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A Notice to the People of Algeria and Libya


Your imperialistic leaders have seen fit to callously invade the sacred lands of Tunisia. The Tunisian Defense Forces have now mobilized and will vanquish the intruders. Rise up against the tyranny in your leadership and welcome the forces of the TDF when they enter the cities of Algiers and Tripoli.


The Supreme Sultan of Tunisia calls upon the combined effort of those nations in North Africa to assist Tunisia in the liberation of the people of Algeria and Libya. The struggle will be long and the battle bloody but the invading forces will be driven back and conquered.


Supreme Sultan




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Greetings Iraq,

it seems you are agressive towards the British Empire? :(

Can't do much about it. :ranting:


May you live an interesting life :lol:



Great Brittain

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Prime Minister Weshallovercome,


Your perception of aggression is simply protectionism. I decided to help you protect your Persian Gulf assests. My intentions are not hostile but honorable in nature. I will take possession of this land and cultivate it's resources, and when you are in need they will be there for you. I look at it as a land loan, and this document will serve as my I O U. I am not trying to make new enemies as enemies are cheap, and I already have more of them than I can take. I look for friendship and mutual assistance. Although this may be a strange way to go about it, it is what I look for with the mighty empire you so wisely lead!



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Well Yoda, that is one well written document. You didn't by chance drop it in camel dung before you sent it! Cause it sure smells funny!! :P


Let's see how it goes. Take his land hostily and declare it is with unhostile intentions. Then inform him you seek friendship and mutual assistance. Where did you go to school? "The Bill and Hillary of School Dipomacy."


Since you seem to be informing Great Britian of your assistance after the fact; I wanted to inform you before you make any decision that I don't want or need that kind of assistance!


Your neighbor,



PS. Camel chips are not to be mistaken for Potatoe chips! <_<

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The vaunted third wheel checking in!


I hope the wars are goin' swell.


Don't start without me, I've always wanted to see Hungary over the Holidays!




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Bycicle repair man, I mean Germany

Theres no room at the inn, it's that time of year :taz:


Lets eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you die.


Ratsputin:- Which bear are you

North, Central, South, mamma, pappa, baby, grizzly, panda, too much to?


Poland now that you have declared war on someone,

has it relieved your tension.

you had a vein throbbing on your temple that I thought was going to burst. :blink:


Gulliblepratt :ph34r:


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We got to die tomorrow?


Damn, we had enough beer stored up to last 'til the Spring at least.



Besides, we were busy today honoring the anniversary of the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor! *** :blink:



Well, should be fun until our Panzers run out of ammo.......







*** ANIMAL HOUSE humor reference, not actual historical record :taz:

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Rapoza - I appreciate your friendly gesture, you being from the Land of Ice and all. Tell you what, as you have been so friendly towards me, and I know you have to be getting tired of eating blubber I'd be more than happy to feed you some bull!!!! :taz:


Marklen X - Just a word of caution. If your not picking sides you may find yourself on the wrong side!! :(


Raspuckin - I'd say you qualify as Pooh Bear!!!!!!! :ph34r:


Gulliblepratt - Thanks for your concern about my throbbing veins, but they have been taken care of and blood pressure is back to normal. I have recently aquired a new thoroughbred ass. I call her Slo Gin. She has been an excellant replacement for my beloved Camel Long Island. Due to all the recent activity I have discovered that my social calendar is booked for the next few weeks, but you know what they say a busy bee is a happy bee!!!!! :blink:


To Whom it May Concern - War is not about being right it's about being LEFT :thumbsup:



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Greetings Knee Walking Turkeys

An acute alcohol imbalance will temporarily render me absent.

( I'm off on Holiday) :ph34r:


Don't finish the war without me :cheers:


Will resume the insults, abuse, derogatory remarks and propositions of marriage when I return.

Yes I know what your thinking, and the answer is, either.

No I will not,

Yes but only with a small furry animal,

The empire state building, or

all of the above.


Gulliblepratt :ph34r:



Honorary founder of WHEEE!

(we hate eastern european expansionists)

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To the neighbors of Iraq, :cheers:


I would appreciate it, if you would leave me a small coastal estate in southern Iraq, maybe 4 or 5 provinces in size. It gets very cold in Iceland and I'm looking for a hot place during my winter months. :thumbsup:




Land of Ice :P;):):D:rolleyes:

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Well, what a lot of consternation I seemed to have caused in the breastie of all the wee puir timorous central european beasties. And me just a helpless girl with long blonde locks, a flawless hourglass figure, and legs up to the top of my legs, who just wants someone to sponge her back while she takes her honey bath. Our Austrian bees are very hard workers.

We shall mow Austria to a pulp

Why Vaclov...how forcefull you are in your British armour,so...Dominant.

Hello Stanislaw. I'm afraid the Austrian hills are still alive with the sound of music and not the drone and distant thunder of Polish bombers. I'll try to arrange for a Von Trapp to welcome you. Winter is hard in northern Europe. You could try using antifreeze. You know how to make it, don't you? Hide her nightgown.


Slobadan: Treasurer and First Aid Officer of WHEEEE (We Hate Egotistical Extremist European Expansionists)

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Mssrs Slobadan and Gulliblepratt-


Our diplomats have been given a hefty christmas bonus for accurately constructing your profiles in advance of war.


There was a chance for peace had you not placed hostile operatives within Czechosolovakia's borders. Your lack of tact and taste now supercede your aggression.


You forebearers would blush at the degradation of your respective cultures.


Perhaps we may restore it.




Sue For Peace at your earliest convenience.

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