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Advanced Game 71


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As I have stated from the first on this topic, my opposition on extending the game was as to what conditions could be decided.


As I recall, the original ideas thrown out were things like control of all capitals in the game. Which would, by definition, mean having to take and hold Washington. Not likelly with Russian tech.


Further, I have stated repeatedly the idea of voting to extend it 25 turns to make up for the turns lost as advanved start, with the understanding that those remaining near this extended end game could vote for further extensions.


After all, exending my boarders to Spain does not sound so bad for me.

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to extend or not there have been some valid points made on both sides of this issue. I would like to offer an opinion as well. i understand the concerns a player may have concerning his choice of tech packs. and the amount of orders it would require to play the game to a decisive conclusion. I ask you to consider the fact a game of victory is like a tournament. The first round of elimination and trimming of the fat takes approximately 15 turns if not more. The winners of that first round advance to second elimination round and so it goes until the game ends. Bearing this in mind, i suggest we lost an entire round of conflict as we started on turn 25 the potential consequence of this is an unsatisfactory conclusion to the game. There are some powerful alliances out there the opportunity to engage such foes is really the fun of the game win or lose. I am not in favor of a game that is played to the last survivor, however,I would like to see some sort of extension to the current game. allowing an additional 24 turns would allow the game a full run. Even a modest extension to 90 turns could allow that round of elimination we missed to be played. I feel that this game has some very interesting dynamics that might not fully mature if it concludes on turn 73

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To be honest, I would much rather just extend the game a set number of turns than to play until a single TA ultimately wins. The winner of the game would be determined long before each capital was actually taken. There is a point where a TA gains the clear upper hand. After that, it is just mop up duty anyway.


I am just interested in a legitimate winner. :alien2:

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all the discussion recently has been about extending the game. time for some good old propaganda.

Syria your army general staff has provided great fodder for our local comedians. invoking comparisons to the Keystone cops. We have Identified over 50 armor divisions at your disposal. Yet, it seems they are outnumbered by my 18 marine divisions. Hysterical!

Persia all you have done so far is lose 6 armor divisions without firing a shot, and provide a splendid air show for my ground troops. Obviously you have been listening to the fearful murmurings that must be running rampant in the syrian general staff. I do hope your pilots were not too traumatized by their first meeting with my "Umbrella of spitfires". reports from izmit indicate more damage from falling debris than from munitions. Ground commanders report they were virtually unscathed, and that the fireworks your planes made as they exploded provided an entertaining diversion. If this is the rain you warned me about I could walk around in a tee-shirt and stay dry

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Beltira, and excellent suggestion. I believe that the current conflict between our alliance and yours cannot possibly be decided by turn 73, however, an additional 25 turns would surley do the trick. I am not certain of victory, but I would personally rather lose on the battlefield then win on points.



You guys that signed up for game 71 DID KNOW it was an advanced game that started on turn 25 right? I am not sure why all of the complaints.... :oops:


- Andy Brogan

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    Syria your army general staff has provided great fodder for our local comedians. invoking comparisons to the Keystone cops. We have Identified over 50 armor divisions at your disposal. Yet, it seems they are outnumbered by my 18 marine divisions. Hysterical!


Some good old propaganda: Indeed hysterical. Seeing your last bastion crumble to ashes. Sure my absolete-canon-fodder were repulsed, but did your staff actually made a calculation? The losses were clearly on your side.

By the way, how many letters did you need to write to the mothers of those poor bastards that lost their life on Turkish soil. For what, nothing?! Your staff is likely to make overtime writing all those letters.



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alas, Horus now you've shed some light on why your armies have stumbled around so franticly.Your staff is not even aware of what is and is not turkey.

I do understand how desperate you must be to report some success. So if the taking of xizmir with 16 armored divisions against 150 ldbs is what you would like to label as the crumbling of my last bastion. I just hope your people never hear the truth. By the way You don't still believe izmir is my objective. It was only a staging point for my final objective. Which I have taken,secured, and held off the obligitory counterattacks.

How barbaric and frightening that you would label 50 armor divisions as cannon fodder. obsolete? I have the same. or are you seeking to blame your tools for your poor worksmanship.

Rasputin the stories of general Oveisi's depression over the performance of his command should be lessoned by the knowledge that his airmen did succeed in making my fighter pilots insufferable. The stories they tell! If true you lost 20% of your bombers, and over 50% of your fighters. A kill ratio of over 4to1!

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Ahahha..my dear woodswalker. Either your staff can't read a map or doesn't even tell you of the slaughter at Izmit (with a 't'). Did they tell you your 18MAR fled to the city... I never said xIzmir (with an 'r') was your last bastion....


By the way tell your italian ally 'hi'. He must likely the scenery near Syria..;-)

How are the mountains, feels protective, is it not.....




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Horus what a lovely spin. I have complete confidence in my general staff. Their reports indicate that despite attacks from 2 syrian armies that they held the ground at izmit the syrians "fled" the field. General Tito then withdrew to reorganize and resupply. As to where he plans on landing next ?

By the way I see the Persian army has entered the fray.They sure look pretty, and my field reports indicate they appear to be quite fierce in scattering the local citizenry

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By the way I see the Persian army has entered the fray.They sure look pretty, and my field reports indicate they appear to be quite fierce in scattering the local citizenry


Your field reports are again inaccurate. The citizens have not scattered, they are organizing a resistance. They have sworn to rise against the Infidels who wish to dominate them with their liberating rhetoric.


General Oveisi is not depressed. There is no reason to be depressed after helping to force the Italians to hide in the mountains?

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