not have been present if we would have joined this game as an open ended game from the start. So I won't go any further than that statement. You disagree and that is fine.


If you are so eager to play an open ended game ask Russ to start accepting players. It would be easier than getting people to change the game rules after it's start. I'll tell you now, I'll join the game!! But I will not change the rules of a game once the game starts - period.


Believe and say what you must, all that is fine with me. Get mad and get over it. Come kick my butt - or try too.





In my opinion an open ended game requires Naval power. How else is any country going to get to USA or Canada or Iceland or Britian? Russian tech will not meet that requirement, nor does German tech.


Depending on the structure of the team you are playing with, or members of an alliance if you didn’t start with a predetermined team, would dictate the tech packages you would use. With a three member team Marklen_X’s team picked very well. Two Air and Naval based and one strong land based tech package. Not a bad combination!


I don’t think there is any one best tech package for an open ended game. I believe it’s the combination of packages of your alliance that determines the advantage and weaknesses.


What I can say is there is no way I’d try to assault USA or Canada home territory with Russian Tech!!!!!! It would be like trying to win a western gun fight with a cap gun.....LOL

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Rasputin, my question is simple, if your alliance and our alliance both have US tech and both have Russian tech, how is that a tech advantage for us? I am not arguing one over the other, merely saying that we have as great a disadvangate of Russian tech, if there is one, as you do, but we are not afraid to play it to a conclusion, and let the best alliance win.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate to join the discussion so late, but I haven't checked the forum in awhile.



The decision to oppose extending the game is not really about who has a superior tech at all. It is about AVOIDING the ultimate conclusion. Because of the initial locations of the TAs still involved, this war has been impossible until recently. To begin a clash of such powerful TAs on turn 55 or so, means there can be no conclusion and team PISS knows it. They are afraid that given the normal flow of a war, the Central Europeans might just win this. Rather than risk losing, team PISS is going to take their ball and go home. Game over.


I say this as I chuckle at the ludicrous argument of team PISS having inferior tech. The current war does not pit a TA of US and British tech against Russian and German tech. Then a case could be made that one TA had a tech advantage. We have one of everything, including Russian. If anything, we have a disadvantage. I am German tech and can't even join the fight - useless navy and short-ranged planes.


It is true that Russian tech could not take out the United States, but what is the harm of extending the game another 20 turns? Team PISS wouldn't have to take out the United States. Instead, knock the Northern Africans back to the Atlantic. For that matter, knock the Central Europeans out as well. It won't happen because team PISS can talk a big game, but they are afraid to see if they can back it up.


So go ahead team PISS, tell us how bad you are because we'll never really find out.

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