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Advanced Game 71


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Have you ever watched a dog chase his tail? Or maybe heard of the cat so distracted by the mouse he followed it into the dogs house? If not , don't worry you soon will.


The infidel has likened my people to a dog. With the will of Allah you soon will be shown we have the power of your God and that we are not backward.

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Dogs, tails?  Allahs?



What I want to know:  who blew up Poland?  Or do the proud citizens of Warsaw remain free?    :ninja:


Well, since CoolThunder (Germany) has BPA'd my country and is at war with Baltic States I'd imagine he owns Warsaw. xWarsaw hasn't fallen yet meaning he still has himself wrapped around a Pole looking out for the BS!! :D:D



Go Team PISS!

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The following is a report as filed by an enbedded correspondent with the 30th marines in Izmit.

" We watched the Persians Advance into the countryside The 42 tank army 12 divisions 120,000 men over 2000 tanks plus towed artillery. Marshall Ghazi strutted all around as his t-34s devastated the land. They looked so impressive in their new equipment like they had just come from the parade ground.

Then came the stout pilots of the Rumanian Air Force in their tu 2s. Which apparently unnerved the marshall as his staff car was seen fleeing to the rear even before the first bombs hit. deserting his command for a dinner date in Ankara. After the rumanians came the whitleys of the Yugoslavian Air force. Then Marshall Kadijevic ordered the assault.

It soon became obvious that the persians were completely unprepared for the fury of the marines. THeir pretty formations just dissolved in a mad dash to the rear. Only to find more marines. Following the example of their leaders they surrendered in mass.

12 more division flags are enroute to Belgrade for display bringing the total to 18 the number of Persian tank divisions that have surrendered the first time they faced our proud marines"

It appears that the pratice of deserting their command is common amongst team P I S S. Marshall Jedid led the Sryian 7th army into Manisa, then apparently had the same dinner date as Marshall Ghazi. When General Tito led the 33 marines ashore. The marshall was no where to be found. True to the example set by the Persians the Sryians ran. THey ran much faster then the marines could advance so renmants escaped.

My dear Rasputin maybe now you know of the cat so distracted by the mouse he followed it into the dogs house. Horus, which way do you point your army ?where is the head where is the tail?

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Fear not, the proud people of Poland are being well cared for. Since that nasty coupe overthrew your government, the northern alliance has made it a priority to free the Poles from tyranny imposed by that illegal government. While we have freed the people in southern Poland, those in the northern provinces have faced even greater evils. The agressive war mongers of Baltic States have taken it upon themselves to enslave the Polish people.


The German people have not forgotten the illegal and inhumane acts of the Baltic States. Many turns ago Baltic States enslaved Germans in East Prussia the same way they are the Poles now. This situation will soon be corrected. We will not stop until every Pole and every German citizen are freed. In fact, we will not stop until the Baltic State empire is destroyed.

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Fear not, the proud people of Poland are being well cared for.  Since that nasty coupe overthrew your government, the northern alliance has made it a priority to free the Poles from tyranny imposed by that illegal government.  While we have freed the people in southern Poland, those in the northern provinces have faced even greater evils.  The agressive war mongers of Baltic States have taken it upon themselves to enslave the Polish people.


The German people have not forgotten the illegal and inhumane acts of the Baltic States.  Many turns ago Baltic States enslaved Germans in East Prussia the same way they are the Poles now.  This situation will soon be corrected.  We will not stop until every Pole and every German citizen are freed.  In fact, we will not stop until the Baltic State empire is destroyed.


HUZZAH! Give 'em hell German brothers and sisters! :cheers:


Death to the Balts! :cheers::thumbsup::cheers::):P * :D


*mysterious santa-icon placement. Does not bode well for Baltic States in my experience with such things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Where has everyone disapearred to ? I have seen no new posts . The banter makes this game take on a whole new dimension. I know there have been some major victories somewhere. Outside of Western Turkey. Lets hear some propaganda.


I ahve not even seen a post regarding the game length. Does anyone know how many are still in the game how about a row call Yugoslavia here

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It sure would be nice if you could talk to Italy about littering the sea ports of Turkey. The environmentalist are getting very upset. We keep trying to tell them it's all about the Reef Building project they were so happy about. But now they have changed their mind after seeing the massive oil spill from the 17 Queen Mary's and are threatening to join with PETA and Green Peace. I don't know about you, but I'd rather fight amonst ourselves then to get PETA involved!!


Rumania - Peeke Boo I see you!! :huh: LOL

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Although I am in favor of an open ended game, the 25 turn extension sounds like a reasonable compromise, can't remember who proposed it. I for one will vote for an extension to turn 98.

It would be nice to make a decision, as all of us can make better long term plans. It certainly appears there will be no victor by turn 73 in the bitter war in the east.

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Although I am in favor of an open ended game, the 25 turn extension sounds like a reasonable compromise, can't remember who proposed it. I for one will vote for an extension to turn 98.

It would be nice to make a decision, as all of us can make better long term plans. It certainly appears there will be no victor by turn 73 in the bitter war in the east.


What turn are you guys on now? Also, can someone give an outsider an idea of how the game is going (sides vs sides).

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Although I am in favor of an open ended game, the 25 turn extension sounds like a reasonable compromise, can't remember who proposed it. I for one will vote for an extension to turn 98.

It would be nice to make a decision, as all of us can make better long term plans. It certainly appears there will be no victor by turn 73 in the bitter war in the east.



The USA votes in favor of this plan. :blush:

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Dear Horus

I must give credit where credit is due.Your persistance is admirable you live by the motto if at first you don't succeed try try again. Unfortunately now two more of your armies will die by it. A slaughter of good men by such myopic leadership is difficult for my general staff to comphrehend. I can not fail to see dire consequences in store for your government if the populace is ever allowed access to the truth of your follies in western turkey. The only other explanation I can conceive is that you are allowing your young men to be slaughtered so that persian and iraqi men arn't. Which leads to the question are you in charge?Or are you just a puppet controlled by your nieghbors?

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